I'm Spider-Man

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"Steve, Steve, Steve!" Tony cried as I sent out a message to all my contacts on my phone. He was clinging to my arm with tears in his eyes and his body shaking. "Steve?" he whimpered before letting a tear out. 

"Tony, please don't cry. We've got this," I said and I showed him my phone. "Look, people are already on it." Sam was ringing me and I quickly answered. "Sam? Do you know anything?" I put my phone on speaker and Tony wiped his eyes with his sleeve. 

"So the letter says bring the Spider-Man costume?" asked Sam. 

"Yes," I said. "But we don't know why?"

"So they took Peter and want a Spider-Man costume?" said Sam with a hinting tone in his voice.

"Yeah? Didn't you read my text?" I asked and we both rolled our eyes. 

"You're not supposed to know this but I guess I have to tell you... Peter is Spider-Man," said Sam slowly and he hung up straight away. I dropped my phone and Tony looked at me completely shocked. 

"What?" we both said. People on the streets looked us confused but I couldn't believe it. I picked up my phone and Tony threw himself at me. 

"How Steve? How did we not know?" he asked with his fingers digging into my arms. "Where do we take the costume if we do find it?"

"I don't know," I said holding his head.

"Who else knows about him?"


I slowly started to open my eyes but only to see nothing. Just a dark freezing cold room. I could feel the metal rusty chains against my wrists and the cold concrete floor on my bare feet. Where were my shoes and shirt? "Hello!" I yelled. All the blood had gone out of my arms and I felt weak and powerless. "Where am I?"

Suddenly, the lights flickered and I screamed and then a faint chuckle came closer. "Peter Parker. Or should I say Spider-Man," said the quiet voice. 

"AH! No, I'm not! Let me go!" I screamed. 

"Chill dude. It's me," said the voice and it was a lot closer and softer. I felt leather gloves go down my chest and I shivered and tried to make out who. 

"Who?" I cried.

"Wade you idiot!" he cried. "We can't turn on the lights or they'll know I'm here but I'm going to cut you out with my swords okay?"

"O-Okay?" I asked. "But what if you cut me instead?" But it was already done. "Wade how did you find me?"

"I put a tracker on you. In case anything like this happens to you," said Wade. "No questions until we're out of here." 

"Where are we?" I asked and I stayed close to him even though I was so mad. I thought he had moved to Georgia or whatever. How did he even get here in time? He smashed himself up against the wall and then there was light shining through. "How did you just break a wall with your shoulder?"

"Here," said Wade and he handed me my phone and one shoe. "I found it on my way in."

"Wade where are we?" I cried and I stopped and folded my arms. "And why did you come back?"

"It's just... I knew something wasn't right when I saw you on my tracker going away from Avengers Tower and I waited until my Mum stopped the car and I ran and got in a taxi to where my phone was showing your location... I know, it was stupid," said Wade and he looked down. 

"No... I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't have come for me," I said. "I should probably tell my Dad." The second I called him he answered.

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