New Avenger?

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I woke up the next morning with only getting 2hours sleep. I was awake all night thinking about Peter and of course Steve. All those times we spent watching the news, we were sitting there watching our son. I felt so stupid for not even realising all the times he must've snuck out of the house to fight crime and all the stories about Spider-Man and Deadpool around Manhattan. I sighed really loudly and Steve sat up and smiled.

"Are you okay my love?" he whispered as he wrapped his left arm around me.

"I don't know Steve. I'm still thinking about it," I said. "What do we do?" 

"I don't know Tony. We're supposed to take him back to his Aunts today right?" asked Steve. "It'll give you time to think."

"But I don't want him out of my sight. School doesn't start for another few days so we're keeping him here. We'll tell her he's sick," I said and I jumped out of bed. "Come on Steve! We need to find the others!"

"You should probably get dressed first," said Steve. "Or you can just come back to bed."

"Steve! We need to sort this," I cried. He rolled out of bed and held me by my sweaty palms. 

"Tony, calm down," said Steve and he pulled me close to him. "Peter was upset, let's just give him some space." I nodded and I nestled my head into his chest and he kissed my hair. "That's better," he whispered. He picked me up in his arms and I relaxed and laughed. 

"Oh Steve!" I cried as he span round in circles. "Please don't fall." We both heard the door handle shake and his legs fell and then we were both lying on the floor. I was still on top of him when the door opened and then Natasha walked in confused. "It's not what it looks like," I said.

"I don't know what to say," said Natasha with a small smile. "So you just magically ended up on top of Steve? With hardly any clothes on?"

"No, we were hugging and then we fell!" I cried. "What do you want?"

"I was just letting you know that the doctors here to see Peter. He said his head was hurting so I called someone in to take a look," said Natasha. "They'll be in his room... And I would lock the door in the future."

"We weren't doing anything!" I said.

"Whatever," she said with a small smirk before shutting the door. I sat up with my legs still around Steve and then he sat up so we were face to face. 

"That was awkward," said Steve and he wrapped his arms around my back and smiled. 

"Should we go to Peter's room?" I asked. "Or should we leave it to Natasha?"

"No come on, let's go," said Steve and he got up with my legs still wrapped around his waist. "Do you want to get down?" he asked with a smirk. 

"No not really," I said. He laughed and lifted me off him so I would actually get ready.

We both went into Peter's room and he was lying on the bed and the doctor was next to him and so was Natasha. I tugged Natasha's sleeve and she stepped away to the side of the room with me and Steve. "What's happened so far?" I asked.

"There's nothing wrong so far? He did have a concussion but it should be completely fine," said Natasha. I looked over at Peter and he was completely avoiding eye contact with everyone. I grabbed Steve's hand and he squeezed it gently. 

"It's fine Tony," whispered Steve and I leant against him and he kissed my head. The doctor finally left and so did Natasha. Peter turned his head and he grunted as he saw we were still waiting to talk to him. "Are you okay?" asked Steve.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Peter. "Are you mad?"

"No Peter, we were just scared and worried," I said. "We know it wasn't your fault you were kidnapped but you should've told us about Spider-Man."

"I-I just didn't know how to," he whimpered and his eyes watered. 

"So as your Spider-Man, you know who Deadpool is," I said. Peter sat up almost immediately.

"W-What? N-No. We never exchanged identities," said Peter stuttering. "I'm actually still tired. Can you come back later?" We both left his room and went down to the lounge where everyone was sitting around drinking coffee. 

"So Peter's good?" asked Bruce.

"He's fine," I said and I sat down with Steve on our usual sofa. "So who knew?"

"Knew what?" asked Thor.

"Spider-Man," I said and I looked around at them all but they all looked at me with a blank face apart from Natasha.

"I kind of figured it out," said Natasha. "I mean every time he left the house Spider-Man appeared all over the internet." 

"I'm still surprised," I said. "It's just it's our Peter. He could've died... many times."

"Are you letting him join the Avengers?" asked Clint.

"What? No!" I cried. "It's too risky." All of their heads turned and then I saw Peter standing in the doorway. 

"I can't join the Avengers?" he asked with a depressed tone. "B-But-"

"No," I said. "I don't want you in trouble." 


"But Dad!" I cried and I folded my arms and slumped back in the empty leather chair. "I really wanted to."

"Peter it's dangerous," said Dad.

"So," I said angrily. 

"Wait until you finish school," he said.

"But that's years Dad!" I said. He looked at Papa and Papa looked at me.

"We'll think Peter," said Papa as I got up to leave. I quickly got my phone and called Sam.

"Sam!" I cried as he answered.

"So you're okay?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, I'm alright I guess," I said. "But I want to hang out with you. Your cool."

"I'm actually at the airport now flying over to see you guys. I'll call you when I'm close," said Sam.

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