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"No, no! We should have the wedding in February!" I said and I flicked through the calendar.

"But June will be warmer!" cried Steve.

"But I don't want to wait 6months!" I whined and I wrapped my arms around Steve.

"Guys! It's Christmas Eve," cried Peter as we sat around Stark Tower in front of the TV. Everyone went their separate ways for Christmas this year and we got to keep Peter. It took hours of debating but in the end we finally agreed that I would take Peter home on the 26th. He jumped in the seat between us and he smiled. "I can't wait for presents tomorrow morning. I got you both a present!"

"Oh, Peter you didn't have to!" I said and I put my arm around him. "What did you get Wade?"

"Secret," said Peter with a smirk. "You'll have to wait!" Peter started to message Wade while Steve and I still argued about dates. "Why does Wade have to be in Queens?" he cried.

"You'll be back there in 2days," I said. "And then School will be starting soon."

"No! I want to stay here forever," whimpered Peter and he grabbed hold of my arm. "I wish Auntie May lived close to New York. Then I could visit you whenever I want."

"Come on. It's time for bed," I said and I winked at Steve when Peter turned his head. Peter sloped of to bed and I grabbed Steve's arms and pinned him down on the sofa. "I can't wait for Christmas!" He pulled me down onto him and played with my hair.

"I know. It'll be our first one together," Steve whispered softly. "Come on now. Let me get you upstairs to bed mister."

"Mr Stark-Rogers," I said smiling.

"Mr Rogers-Stark," said Steve and he carried me up the stairs laughing. He lay me down on the bed and tucked me in. He kissed my head and turned of the lights. "I'm going to put the presents under the tree now. Go to sleep!"

"Okay, goodnight," I whispered as I shut my eyes.

I woke up the next morning with Steve's head tucked into my neck and his arm around me. I tapped him on the cheek and he slowly opened his eyes. "Hello handsome," he whispered and he sat up. Peter suddenly burst open the door and jumped onto the bed with a huge smile.

"Why aren't you guys up yet? Come downstairs!" he said pulling at my shirt. He got off and ran downstairs and I sighed as I stood up.

"Come on Steve," I said and I pulled him by his hand up. He followed me down the stairs and Peter was already waiting for us sitting there with his eyes glued to the presents. He grabbed the box with his name on it and waited for us to sit down.

"Can I?" he asked happily and I nodded. As he ripped of the paper he smiled and Steve put his hand in mine and we watched. "It's a whole chemistry set! How did you know I like it so much?"

"There's chemistry books all over your room," I said and I kissed Steve on the cheek. "Can you pass Steve that box?" I asked and Steve looked at me with a small smile. As Steve held the box in his hands, I put my head on his shoulder. "Go on my future husband." He opened it and looked at me surprised.

"Tony! How much did this cost?" he asked as he pulled out a silver ring with the engravings T.S.P. "Oh and it has all the first letters of our name." He grabbed my face and kissed me over and over again until I tapped him on the nose.

"That's enough," I said laughing and I kissed him on the cheek once. "I'm glad you like it." 

"I love it. Now you have to open mine," he said and he gave me a wrapped up soft present. He smiled at me as I opened it. It was a teddy with 'Tony Rogers' written in a heart on it in big letters. "I love you."

"Steve! You know I don't like crying," I mumbled as I held it close to my chest. I could hear Peter laughing as he sat beside us opening the rest of his. Steve held me close in his grip as he wiped the tear from my left eye. "I want to stay here with you guys forever."

Steve's phone started to ring and as he got out of his pocket, the caller ID was: Sam Wilson. "Why is he calling?" I asked as I put my legs around him on the sofa.

"I don't know but it must be important," said Steve and he got up and ran into the kitchen.

"Where's he going?" asked Peter and he jumped onto the sofa.

"He has to answer the phone," I said. "So are you happy with your gifts?"

"Yeah! Did you and Steve open my present?" asked Peter. "I'll go and get it for it." He ran over to the tree and picked up two flat but soft presents. "Steve has to be here for this." Steve walked into the room and his face was quite pale but he kept a smile on his face. "Hurry Steve! You have to open your present!" Peter pulled Steve by his arm down and he put the present on his lap. Steve and I ripped open our presents as we both got a t-shirt with our Avengers' symbol. "I made them for you."

"How did you make this?" asked Steve as he hugged Peter.

"I'm good at making things," said Peter.

"What else have you made?" I asked.

"My Spi... my hoodie," said Peter and he looked down and crossed his arms.

"That's great!" I said. "So tomorrow we have to take you home to Auntie May.

"I'll miss you guys," said Peter. "But I do miss Auntie May... and Wade... but Wade can go to his Dad's house whenever he wants. Also Wade comes round a lot when we're in Queens because we live near each other. Auntie May doesn't like me having Wade over all the time."

"Okay Peter. Enough about Wade," I said smiling.

"Tony! Let him talk," said Steve and he poked my cheek.

"Fine... but not for too long," I said.

Sorry this is short. I just wanted to update something :)

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