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I woke up with Steve's head right up next to mine and I smiled. It was only 7am but I could already feel today was going to be stressful. I shook Steve's shoulder so he woke up and he put his warm hands down my back. "What's wrong?" asked Steve quietly. He turned the clock. "Tony it's 7am!"

"Yeah I know. I just wanted you awake at the same time as me. So we could talk I guess," I said and I put my hands on his bare chest and he shivered. 

"Wow you're cold. Let me hold your hands," said Steve and he put my hands in between his. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"Are things going to change round here?" I asked. "What's happening with Bucky?" Steve paused and he squeezed my hands tightly. 

"Tony I don't know what's going to happen but all we need to do is stop Hydra from turning him into the Winter Soldier. It's too dangerous having a super killer in New York," said Steve softly to me. "I know you don't like this Tony, I want it uncomplicated too."

"I know Steve. I'm just scared," I said and he laid gently on top of me playing with my hair. "I don't know what's going to happen." He held my cheeks and kissed my head. 

"I'm scared too. It's dangerous," said Steve and I put my both of my arms around him so he couldn't get off.  "It'll be over soon." Steve rolled me over so I was on top of him and I laughed and tapped him on the nose. "So are you okay now?"

"Yeah," I said and I put my head on his shoulder. "Should I go to sleep now?" 

"Mh, no," said Steve and he held me so tight. I always felt safe in his arms and nothing could change that. "Just stay here."

I could hear running footsteps coming to our door and I knew it was Peter straight away. "Dad? Papa?" he said. "Can Wade come round? He's in New York."

"Sure," said Steve. "It'll keep him distracted from this whole Bucky thing." 


It was now 11am and I was planning on meeting Wade outside Avengers Tower in a few minutes. I looked into the lounge and it was just Dad and Papa kissing again or whatever. "I'm going now," I called but they were too busy to even notice. The second I got to the ground floor and I ran outside and it was like looking at a different person. We hadn't seen each other in a week or two but it just felt like so long. I didn't even know how to greet him. 

"Wade!" I said and he smiled and gave me an awkward hug. "So... Wade.... how's Georgia?"

"Eh, it's alright. But it's not the same with out you and everyone," said Wade. "I do miss you."

"Yeah, I miss you too!" I said. "It's just been... crazy round here." He came close to me and he tried to reach for my cheeks but I stepped back.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" asked Wade.

"Wade... we're broken up," I said. "You broke it with me..."

"Oh... I just thought... I don't know," said Wade and his cheeks went red. "But do you still want to hang out?"

"Of course!" I said. "Come up to my room and we can talk like we used to."
"We never used to do much talking," said Wade with a smirk. I shook my head and smiled and we went up Avengers tower. When we got out of the elevator, I could see Steve and Bucky were talking while Tony clung onto Steve's arm in silence. "Wow that looks awkward."

"Ignore it," I said and I pulled Wade by his sleeve to the stairs. When we got into my room it was weird because the first thing we usually did was lye down holding each other on my bed. "Sit where you want." I lay down on my bed and Wade sat down next to me shyly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," said Wade. "It just feels different." He sighed and rested his head up against the wall. "So how's school?"

"I don't really go that much anymore. I mainly get taught privately here because I don't go to Queens as often," I said. 

"What about your Aunt?" asked Wade. 

"She's okay with it. As long as she still gets to see me," I said. He looked at me deeply with his mystic blue eyes and it was like looking into an ocean. They were so beautiful you just didn't want to look away. The longer we looked at each other the more I just wanted to kiss him. I knew it would be bad for me and it would complicate things but I just couldn't help wanting to. Each second we were getting a tiny bit closer until there was no space at all between our lips. The second our lips touched I knew I was being stupid. I told myself no outside but I just couldn't help it. He grabbed my cheeks and pushed me down on the bed so he was on top of me and he chuckled.

"I thought this wasn't going to happen," said Wade.

"I can't help it!" I cried. He carried on kissing me until neither of us could breathe anymore and he rolled off me and onto the floor making a thud. "Are you okay!" I jumped up and helped him get on his feet again and we both laughed. "Should we have done that?"

"I-I don't know," said Wade. "It was just kissing I guess."

"But what does that mean for us?" I asked. "Are we back together?"

"Peter, Peter, Peter. We don't have to be together to make out you know," said Wade. "How about whenever I'm around, we have some fun?" I gave a small nod and he smirked. "Now I should really go and see my Dad." He got up and left and I lay down on my bed thinking about him. I liked kissing him so much and I just wanted him back but it would just only hurt me when it doesn't work out. As I left my room, Bucky was just walking past and I stopped in shock as he stopped to look at me. 

"H-Hello," I said. 

"So your their son?" he asked. I nodded nervously and he smiled. "I can't thank them enough for their help. I would be in so much pain if HYDRA had got me."
"Yeah, I love my Dads," I said. "I should go and find them." I quickly scurried away and as I walked into the lounge, Dad slowly pulled away from kissing Papa again and I giggled. 

"What are you laughing at?" asked Dad with a smile.

"You two. You're always kissing in here!" I cried laughing. 

"Yeah," said Papa and he grabbed Dad's cheeks and kissed him once more. "I kiss him everywhere."

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