There Isn't Spider-Man with out Deadpool

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The second Steve and I stepped through the doors to the Avenger's Tower, Peter ran up to us and hugged us. "Dad! Papa! I missed you guys," he cried and he took my bag out of my hand. "Natasha took me to the park yesterday."

"That was nice of her," said Steve. "How's Wade?"

"He went back to Queens yesterday," said Peter. Steve was on his phone again texting Sam Wilson and probably Bucky. Peter followed me to my room and I shut the door behind us. "Dad, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm very happy," I said.

"But you're not even smiling. Is it Steve?" asked Peter and I sat down next to him on my bed. 

"We're fine. I'm just feeling a bit sick," I said and I put on a cough and Peter laughed. He shut the door behind him on the way out and I lay down with my shoes and coat still on. I heard Steve come in but I kept my eyes shut.

"Tony?" asked Steve and he came over to me and took of my shoes. I opened my eyes and moved over so he could lye down next to me. "What's the matter? Peter said you feel sick." He put his hand on my head. 

"Nothing, Steve," I said. I was mad I guess. Steve spent so much time messaging Sam about Bucky but I just want him away from both of them. He ignored me the whole car journey back because he was so busy texting. I was surprised he even knew how to send texts. "Maybe I'm just tired." 

"Everyone's downstairs waiting for us," said Steve. Steve's phone went off again and I rolled my eyes. He gave me a look as I rolled my eyes. "What?"

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I asked and I crossed my arms. 

"It's probably Sam. We've been messaging all day," said Steve.

"Yeah, I realised," I said I rolled over so I was facing the wall.

"So this is why you're upset. Because I've been on my phone all day?" asked Steve and he tugged me by my coat so I would turn around. I sighed and looked down. "Oh Tony. I-I didn't mean-"

"Yeah I know," I said cutting him off. "Just give me an hour to lye down." He kissed my head and he helped me take off my coat. "I'll see you soon." 


I shut the door and walked out into the corridor. Sam was still texting me about Bucky and when I should visit him in Brooklyn. I didn't want to upset Tony but I just had to know more about Bucky. As I was walking down the stairs Peter tugged at my jumper. "Is Dad okay?" he asked. "He said he is fine but I know he's not."

"Oh yeah, he told me he was tired," I said. "We'll go and see him later, okay?" He nodded and he linked his arm in mine and walked into the Avenger lounge with me. "Hey guys!"

"So how was your holiday?" asked Clint. 

"Oh it was perfect. It only rained once," I said smiling. "So what's going on round here?"

"Well, Pepper stopped by and Sam and Wade left not long ago," said Thor. "That Wade kid... he's funny." I looked at Peter who's cheeks had gone red and he looked at me and smiled. 

"Yeah he is," said Peter. "He actually asked to come back round today. He said it was important... I should ask him if he's on his way." Peter got up and grabbed his phone from the table and ran up the stairs. 

"I hope they're okay," said Natasha and she got up and left. 

"What did she mean?" I asked. Thor and Bruce looked at each other. 

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