chap 20 .Beautiful lives

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Enjoy my lovelies

Khalani on the right Melani on the left

"AHHH ..." she scream out in pain , the tears floating down her cheeks as she holds unto lucas hand with the nurse whipping the sweat off her forehead.

"ok honey , one.....two....three...PUSH ."

"AHHHHHH ....AHHH AH i-i can't.." she cried out in pain .

It hurt so much giving birth to her baby girl .

"yes you can sweetie ." She nodded her head at lucas words .

"AAAAHHHHHH ." That was the scream of the most hurtful yet beautiful pain ever .

"ITS A GIRL ." Lyla look at her baby girl who was already crying.  Aw she was the cutest.

"AHH ." A scream left her lips .

"WHATS HAPPENING? " one nurse shout .

"She's having another baby ."

"WHAT ?"lyla scream looking at lucas before looking at the nurses,  she cried out in pain .

"Honey Im going to need you to push again ."

And with that she scream and push as hard as she could, it really was something beautiful to have kids . Bringing new lives in this world . Those kids were her and lucas kids . She couldn't be more happier.

"Khalani looks exactly like you lyla ." her mother say holding Khalani the oldest twin smiling.

"They're so beautiful. " lucas mother say smiling.

Everyone was in lyla room , visiting her and her twins ,but really all she needed was to spent some time with lucas and her twins . Not that she didn't wanna be around them but she needed some time with them.

Lucas run his hand down her soft cheeck , watch her smile as she hold Melani the youngest twin close to her .

"She is just like you ." She say smiling at lucas .

Lucas chuckle before looking at Khalani who was peacefully asleep.

"Thank you ." He meant that,  she give him a gift that he lost long time ago . She completed that empty hole in his heart and he didn't know how to thank her .

Lyla reach and grab his hand .

"Really ,im thanking you for letting me have kids with you...for trusting me ." She smile , he smile back before leaning in and kiss her gently.

They both laugh and pull away as Melani starts crying.

"She's going to be a pain. " lucas say as they both laugh again.

The mostly thing the media is talking about is lyla and lucas twin girls , they can't stop talking bout them .

Lyla turn down the tv looking at the twins who were sleeping,  she was still at the hospital.  Lycas went to get something for her to eat with dean so she was alone with her twins.

Knock knock .

Marlen walk in.

"hey baby mama ." Lyla laugh quietly as marlen close the door .

"what are you doing here ?"lyla ask as marlen took a seat at the edge of the bed .

"Just wanted to talk ...Where's lucas ?"

"He went to get food , whats up ." Lyla sat up running her hand down her face . She was tired the twins would cry all night long and sleep in the morning.

"Nothing really , so um how is it giving birth ?" She ask , lyla sigh .

"I mean it hurts really but i guess it good ..." they both let out a small laugh .

Marlen got up walking up to the twins .

"Are you happy being a mom ?" She suddenly ask .

"Of course,  I'm more then happy ...why you asking anyways ?" Lyla eye her carefully before gasping.

"Y-y-youre pregnant. " she let out a small sqeaul.

Marlen let out a laugh .

"What no ...ah yes i am , i didn't want to tell mom or dad yet so you and Alex are the first one to know ." (Alex the guy that give her the ring ) lyla squeal again.

"Marlen thats great news , im so happy for you ." Marlen got on the bed with lyla.

"You think mom and dad will be happy ?"

"All mom ever talk about is grandkids. "They both laugh.

She was living a beautiful life .

Beautiful lives .

Sorry for the short and lame chap 😂😂

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