Chapter 2

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Lexi's P.O.V.

I wake up to the flight attendant gently shaking my arm. I pull out my earbuds and blink sleepily up at her. In a way overly perky tone she speaks
"We've landed in London miss."
"yay." I groan while stretching and popping my sore muscles. I fold up my blanket and tuck it in my backpack. London adventures here i come.

Phil's P.O.V.

Dan and I were on edge but excited. Our new flat mate and hopefully soon to be girlfriend is arriving today. I love my boyfriend. Nothing can or will ever be able to change that. But we both agree we miss girls. This can either go really well or really awkwardly. No time to think about that cuz I'm pretty sure she's at the door right now.

Lexi's P.O.V.

My taxi finally arrives at the apartment and I grab my suitcases. Here goes nothing. I gently knock on the door social anxiety kicking in. I hear foot steps and the click of the door unlocking. The tall blue eyed cutie himself answered. I cram my inner fangirl into a cage in the corner and smile.
"Hey roomy." Ugh cringe great first impression Lex.
"Hey super excited to finally have a girl living here." He says. Was he flirting? Nah.
"Awe." I giggle feeling myself blush.
"Here let me get those for you." He takes the heavy suitcases off me and I follow him to what i assume is my room.
"Thanks." I smile up at him. Damn those eyes are so hypnotic.
"Not a problem." He smiles back holly fuck i'm gonna melt into a puddle if he doesn't stop.
"Hey Dan! Our new flat mate is here!" He calls out.
"Make her a cup of tea i'll be there in a sec!" I giggle at that and Phil smiles.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" He giggles while asking.
"Sure." I say smiling.
"How do you like it?"
"Cream and 2 sugars."
"Got it. I'll let you know when its ready." He heads out shutting my bedroom door behind him. I see the two boxes of stuff i couldn't fit in my suitcases tucked neatly next to the bed. Whoops guess those got here before me. Oh well. I look around the room the decorating was minimal but tasteful. I unzip my suitcase and pull out my favorite bedding and make the bed. I also set up my phone charger but quickly realize i dont have the right wall peice.
"Oh for fuck sake I'm so stupid."
"Umm...are you ok?" I'm startled by Dan knocking on my door. I open it and blush slightly embarrased.
"Uh yeah sorry. Just forgot to get a new wall peice for my charger is all."
"You say that like its not a big deal. I'd die without my phone and my phone would obvs die without its charger. I have a spare you can have don't worry about it."
"You and Phil are total sweethearts. Thanks ."
"Lex! Dan! Kettles hot tea's almost ready."
"Comming!" We call back at the same time. I follow Dan to the kitchen where Phil is. "I hope you don't mind but we only have soy milk at the moment." Phil says giving me an apologetic look.
"No worries I'm vegan anyway."
"Oh. Odd coincidence then." He hands me the cup and i take a sip.
"Wanna come hang in the lounge with us?" Dan asks.
"Sure." I follow his lead and
Phil trails behind us. They sit on opposite sides of the couch and gesture for me to sit between them. I do because who rejects being part of a Phandwhich?
"Omg you guys are on the same episode of Full Metal Alchemist as I am." I say excitedly.
"Well guess that answers what you like to watch. We lucked out." Dan smiles selecting the anime.
"How do you feel about Buffy the Vampire Slayer?" Phil asks.
"Oh my goth don't even get me started. Its soo much better than half the shit shows on TV now i was so pissed cuz i didn't get to finish watching it on Netflix before it disappeared."
"Best flat mate ever." Phil side hugs me. And i blush.
"Hey!" Dan says faking hurt.
"Oh Shut up you're my boyfriend you don't count." Phil says.
"This guy." Dan jokes.
"Awe." I say loving the romantic fluff.
"Oh yeah. Phan's real by the way." Dan says.
"Well duh. You know you guys aren't as good at hiding it as you think right?" I say.
"Whoops." They say at the same time blushing.
"Secrets safe with me. The internet doesn't need to know that stuff if you don't want them to."
"She gets it." Phil says side hugging me again. I blush. I don't care if they're gay. Hot males hugging me will forever make me blush.
"Awe you're so adorable when you blush." Dan says which of course makes me blush again and i cover my cheeks with my hands.
"Both of u stop." I giggle. Dan gently pulls my hands down. Then gives me a quicker peck on the cheek. I look up into his deep dark eyes.
"Don't hide your face." He says putting an arm around me and rubbing my shoulder. I sip my tea to hide my face instead. I expected him to let go but he didn't. Hmm...weird. Its like they're flirting with me. But why would a gay couple flirt with me? Im over thinking this.

*time skip cuz I'm a shit author*

Lexi's P.O.V.

We finish an episode and I get up to take our cups to the kitchen and to take a quick pee break. I come back a few minutes later and see the two boys cuddling.
"Aweee." I squeal realizing too late. Oops fangirl moment. They both blush. I sit down on the end so they can keep cuddling.
"You two are so cute together." I smile hitting play on the remote to play the next episode. I start to feel a bit chilly a few mins in. As i'm about to get up and get a blanket i'm suddenly pulled into the cuddle fest.
"You look cold." Dan said simply and Phil nodded.
"Awe thanks." I blush and lay my head on his chest. Phil drapes his arm over me and somehow this feels so right and so wrong. If they're together why am i enjoying this? I feel kinda like a home wrecker but i'm not making the moves they are. Maybe they're just nice affectionate guys and i'm way overthinking things. Either way jet lag is hitting like a ton of bricks and the gentle tug of my hair being stroked is not helping.

Dan's P.O.V.

I feel her body go limp as Lex falls aslleep between us. I smile.
"Jet lag finally hit I'm guessing." Phil says holding her a bit tighter between us now.
"Guess so. I'm actually a bit sleepy too tbh. I'm just waiting for you." I say then yawn.
"You can't be waiting for me if i was waiting for you." He says yawning as well. I kiss my adorable boyfriend.
"Lets get to bed then." I say after pulling away.
"What about Lex?"
"Well. Our aim is to make her our girlfriend right? It may be a bit soon but why don't we cary her in with us?"
"Thats a great idea" he smiles he slowly gets up holding her bridal style
"She's so tiny and light." He says surprised. I follow him to the room and turn lights off. I lay down as hes gently putting her down clearly afraid of waking her up as he starts to climb in after her i notice her stir a bit.
"Shh." I stroke her hair like Phil had been in the lounge and she goes still. Phil spoons her and i drape an arm over both of them.
"This feels right." I say sleepily. The last thing i hear before i slip into a peaceful sleep was a tired but contented
"Mmhm." From my boyfriend.

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