James Barnes

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"It's our last day alone before we go back to Avenger's Tower," said Steve as he sat down. We had just dropped Peter off at his Aunt's house once again. He pulled me close to himself by my shirt and he wrapped me in his arms. "I love Stark Tower."

"Me too," I said softly. I shut my eyes and he rested his head on mine. "So what date for the wedding then?"

"You said February right?" asked Steve and I felt his lips on my neck slowly moving further down me. I let out a small gasp making both of us laugh.

"Yeah February. The 17th," I said.

"Well then we need to get planning," said Steve. "Very soon... like now?" I turned around to him excitedly.

"Really!" I shouted and I jumped up excitedly toppling over onto the floor. "Wow Steve!" He picked me up by my arms and I grabbed his cheeks. "What flowers do you want?"

"Can we have red roses?" asked Steve and he put his arms around my waist holding me close to him.

"Yes! That would be great," I said as I started to undo his shirt. "And then where do you want to go for the Honeymoon?"

"What about Paris?" said Steve and he took the sunglasses of my head and placed them on the table. "Or London?"

"I like London," I said and he smiled and picked up the phone.

"I think we need to make a few calls," said Steve and he smiled.

"Who will we invite?" I asked. "My parents both died."

"Mine too," said Steve. My grip tightened on him as we spoke about our parents and he put his hand on my head. "We should have the wedding at Avengers tower!"

"That sounds great! And then we can go to London afterwards!" I said. I paused with the thought of my parents still in my mind. "I miss my parents sometimes... most of the time... all of the time."

"I miss your Dad too. He would've been so happy to see how well you did," whispered Steve as he kissed my cheek. "I'm proud of you."

"My Father always spoke about you," I said. "He was so upset and angry when they didn't find you in the ocean or whatever." I looked up into his eyes. "I'm glad they did find you... I'd be alone."

"You're never alone... should we be packing?" asked Steve.

"Yeah..." I said. "But first let me undo the rest of your shirt." He smirked and pushed me down onto the sofa. "We'll leave tomorrow morning... but for now, let's stay here."


Steve dragged our bags back to our room and everyone else waited downstairs for us. He placed them down in his room and I shut the door behind him. "I thought today would be a good day to talk to them about the wedding plans," I said.

"Yeah that sounds good," said Steve. "Go down, I'll be one second."

"Why? I thought we could go down together," I asked and I held his hands tightly and gently pressed him up against the bed post.

"I just need to call Sam back. He said it's important," said Steve and he let go of my hands and got his phone out.

"What's going on between you and Sam? You've been very secretive," I said and I crossed my arms.

"I'll explain later," he said. "Go and say hi to the others okay."

"Whatever," I sighed and I slowly walked off with my head down. I just wanted to know why Steve was acting so weird. He had had 4phone calls in the last month and for all of them he had left the room and not said a word about it afterwards. Everyone was waiting for me in the usual spot and I slumped into the sofa and they all looked at me.

"Hello to you too," said Clint sarcastically and the others laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," I said and I sighed. "So the weddings going to be this February on the 19th." The TV flickered on with breaking news and all heads turned to the TV.

The headline 'BREAKING NEWS- The assassin know as the Winter Soldier has been spotted loose as HYDRA agents fail to contain the man named James Barnes. He has been known to have killed many and is a danger to all. Look out.'

"Turn that off," I mumbled. "I need to discuss the wedding."

"No Tony you don't understand. I've read the SHIELD files. James was Steve's best friend growing up... I just can't believe he's back," said Natasha.

"What? What do you mean? Steve's like a hundred years old. How can his friends still be alive?" I asked sitting on the edge of the sofa.

"That's for Steve to say," said Natasha. "Also I'm not 100% on the details." As Steve opened the doors our eyes met and he came and sat down next to me. "So Steve the wedding."

"Oh yes... we were wondering if we could have it here?" asked Steve. "Right Tony?"

"Yeah," I said. I couldn't stop thinking about his friend James. Was he in the ice with Steve? Did Steve have a crush on him? "I want Peter to come."

"Of course," said Steve. "And we wanted red roses and a few friends."

"What friends?" I quickly snapped. Natasha glared at me and I turned to Steve with my arms crossed. "What friend do you want to invite?"

"Well I was thinking all of them and Sam, Peter's friend Wade and I'm sure Rhodes would come if you asked," said Steve with a confused face. I looked at Thor who was looking at Bruce confused.

"What about James? James!" I yelled.

"James Rhodes?" asked Steve looking around at everyone.

"James Barnes!" I cried. "Him! The one on the news!" Steve looked at me speechless and he got up quickly and ran out.

"Tony! What was that?" cried Natasha.

"I just wanted him to tell me," I said. "I should go and say something." I followed Steve and I found him sitting on the floor with his head against the wall staring out. "Steve," I said softly and I knelt down in front of him.

"Yes Tony," he said and he looked up at me. "I'm sorry I walked out like that. You just surprised me, that's all."

"I'm sorry I shouted it out at you like that," I said. "I just want to know about James. Was he your boyfriend?"

"Oh no! Never. He was my best friend... but then HYDRA brainwashed him and turned him into an assassin. Sam's been updating me on what they can find on him... I'm sorry I didn't tell you Tony. I really am," said Steve and he pulled me by my collar to in between his legs and he kissed me. "I'm so excited for the wedding."

"I just want to marry you now so I can go to London with you!" I cried as we both stood up.

"I can't wait too," said Steve.

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