The Wedding

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17th February (The Wedding)


I looked over at the mini clock in the corner of the room and it was just reaching 2pm. Nobody was letting me out of my room until it was time for the ceremony. There was a knock at the door and I jumped to it hoping for it to be Tony but it was Falcon.

"Oh hey," I said fiddling with my black silky tie.

"Damn you look good in that, but that's not what I'm here to talk about," said Falcon.

"Bucky?" I asked nervously. 

"We still haven't caught him," said Falcon. "Steve he's dangerous."

"I know but he won't hurt me," I said. "We'll worry about it when I get back. So is everyone here?"

"Yeah, they're all waiting on the chairs we just put out for the guests. Tony's dying to see you," said Falcon. Peter 's head popped round the corner of the door. "Hey what's up Spider!"

"Hey!" hissed Peter. "It's time to come down Papa." I looked back in the mirror one more time and smiled. I walked down the stairs with Peter's hand in mine and I stopped shocked when I saw what had been done to the place. There was red and white roses in every corner of the room, rows of chairs set up, an isle with a giant white carpet, a table full of food and small fairy lights decorating the walls. "Do you like it?" asked Peter.

"I-I love it," I said with tears in my eyes. I saw him standing at the top of the isle. In his charcoal black tuxedo, soft brown hair and his dark sweet eyes. Our eyes met over everyone and he put his hand to his heart when he looked at me and I missed a step of the stairs because I was so lost. All heads turned to us as I stood at the end of the isle. Peter held my hand and we walked down the isle together. I stood opposite Tony and he held my shaking hands in his. The vicar started to talk but all I could do was look into Tony's eyes and try not to cry. He gave me a light pinch hinting that I was supposed to put the silver ring on his hand and say my vows. "I, Steve Rogers, take you Tony Stark to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God, I make this vow," I said holding back tears with every muscle that I had. All of a sudden Tony jumped onto me with a hug making everyone squeal and aw in the background. 

"Please don't cry," he whispered to me before saying his vows. As he said he vows to me he held my hands tightly. 

"Do you take Steve Roger's to be your husband?" asked the vicar. 

"I do," said Tony.

"Do you take Tony Stark to be your husband?" asked the vicar.

"I do," I said. 

"You may now-" before he could finish I grabbed Tony's head and kissed him. 

"Steve!" he cried laughing. I pulled him in close to me and everyone clapped. We walked down the steps with Peter and everyone gathered round with us at the tables. Natasha came up behind us and hugged us.

"I'm so happy!" she cried and she dragged Thor, Bruce, Clint and Peter all over for a hug. 

"That was great!" said Thor and he patted me on the back. Tony winked at me from across the crowd of people congratulating us. I finally managed to get around everyone to be with Tony. I put my arms around him from behind him and he leaned back on me. 

"I can't wait to be on your private plane to London," I whispered to him.

"And then we'll be staying in a giant hotel room... all alone," he said with a smirk. 

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