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I rolled over to face Tony and pulled the duvet cover up to our heads. "Wow," I said hardly being able to breath. "I love this." Tony put his arm around me and smiled.

"I don't want to get up," said Tony. "Oh it's 10pm. Do you want to go to sleep?" I shook my head and he slowly pulled himself on top of me. His heart beat against mine and his warm hands were lent on my chest. 

"This has been the best day ever," I said and I clasped his face in my palms and his cheeks went red. Tony's phone started to ring and he sighed and showed me that it was a video call from Peter. 

"Should I answer?" he asked. I nodded and he sat up in bed. 

"Dad! Hi!" he shouted down the phone. "Are you in London now?"

"Yes, it's great," said Tony and he showed me in the camera frame and I waved. 

"Natasha told me not to answer because she said you two would be busy but I said you would answer!" said Peter. Tony looked at me and smirked. "Also Wade's staying over today."

"Have fun," said Tony. "We'll call you tomorrow."

"Bye guys!" said Peter before hanging up. The second the phone hung up Tony had his lips against mine. 

The next day I woke up with our clothes all over the place and I smiled to myself. Tony was still asleep so I put on a robe and went to check my phone. I had about 10messages saying congratulations and one message from an unknown number.

Steve, I need your help. I'm not that assassin anymore. Please come back for me -B

I almost dropped my phone in shock. How did Bucky even get my number. 

I tried typing with my hands shaking.

Me: Bucky? I'm in London with Tony. I can't help you. I'm sorry.

Bucky: Steve, nobody else will help me.

Me: Bucky, you know I can't ever leave Tony. Please don't make me.

Bucky: You knew I loved you Steve. This just sucks.

Me: What?!

Me: I have to go...

I put down my phone confused. Did Bucky used to like me? I looked over at Tony was starting to wake up and I crawled onto the bed next to him. "Hello, love," I whispered to him.

"Steve? What time is it?" asked Tony. 

"It's 11 Tony," I said. He used my shoulders to pull himself up and he kissed my cheek. 

"What's the matter? You look scared?" asked Tony and he held my hand. I took a deep breath and I looked into his eyes. 

"That Bucky guy I was telling you about texted me," I said and Tony just nodded. 

"So?" he said. 

"He said he wants me to help him and that... he used to love me," I said and I looked down. He put his hands around me gently and I looked to him.

"It's okay Steve. Are you going?" he asked but he sounded a bit upset. 

"No! Never! I never loved him like that and I would never leave you here!" I cried. A smile appeared on his face and he wrapped himself in my arms. "I love you so much Tony. You and Peter are the only ones I want with me." 

"I love you too. I wonder how he's doing."


I woke up with no clothes on and Wade pinned against me. "W-Wade?" I whimpered as I felt he had nothing on either. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Why hello there Spidey!" said Wade happily. 

"Wade? Why aren't I wearing any clothes!" I hissed. He laughed and held me in his arms.

"You fell asleep in your suit so I took your clothes off," said Wade. "Don't worry, nothing happened." 

"So you took off everything!" I cried. "And why aren't you wearing clothes?"

"I felt left out," said Wade and he held me tighter. "Oh Peter, I'm sorry." He kissed me and smirked. I sat there silent and he tapped me on the nose. 

"Please just get me my clothes," I said and I put my head down on the pillow. 

"Fine I'll get your clothes," said Wade but just as he was about to get out from under covers I grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him back. "What now?"

"Should I cover my eyes?" I asked awkwardly. He rolled his eyes and smirked and then jumped out from under the cover. "Well... never mind."


I watched Steve sit there in the arm chair opposite the bed with a book in his hands clearly trying to avoid his phone. I lay there on the bed doing up my shirt thinking about what happened to Bucky. Everyone says he's so dangerous and he keeps on trying to get Steve's attention. I want Steve safe and far away from him but I know Steve cares about him. I walked over to him and threw the book out of his hands and across the room. I got on top of him and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he looked at me and smiled. "Hello sweetheart," he whispered as he held me. "What's the matter?"

"Is Bucky actually dangerous?" I asked. He looked down at my chest.

"I-I really don't know Tony. I know I should stay away but... I just want to know what's going on with him," said Steve. "What do you want to do today?" 

"Just stay here with you," I said. "We can drink and then later we can go downstairs to the private pool -just-for-us." 

"That sounds good. But you're going to have to help me swim you know. I haven't done it 70years," said Steve.

"Oh my. I married an old man," I said laughing. Steve playfully grabbed me by my cheek. 

"I want to go to the pool now," said Steve. We both ran down the stairs to very ground floor where the door had our name on it. "So it's just for us?"

"I booked it until 7pm so yes!" I said excitedly. I pushed him through the door and locked it behind us. "Oh wait. Did you bring a costume?"

"No, but I got towels," said Steve. "We don't need costumes." He took off all of his clothes and grabbed me by my shirt. "Your turn." He slowly started to undo my shirt and I smirked as he picked me up and stood with me in his arms by the pool. 

"Are you ready Steve?" I asked and I held his hand. 

"No, but I have you to save me if I drown," said Steve. He put me down and we stood side by side hand in hand. We jumped on the count of 3 and the second my head went under water I felt my hair go flat and Steve's hand grip tighter. My head slowly raised above the water but Steve didn't. I pulled him up and he wrapped his arms around me so tight I was surprised I could still swim. "W-Wow. It's harder than I remember."

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Of course!" said Steve smiling. "Okay, I'm going to try and let go." I felt his hands let go of me and I just wanted to grab him and hold him a float. He looked so happy when he managed to do it. "Tony look! I can do it again!" I smiled and grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him into the shallower end. "Wait what are you doing?" I pressed him up against the side of the pool. "Oh right!" He kissed my neck over and over making me grasp his waist tighter.

"Oh S-Steve," I mumbled. "I just don't want to go back to New York ever."

"Mh," Steve groaned. "We don't have to for a week." 

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