My Deadpool

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I woke up late the next morning with Steve's head still resting into my neck and his cut arms wrapped around me tightly. He opened his eyes slowly and I put my hand on his cheek. I just wanted to help him after all he had done for me. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Yeah... you," he said and he sat up. "You don't have to do anything for me, Tony. I'm better."

"Can you please tell me what happened again?" I asked and I gripped his hand tightly. He looked up down at me and smiled. "I just want to know so I can help you."

"Well as you know, there was a giant explosion that went off when I was there and it knocked me out... I woke up lying in some taxi on the way to the airport and when I got there, there was a plane for me and everything... but I don't know who. They saved me," said Steve. I lay down on top of him clinging close to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just want to hold you," I whispered.


As Tony's cold hands wrapped around my back making me shiver, his soft hair brushed against me. "I want to stay here all day," said Tony. There was a knock at the door and Tony slowly rolled off me. "Come in," he shouted. Peter came running in with his backpack on and his phone in his hand.

"Oh, hi... Dad, can I go out with Wade?" asked Peter with a small smile.

"Oh... sure," said Tony. He shut the door quickly and you could hear Peter's footsteps run down the corridor. "Steve," said Tony softly. "When they told me you had died, I cried for those 3days... and Peter did too."

"Aw Tony. I would've done the same," I said and I kissed his head. "I thought about you the whole way back... we should get up now right?" Tony sighed and nodded. I picked up my clothes from the floor and put them on quickly.

"So where are we going?" asked Tony as he opened the door.

"I'm guessing everyone's going to be in the lounge," said Steve. He held my hand tightly as we walked down the stairs and we could see everyone waiting for us on the sofas as usual. As Tony looked up at me nervously I stopped walking and kissed him in front of everyone. I could feel them all staring but it felt good to be able to do it. His cheeks went light pink and he looked at me surprised. "We'll be fine." I opened the door and they all squealed as we sat down together.

"I saw Peter leaving with a cutie," said Natasha. "Who was he?"

"What? No cutie!" said Tony and he crossed his arms. "But that's Wade."

"Oh! The Wade he was telling us about at dinner," said Clint. Thor and Bruce both nodded.

"Wade looks older than Peter," said Natasha. "I'm sure they have fun."

"No!" cried Tony and I squeezed his hand tightly. He almost flinched his hand away but then rested it in mine.


As Wade watched me change into my Spider-Man costume, he held his mask in his hands. "Can I tell you something?" he asked as I had half of my suit on. I nodded and he stepped up close to me. "I was the one that sent someone to save Steve."

"W-What?" I asked.

"I knew you and Tony were freaking out so I sent my help," said Wade.

"Oh my!" I cried and I jumped on him and I hugged him. "You saved my Dad's guy!"

"But it's a secret, okay," said Wade firmly and he put my mask over my head.

"But why? You're my hero," I said and I put his mask over his head. "My Deadpool."

"My little Spidey," he said and he grabbed my head and pulled me in close to him. "I would never let anyone in your family get hurt... now let's go out and fight!"

"But Wade! I can't have any bruises!" I cried. "My Dad doesn't know."

"I'll protect you from the bad guys!" said Wade.

"Fine," I said.


As I walked through the door Dad jumped up with his arms crossed. "I know why you're going out with Wade!" he cried. He knows?

"W-Wait! What?" I cried and I jumped backwards.

"You're both doing drugs!" said Dad. "Nat said he looks older and it all makes sense!"

"No! You're wrong," I snapped. "Wade's 16! He's only 2more years older than me." I could finally tell him about us. I had wanted to for a long time but never had the guts to.

"You can't see him anymore," he said. "I get worried when you're out with him."

"No!" I yelled. "I like him! I like, like him and he likes me." Dad stopped and lowered his hands. I fell backwards against the wall and crossed my arms.

"You... like him?" asked Dad. "Like I love Steve?" I nodded and slowly looked away. I had finally told him the truth about us. I wanted to jump up and scream with joy but at the same time I wanted to cry. He came up to me and hugged me and I hugged him back.

"But I want to see him!" I whimpered.

"I guess... you can," said Dad. "Just no more coming back late." I ran past him and up to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and got out my phone.


Me: Hey Wade!

Wade: Yeahhh x

Me: I told my Dad about us...

Wade: Ya! What did he say Spidey?

Me: It's all cool. No Spidey!

Wade: Fine. Goodnight my web slinger

Me: Whatever. x


I ran into Steve's room where he was lying wrapped under 2 thick blankets. "Steve!" I yelled excitedly and I jumped on top of him. He sat up and put his hands on my legs.

"What? It's very late Tony," said Steve with his eyes half open.

"Okay old guy... but Peter just told me something!" I said excitedly and I ran my fingers through Steve's hair.

"What is it?" asked Steve and he slowly sat up so we were face to face. I grabbed his cheeks and smiled.

"Peter and Wade are going out too," I said excitedly. "He's gay!" Steve kissed me softly and he pulled me closer to him.

"Wow. Now show me you're gay," he whispered playfully as he giggled. I grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him down harshly. "Stay the night?" I nodded and turned off the lights.

The next morning I was woken up early by Steve mumbling in his sleep. I put my hand over his mouth and looked at me confused. "What?" asked Steve as I moved my hand down to his hard chest.

"You were talking," I said. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just come here," he said. He wrapped me in his warm arms and I closed my eyes. "When do we have to take Peter back?"

"Actually, his Aunt has gone away to visit friends. We get him for a little longer," I said and I rested my head against his. "It feels so good to not have to worry about getting out with out being caught."

"I know. You can stay here all night... but Clint did complain about the amount of noise," said Steve and he laughed.

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