Chapter 7

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Dan's P.O.V.

Ok. I totally wasn't planning on kissing Lexi that way but that happened. I feel slightly rejected the way she plays it off but the fact still remains that she kissed back even if it took a second seeing as i caught her off guard. I text some friends about wanting to go to the ice rink tonight.
"Dan i need your help to finish editing for the gaming channel video." Phil says.
"Ok. We'll let you know in a bit if and or when we're leaving." I say to Lex. She nods and i follow Phil to the office. He locks the door behind us.
"That was so cute she definitely likes you." He says.
"Does she though? That could've been just for the camera."
"Dan. She wasn't gonna do it at all. Plus she pulled you closer to her when she did kiss back."
"If she does like either or both of us shes really good at hiding it." I say a bit annoyed.
"Yeah its like she just mirrors whatever we do but doesn't make any moves." Phil says.
"Thats exactly it. She recipricates any moves we make on her but isn't making moves on us." I say.
" her video she flirted with us a little but how much of that was for the camera i'm not sure."
"Why are girls so complicated?" I ask whining.
"Its probably what you said earlier. She knows we're together."
"So when do we tell her we're looking for a girlfriend?"
"Thats the hard part cuz i know she likes you, you're pretty sure she likes me, we both agree she's amazing, but how do you spring that on someone without them freaking out?" Phil asks.
"That's the real question. How long do we drag this out? Cuz we don't want to scare her away but we also really want her to be our girlfriend."
" it really that bad if we wait? She wasn't bothered by sleeping in the same room as us, doesn't object when we make her join us cuddling, it really comes down to kissing and sex." Phil points out.
"She is a good kisser." I say thinking about the kiss.
"She is. There's something adorable about short girls when they kiss."
"I think it's safe to say Lexi has us by the balls Phil. Shes playing hard to get without even trying."
"Guess we just have to keep flirting til we know for sure."
"Maybe." I say kissing my love. I might be falling for a girl but at least hes by my side equally as fucked up by how perfect she is. I love him so much.

Lexi's P.O.V.

The guys leave and i get lost in my thoughts again. Why are they so flirty? Why did Dan bring up kissing? Why did Phil push for me to kiss his boyfriend if he knew it was a joke? Why did i enjoy kissing both of them? I hug a pillow as i feel warm tears streaming down my face. Flashbacks of my ex calling me a psychotic bitch and scumb of the earth and telling me he regretted helping me with depression all flash through my mind as i realize that i'm a home wrecker.
*TRIGGER WARNING (skip this if you don't like mentions of self harm)*
I try my best to calm down and push the thoughts away. I remember my ex Mikey. How many times he said he'd kill himself. How many times he cried. How he'd disappear for days or weeks at a time saying he was gonna kill himself and how i tried to help. The worst had to be the day we split. I called him out in a group chat with all our friends. I told him that the things he said were serious struggles and not things you say for attention. He then typed in all caps that i was the reason he wanted death. That was the night we ended things. Of course everyone except a select few took his side and bullied me. I blocked them all. Of course his new girl popped up in my message requests a month or two later. I wasn't fully over everything and i still blamed myself for his issues. I cried so hard and had a panic attack. Except it wasn't. I remembered crying til breathing got hard and passing out. How i wlke up with shallow bloody cuts up both arms was beyond me. I feel my lungs burning as dark spots take over my vision. Not fucking again
I wake up on my bed and realize i'd only passed out for barely 5 minutes. I sit up and pull my knees up to my chest.
I see a rubber band and about 6 lines on each wrist.
"Fuck!" I say annoyed and dissapointed. I'd made it 5 fucking years and i fucked up. I inspect the pink lines. They broke skin but nothing worse than a papercut than goth. I groan and dig through my bag. I grab my first aid kit and clean each line mentally scolding myself as i wince at each one. I put liquid bandage on it and wait for it to dry. Thank goodness i get to wear a sweater tonight. Theres no way in hell i'm explaining this to Dan and Phil.
I hear a knock on my door.
"Hey you ok?" I hear Dan ask as i burry my first aid supplies in my bag.
"Uh yeah. Just b-broke my eyeliner pencil...and cant find the sharpener." Good going the studder totally wont give you away.
"You don't sound so sure about that but if you say so." He says. Phew. Close call. I grab the liquid bandaid bottle and some alcohol pads. I slip them in the bottom of my purse. No way am i taking a chance of someone seeing what happened. I dab a light coating of foundation and powder over the sealed wounds and head to the kitchen.
"I thought you said you were wearing eyeliner?" Dan asks confused.
"No i wiped it off since i uh broke the pencil and didnt want it half way done." I say avoiding his gaze and filling the kettle.
"What time are we heading out tonight?" I ask changing the subject.
"Well its already 4 in the afternoon. Louise suggested we all grab a bite to eat around 5:30 or 6 then go from there."
"Sounds like a plan." I say nervously giggling.
"Are you alright you wrong Lexi?" He asks.
"Nothing. Me? Off? Don't be silly." I say. He gives me a look.
"Alexandria Lil."
"Ooh full name so scary." I mock trying to throw him off. I make to leave the kitchen but i'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn and Dan's piercing dark eyes bore into my soul. I slowly back up but hit a wall.
"Lexi. You can talk to us you do know that right?" Shit. He knows. No theres no way he can know. Fuck fuck fuck. My next move surprises both of us but achieved the effect i wanted. I grab his shirt collar and pull his face to mine and kiss him. The hungriest kiss i could muster. I let go and he stand upright looking at me shocked.
"Just wanted to show you how we do it in LA." I say lustilly. I go to my room and breathe a sigh of relief. Close call holy fuck. If i'm gonna be a home wrecker might as well use it to my advantage in awkward situations right?

