Moving In

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It was just coming to 6am and I was still awake thinking about Wade. I just wanted to spend every second with him. I knew it was a bad idea but I should ask him round again before he leaves. 


Me: Wade? Are you up?

Wade: Now I am. Are you okay? ;)

Me: Yeah. Do you want to come round one more time before you leave?

Wade: So you liked yesterday a lot I'm guessing ;)

Wade: Yeah sure. Today at 11 outside your place?

Me: Yeah :)

I jumped out of bed excitedly and started to head downstairs. Even though it was early, I wasn't tired. It was still really dark outside and I couldn't even see what was in front of me. I took small steps by one by one just in case I fell over but instead I felt something tall walk in to me. 

"AH!" I screamed and I carried on screaming as I felt the hand hold my wrist. "W-Who's there?"

"Hey! It's me Bucky!" said the voice softly. Suddenly the lights flickered on and Dad was standing there in the doorway. I looked at Bucky and I laughed gently.

"What's going on down here?" cried Dad and a few seconds later Papa appeared right behind Dad. 

"It's nothing guys. I got scared in the dark," I said and I held Bucky's hand as he helped me up. "Thanks."

"Are you all okay?" asked Papa and he put his arm around Dad.

"We're fine," I said. "I was just going for a walk around the tower because I couldn't sleep."

"Peter you know you shouldn't do that. Not after what happened to you," said Dad. " Get a glass of water and go back to sleep." I nodded and Dad and Papa left whispering to each other. I turned to Bucky was looked exhausted.

"What were you doing up?" I asked anxiously. 

"Same thing really. I couldn't sleep... can I ask something?" asked Bucky and I nodded. "What happened to you? Tony said something happened."

"Oh... I was kidnapped," I said slowly. "Can I ask you a question?" 


"Why does my Dad not like you? No offence, but it just always seems tense," I said laughing. 

"Well, he thinks I'm a dangerous murderer," said Bucky. "I'm not." I nodded and he smiled. "Now you should really go to bed."


As Tony rested his head on my chest he rambled on about Bucky and Peter. "I was so scared Steve," said Tony and I put my arms around him and pulled him on top of me. 

"It's okay," I said quietly and I put my head against his. "Peter's gone back to sleep now and so has Bucky."

"But why was he walking around like that?" asked Tony. I put my finger to his lip and he smirked. "Hey I wasn't done." 
"I know," I said and I flipped him over so I was on top of him and he giggled childishly. "Oh my sweetheart." He  put his arms around the back of my neck.

"I'm worried about him," said Tony and I started to kiss at his neck to see if that would make him less tense. "Steve are you listening?"

"Tony!" I grumbled in between each breath. Suddenly the door slowly opened and I paused. Peter was standing there with a glass of water in his hands and his face slowly started to go pink. 

"I-I j-just came to say sorry for waking you up," said Peter. 

"We weren't doing anything it's fine," I said. "Isn't that right Tony?" He rolled his eyes and laughed. Peter shut the door and we both laughed with each other. Tony sat up so his head was in line with my chest and he kissed me gently across my collarbone. 

"Is that better Steve?" he asked smirking. 

"Mm yeah," I said. "You're actually joining in!" 

"Hey, I was tired," said Tony. 

"Okay let's go to sleep," I said and I pushed him down to pillow delicately and kissed his head.

"Well I'm not tired now!" cried Tony. "You got me excited!" I put my arm around him firmly and he shut his eyes. "I guess I could sleep."

We woke up a few hours later and he was still tucked up close to me. "Steve... I want to move out," he said.

"Tony! What do you mean?" I  cried and I jumped up almost pushing him out of the bed.

"I mean, I want to live with you and Peter alone," said Tony and he grabbed my hand. "We'll come here when we have to work and stay here for weekends but I just want it be us and Peter."

"Wow Tony. That's pretty big," I said.

"We're married Steve. Think about it, we can do whatever we want with out worrying," said Tony. "There wouldn't be so much drama and it would be private."

"Okay Tony. That sounds really nice," I said and I smiled. "But we will still come back here though right? For like a few days a month."

"Of course! Even more if you really like," said Tony. "So are we moving in together?"

"Yes," I said. He jumped on me excitedly and pinned me down to the bed and screamed. "I love you so, so, so much!"

"Aw Tony. I love you too," I said. "Should we tell everyone today?" 

"I'm sure everyone's already downstairs waiting right?" said Tony and he pulled me by my arms to the door. "I'm to excited." He ran down the stairs leading me by my hands and he ran into the lounge. Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Sam, Thor and Bucky were all sitting down talking. The second he ran in they all stopped and looked at us both. 

"What's going on?" asked Thor. "We were just planning on how we're going to help your friend." 

"We're moving in together," said Tony and he pulled me down onto the sofa and he kissed me while the others screamed with excitement. 

"It's about time!" cried Natasha and she jumped up. "But you guys better come back here every so often."

"We promise," I said. "We still have to tell Peter. I'm sure he'll love where ever we go"

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