For Infinity

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Steve and I had been dating now for a few months now and Peter was staying round at Avengers Tower more often. Peter had Wade around a lot and everything was going great.

"Steve!" I yelled as I ran into his room. He looked up at me surprised and he smiled and dragged me in close to him. "It's our 6month already!"

"I know! The past few months have gone past crazy fast," said Steve and he played with the sleeve of my jumper. It was crazy to think I'd now loved Steve for a year and a half. It's just for one year he didn't know. "I'm definitely taking you out."

"Yay!" I said and I grabbed his cheeks. "I can't wait. What time?"

"6pm. See you later," said Steve and I shut the door. As I shut the door Peter ran past with Wade holding onto his back.


I lay down on my bed with my text books open and Wade was sitting there staring at me with his pale blue eyes. "Peter, can't you do that later!" he whined as he threw himself on his back.

"You know I have a big test in two weeks  when I go back to school," I said.

"Yeah, two weeks! It's Christmas vacation! Come on!" said Wade. "It's Christmas in a week. What do you want?"

"I don't know Wade. Just be quiet for a minute," I said trying to focus on the Chemistry book but he slammed the book shut and threw it onto the floor. He grabbed my legs and pulled me close to his face. "Really?"

"Yup," said Wade and lay me down and put his hands on my shoulders pinning me down. "Come on now. Let's have fun."

"Wade! No, no! My parents are home!" I cried and he looked at me confused.

"Parents?" asked Wade. I didn't even realise I had said it.

"Well Steve is basically my Dad too," I said. "Come on Wade. Let's just... do homework."

"But you're already smart enough. Please! Please, please!" said Wade holding my by my thighs. I shook my head at him. "One kiss." I shook my head but I couldn't help smiling at him. "A hug?" I got up and picked up my book but he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me down to my bed again. "I'll kiss you then." He grabbed me by my face and kissed me until I couldn't resist his flirting.

"Fine... we can do whatever you want today," I said and I sighed.  


I waited by the door watching the little hand on the clock slowly move towards the 6. I heard shallow footsteps behind me and they stopped not far behind me. I turned around and Nat was standing there with a big smile. "Someone's going out! So where are you two lovers going?" she asked with a huge grin. "I'm happy for you guys."

"I actually don't know. Steve's just taking me out," I said. I was actually really nervous about tonight. It was a big anniversary to me and I didn't want to mess it up. "Do I look okay? What do you think he'll say? How should I stand?"

"Wait! Calm down... are you really that scared?" she asked and she crossed her arms and smiled. "That's cute. It shows you care."

"You really think so?" I asked. "Because I am scared... I love him lots." As I said that he came down the stairs in a black suit almost matching to mine. He looked more nervous than I did and I smiled as I looked down at the floor. As he stood in front of me I gazed into his eyes watching his cheeks go red. I gave a nervous laugh and he put his hand into mine. "Let's go," I said and I looked at Natasha and waved as we got out of the door. As the doors shut to the elevator we looked at each other out of the corner of our eyes. "I hate to admit how nervous I am about tonight."

"Me too," said Steve. "But I'm excited to take you around town tonight."

"Can I know where?" I asked excitedly. He shook his head and put his arm around me.

"It's a surprise my Iron Man," he whispered closely to me.

"Okay Cap," I said and he laughed. He pulled me out of the exit excitedly and we walked down the lit up streets holding each others hands tightly.

"It's down here." He pulled me down onto a main road and I looked up at the sky and it was where I fell from in the New York Battle.

"Steve... why are we here?" I asked nervously and he put his hands on my shoulders.

"This was where I realised I really wanted you and I stopped denying the truth. I love you. Even if we're both a mess... it doesn't matter to me," said Steve softly. He got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened. "I know it's kind of soon, but I love you and I love Peter... Will you Marry me?"

"Y-Yes," I said crumbling. My eyes filled with tears and I jumped into his arms. "Oh Steve. I love you so much." He put his hands around my cheeks and kissed me. He had tears streaming down his face too and we both laughed as we looked at each other. He put the silver ring on my left hand and I wrapped myself around him as we sat in the middle of the streets. "Peter will be so happy. He loves you."

"I love you both so much," said Steve as he picked me back up onto my feet. "I just want you to know I want you forever."

"For Infinity," I said as he held me in his arms. "We have to go home and tell everyone!"

As we walked in through the doors Peter was sitting by himself in the lounge with his headphones in. I ran in and he sat up and threw his headphones to the side. "What's up?" asked Peter. I put my left hand in front of his face while Steve wrapped his hands around me from behind. Peter's face lit up and he jumped up in excitement.

"You did it! You're finally engaged!" squealed Peter and he jumped up and hugged Steve. "I'm so happy. My Dad and Papa are getting married."

"Papa?" Steve and I said at the same time.

"Yeah! Steve's my Papa and you're my Dad... right?" asked Peter and he grabbed mine and Steve's hand and smiled. "Have you told the others yet."

"No, not yet," said Steve. "But I think they'll be just as happy."

"Can I tell Wade?" he said smiling.

"Of course," I said. He ran up the glass stairs with his phone in his hand laughing. I grabbed Steve by his collar and pulled him down on top of me on the sofas. As I took of his tie he looked at me confused.

"Are we actually doing this?" he asked. "Someone could walk in."

"But we're engaged Steve!" I pleaded and I put my arms around him making him smile.

"Fine," he said giving in. He started to undo the first few buttons of my shirt but then we heard the door burst open. "I told you." Bruce and Natasha walked in confused.

"What's this?" she asked and she looked at us and laughed. I sat up awkwardly as Steve got off me. "So what's going on?" I looked at Steve nervously and he laughed and grabbed my left hand and showed them.

"Oh wow!" cried Bruce and he smiled and sat down with us. "I didn't see this coming."

"Neither did I," I said and Steve and I both looked at each other and laughed. "It was so sweet."

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