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February 10th

"You guys should spend a week apart before the wedding," said Peter as he sat between us on the sofa. He was going to stay with us at Avengers Tower until the wedding. I looked at Steve and he didn't look like he liked the idea either.

"Oh well... that's not necessary," I said and Steve agreed quickly with me. 

"No guys, come on! Tony you should go back to Stark Tower until the wedding and Steve will stay here," said Natasha. "You have to do this!" I looked at Steve nervously and I nodded. 

"O-Ok," I mumbled. "I'll go and pack... who's coming with me?" 

"Peter and I will come with you," said Natasha. "Go get your things guys and we'll meet back here in an hour." I pulled Steve by his wrist upstairs with me and the second I shut the door to my room he grabbed me in his grip.

"I can't spend a week without you Tony," he said into my shoulder. 

"I know," I said. "We'll find a way." Steve helped me pack my bag but we still had 40minutes until I had to leave. We lay down on my bed and he had me in between his legs and arms. "Steve, in a week we'll be married and on a plane to London."

"It'll be amazing shell-head," he said with a laugh.

"Whatever Winghead," I said and kissed his cheeks making him go speechless. "I just want to lye here with you until the wedding."

"Well, we've got 40minutes," said Steve. 

Natasha knocked on the door and opened it when it was time to go but I was asleep in Steve's arms. He shook me awake and carried my bags downstairs. Natasha and Peter waited by the door while Steve and I said our goodbyes. "I love you," said Steve as he held my hands tightly. 

"I love you too, Stevie," I whispered. He grabbed my cheeks and kissed me hard for 10seconds straight until Natasha cleared her throat in the background. As we broke apart we laughed and then I walked to the door. Just as I was about to shut it, I ran back into Steve's arms.

"God Tony! You're leaving him for a week!" screamed Natasha but with a small smile. She grabbed me by my collar and pulled me out of the door. 

"I love you Steve!" I cried as the door shut. Peter dragged my bags down to the car and I sat in the back seat with him while Natasha drove my car. "Do you like the suit I picked out for you to wear?"

"Yeah, I loved it Dad!" said Peter. "Wade's getting a new suit too! Dad... are you already messaging Papa?" 

"Shh!" I hissed and I put my phone in my pocket.

"So Tony, are you nervous?" asked Natasha. 

"No!" I said sharply but the truth was I had had two panic attacks in the last month because I'm so scared of messing it up. I know Steve is just as scared as I am. I can hear him mumbling in his sleep all the time. "It's there," I said pointing at the giant tower.

"I know Tony... it's hard to miss," said Natasha smirking. She pulled up the car in the parking space and she opened my door for me. I took mine and Peter's bags out and I took them up to the top floor. Peter jumped right onto the sofa full of wedding magazines and notes. "I haven't been here for months." She carried her bag up to the spare room and I sat down on the sofa next to Peter. 

"Dad, this is the first wedding I'm ever going to go to," said Peter. "I'm so excited; Wade's coming with me; I get to hang out with you and Steve and I can meet all of your other friends too!" 

"I'm glad you're happy," I said as he flicked through the magazines. "I just want to be with Steve." 

14th February

It was just coming up to midnight and I was driving out to the park to meet Steve. Neither of us could spend any longer apart. It was driving me crazy to not wake up to his face in the morning and to not be able to turn to him and cry about my problems. I pulled up where Steve was waiting and I jumped out of the car and wrapped my arms around Steve. "Never again!" I cried. "Why did we agree to that?" 

"I don't know," mumbled Steve running his hands through my hair. "Are you sure they were all asleep?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said holding Steve against the park gate. "Only 3more days and then we'll be married." Steve kissed me for a whole minute before letting me go. "I want you so bad," I whispered. 

"I know sweetie," he mumbled. "Not long until you can have me everyday... we should go back now." 

"Goodbye my love," I whispered as he walked me to my car door. He kissed my head before watching me drive away. 

As I got out of the elevator to the top floor of Stark Tower I crept across the room slowly. I looked down at my watch and it had just gone past midnight. "Dad?" cried a high pitched voice. I turned on the lights and Peter was lying on the sofa in a blanket with his phone in his little hands. "Where have you been? It's past midnight!" I sat down next to him and sighed. 

"I was seeing Steve... it's hard not seeing him everyday," I said. 

"But sometimes I have to wait a week or two to see Wade," said Peter and he looked up at me with big eyes. 

"And do you like it?" I asked and I crossed my arms.

"No..." said Peter. 

"I-I'm really scared okay," I said. "Please don't tell anyone about this! I'm not supposed to him." 

"It's okay Dad," said Peter. "Go to bed to pass time."

"What are you doing up?" I asked as I stood up.

"Well, I wanted to text Wade and the WiFi's better down here," said Peter. I laughed and started to undo my shirt as I went up the stairs. 

I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the Wedding. What do I even say at the alter? I sighed and held my phone tightly in my hands. I just wanted to get married as soon as possible and go away with Steve. But what if things between me and Steve don't work out? I know I'm thinking crazily but I don't know what to do when he's not here. I just had to text to him to make sure he got home okay.


Me: Steve, are you home okay?

Steve: I got home okay. Did you?"

Me: Same. 

Me: Can we talk about something?

Steve: Of course Shell-head. What is it? x

Me: I'm so nervous. Are you? :( 

Steve: YES! I haven't been sleeping at all. It'll be okay though :)

Me: I love you x

Steve: I love you too x

I turned off my phone with a giant grin across my face. I could finally sleep after talking to him.

I was thinking on the doing the next chapter in Steve's P.O.V because I could write a better story. :) Next Chapter's the wedding

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