The Attacks Are Starting

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I waited in the car while Tony was inside Peter's building trying to make his Aunt let him take Peter for the week. It was nice to see Tony so happy and determined about someone. He just couldn't wait for Peter to call so there he was back there again trying to get him. It was quiet around the streets even though it was midday. You could just hear the sound of a few cars passing by.

Tony came running out with a giant duffel bag on his back and he was followed by Peter beside him. Tony threw the bag in the back and Peter got in. "So, how did you do it?" I asked Tony as he jumped into the driver's seat.

"I begged her and promised her... and money," Tony mumbled. "Let's go home." The car journey back was pretty peaceful. Peter sat in the back with his headphones in while Tony and I talked quietly to each other. "Peter can stay in the big guest room for the week."

"Okay, but where am I staying?" I asked.

"With me," Tony whispered.

"You know I can hear you," Peter said awkwardly. He paused for a moment and then looked back and forth between us. "Are you two getting married? Then I'd have two Dads!" I quickly turned on the music to full volume and it stayed that way until we were back at Stark Tower.

Peter jumped out of the car the second it pulled up into the car park. "I'm staying in Stark Tower!" he cried and he ran to the automatic doors. "Wait until I tell me friends." Tony shook his head at him. All heads turned to us as we started to walk towards the elevator. Tony slowly and discreetly let go of my hand. Just as we pressed the button for the elevator I felt a hand pull both mine and Tony's shoulders back.

"What do you both think you're doing?" whispered the woman.

"Pepper?!" hissed Tony. I flipped around surprised. "Not now." Tony tried to shake her hand off but she stood there waiting for an answer. "This is my... friend... Peter say hi." Peter turned around slowly taking the headphones of his head and he gave Pepper a small wave.  The doors finally opened and Tony pushed Peter and I in as quick as he could and pressed the buttons. As the doors shut, Pepper stood there with her hands on her hips shaking her head at Tony.  

The doors opened and you could hear Peter's gasp as he saw Tony's place. "Wow. It's so different to the old house," said Peter spinning in circles. I put my arm around Tony's neck and he leaned back on me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Am I staying up those stairs?" he asked excitedly. "Ah! Let me put my stuff down!" Peter ran up the stairs without looking back. Tony moved my arm of him and he turned to me and put his hands on my cheeks.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this with me," said Tony. "I promise we'll be back at the Avenger's Facility in no time."

"I don't mind not being there. We get more time alone," I said. "I quite like that." Peter came running down the stairs and he flipped over the wooden chair making Tony squeal. "What's the matter?" Peter asked confused.

"I thought you were going to hurt yourself flipping like that!" said Tony. "Come, let's sit down on the sofas or whatever." Tony sat down and pulled me down by my arms to sit next to him. Peter sat opposite us and he just smiled at us both. "So how's school?"

"Um.. it's alright... you know, just the usual," said Peter.

"Any girls you like there?" asked Tony. Peter shook his head quickly and sank back in the chair. "Boys?" Peter again shook his head but a small smile he tried to hide appeared on the corner of his mouth. "I used to like girls," said Tony. I looked at him.

"Which girls have you gone out with?" I asked concerned and I put my arm on him.  He looked down for a second.

"Well... there was... Peter's Mother, a few strangers and... Pepper," said Tony. I froze when he said the last name. "I was with Pepper when I was... you know. In love with you... I just didn't want anyone to know." He rested his head on me and sighed. "It was complicated." Peter laughed and smiled at me. "Peter, don't date until you're older."

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