Dan's P.O.V.

I hear a frustrated "Fuck!" Followed by some shuffling in Lexi's room. I knock and ask if shes ok. She says in an unsure tone that she broke her eyeliner and had no sharpener. I roll my eyes. Make up probs. I ask if shes sure and figure shes probs just embarrased. I go to the kitchen to look for a snack when i read Louise's text suggesting we all grab a bite before we hit the ice. Lex enters the kitchen. I'm about to tell her the plan for tonight when i realize she's not wearing eyeliner. She says she took it off since the pencil broke before she finished but i'm not buying that. How can your eyelids break your pencil? Plus she just seems off. I get her attention before shes fully out of the kitchen. Our eyes lock.
"Lexi. You can talk to us. You do know that right?" I say seriously as she cowers back only to end up against a wall. I see fear flicker in her eyes then panic. I'm about to hug her and tell her its ok and to not be scared that she can trust us when she grabs my collar and pulls me down to her hight. It was the sexiest, hungriest, most lustful kiss i'd gotten from anyone that wasn't my boyfriend. And even with him it took a little warming up before It escalated to that. I'm to shocked to coherently respond when she lets go and i stand up. Skinny jeans were a bad choice today. In a hot sentual voice she says.
"Just wanted to show you how we do it in LA." Before she struts off. I stand there dazed, confused, turned on, but frustrated cuz i know shes hiding something and just used sex appeal to get away with it. Its equal parts attractive and frustrating. Something in me says if shes willing to play the sex card i shouldn't be afraid to either. I smile. Then Phil walks in.
"Woah...did i...miss something?" He asks eyes flicking down to my errection.
"Our girl's not afraid to fight dirty." I say.
"What do you mean? Lexi did something to cause that?" He says excited.
"I'll explain in a bit. But first i could use with this...situation." Phil smiles sexily. He kisses me.
I grind on him hard the friction driving me crazy. I moan and he uses the opportunity to deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling our bodies as close as possible. He pushes me up against the wall. Ironic that this is where Lexi was when she kissed me. I feel him lift me as i wrap my legs around his waist. I grind faster making us both moan. He starts kissing my neck and it almost sends me over the edge. I undo both our zippers pressing our errections together with only the thin barrier of our under wear in the way. I cup his balls as i grind harder getting us both close to the edge. He bites down on my sweet spot on my collar bone and it sends me over the edge. I give his balls one last gentle squeeze as i thrust hard and he cums with me. I feel him set me down but i hold on to him for a few seconds before my legs function properly again.
*Smut over*
"Better?" Phil asks before pecking me on the lips as i sway slightly still not fully regaining my land legs after that intense dry humping.
"Much better thank you love." I say. I remember the kettle Lex had started.
"Lex! I think you're water is boiling!" I call.
"Is the kitchen PG yet?!" She calls back. I laugh
"Nope but it will be in literally two seconds." Phil calls zipping his jeans. I zip mine as well deciding i'd change in a minute rather than walking across the house with my zip undone.
"Ma virgin ears didn't need that." Lex says pouring herself a cup of tea.
"Oh don't even pretend you're innocent Cali girl." I tease.
"Cali girls can be innocent...except those of us that cashed in our V card when we graduated high school but still." She jokes heading to the lounge.
"Cute sweater." I say looking at the black hoodie with pastel colored stripes on the sleeves.
"Thanks its my Abbey Dawn cupcake sweater. I'm ready unlike some people." She jokes sipping her tea.
"Right." I blush.
"What time is it?"
"I'm just teasing it's 5:oo o'clock you got half an hour." She says.
"Alright. We'll go get changed while you finish that and we can be on our way." Phil says heading to the bedroom.
"Alright." She says. I follow Phil and get changed to leave.

Author's Note- Thanks for getting this story OVER 100 READS GUYS! Seriously I never thought athis story would get this much attention thanks a bunch and I hope you like where the story is heading. Sorry this was a bit short. I wanted to give you guys some real smut since i've kept it so lite and i'm planning a longer chapter for the ice rink so stay tuned!

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