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It had been a week now since Wade and I had broke up and we were hardly talking. But I did promise him I would see him off and Dad and Papa said they would come too. I could hear them whispering about it whenever I walked past their rooms these days. Or sometimes they would be arguing about Steve wanting to see Bucky and Sam. I just wanted it all to be over. There was a knock at the door and I sighed.

"Come in," I mumbled into my pillow. The door slowly opened and Dad came in alone. 

"Hey, Peter. We're leaving in a few minutes. Start getting ready," said Dad and he stood in the doorway waiting for me to move. "I know it's hard but it will be fine." 

"Dad... I don't know if I want to go anymore," I said.

"But Peter, this might be the last time you see Wade in a while. We have to take you back to your Aunts in two days as well," said Dad. "I know Wade will be heartbroken if you don't go."

"So you want me to go?" I asked and I sat up slowly. 

"I think it will be good to be able to see him. I would find it hard to not see Steve for a while," said Dad. "Even when we do fight." 

"Okay, I'll get ready," I said and he smiled at me before leaving the room. I groaned as I rolled of my bed and I picked up my clothes from the pile on the floor. I put on a nice shirt and spray before going downstairs to meet the others. As I was going downstairs Natasha stopped me in the corridor and hugged me.

"Oh my Peter! You look nice today!" she said happily. 

"Thanks Nat!" I said I ran down  the stairs and jumped onto Papa. "Papa! Where's Dad?" He was still holding me in his arms and I laughed.

"He's just coming now," said Papa and he spun me round in circles. 

"When's Sam coming round?" I asked. "I want to see him again." 

"Oh... I don't know. You can have his number though if you really want," said Papa and he handed me his phone. I copied the number into my contacts and was so excited to message Sam.


ME: Sam! It's me Peter.

SAM: Hey Spidey!

ME: You haven't told my parents about me yet have you? :)

SAM: Nooo. But you should Peter. See you soon

Sam was the only one that knew about me being Spider-Man. He kind of caught me coming in late after a mission but he promised he wouldn't say a word.

"Phone down," said Dad as he came down the stairs. He walked right over to Papa and kissed him strongly against the wall and I turned around and stared out the window. "Okay let's go." Dad put his arm around my shoulder and I forced a smile to him.

"Where are we meeting Wade to see him off?" asked Papa.

"Wade's Mum said she would drive up here from Queens to Manhattan just so he could say goodbye," I said. "But then I won't probably won't see him for months. He's meeting us outside the tower." They took me down the elevator and we waited on the streets for Wade. 

An hour had passed and we were all still waiting. "I don't think he's coming," I sighed into Dad's shoulder. My phone started to ring and it was Wade. "Wade!"

"P-Peter," he said with his voice breaking. You could hear the tears in his voice. 

"Wade? Aren't you coming to say goodbye?" I asked.

"Peter, my Mum said I shouldn't see you," said Wade. "I love you and I'm sorry." He hung up the phone I dropped  it down and put my head in my knees. 

"He's not coming," I mumbled. 


I watched tears flood Peter's eyes as he put his head down. I looked at Steve and he looked back at me with the same worried facial expression. He reached out for my hand and our fingers intertwined like padlocks. Seeing Peter so upset always scared me what I would be with out Steve with me. "Come on Peter. Let's go inside."

"No. I want to stay outside for a bit by myself," said Peter. 

"Okay," I said and Steve and I walked in and back up to our room. "I'm so mad at Wade! How could he not even come and say goodbye to our Peter!"

"I'm sure he wanted to Tony," said Steve and he sat down on the bed next to me. 

"I just don't want to see Peter upset," said Tony. "I love him so much." Steve put his muscly arms around me and he grabbed my cheeks and pushed them together. "Steve!" I squealed laughing and I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him down on his back. "I got you!" He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, you do have me," said Steve and he smirked. He pulled me down and kissed my cheek. 

"Should we check on Peter now?" I asked.

"Tony! He said he wanted to be alone," said Steve and his grip was now firm on me. "Besides, I want you here with me now." 

"Okay fine," I said and I let him kiss me. "But after 15minutes we have to check on him."

"15minutes it's all we need!" said Steve he started to undo my shirt. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and his fingers ran down my thighs making my me lose all my thoughts. I leant my head back on his shoulder and I mumbled his name. "Oh! We should probably shut the door."


"Okay," I said catching my breath. I threw Steve his shirt from off the floor and I turned my phone back on to find 3missed calls from Peter. "Oh no! I think Peter's in trouble."

"What do you mean Tony?" asked Steve and he put his hands on my shoulder. "Let's go and check he's okay." We ran down to the front of the tower and all that was left was Peter's shoe on top of a piece of paper. I snatched the piece of paper up in my hands viciously and I glared down at it.

"S-Steve! Hydra agents took Peter... this doesn't make sense though! It says unless we bring Spider-Man's suit we're not getting him back?" I said confused and I looked up at Steve.

"I'll send a message to everyone for clues. We need all eyes on this case Tony," said Steve and he held my shaking hand. 

"Why is his shoe left here?" I cried. "And what do we tell his Aunt!"

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