Chapter 9

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Lexi's P.O.V.

I wake early and quickly get showered. I quietly leave the house and head to Starbucks. I order a coffee and text Louise.

*text convo*
Lexi- Meet me at the Starbucks.
Louise- Damn you're an early riser. Be there in 10.

I rub my temples feeling a headache comming on. Ugh i don't wanna talk about this.

Louise's P.O.V.

I enter the coffee shop and see a tired Lexi in the corner.
"Hey girly." I say sitting next to her
"Hey." She says setting her cup down.
"I saw."
"I know."
"Thats not healthy."
"I know."
"Then why'd you do it?"
"...i didn't."
"If you didn't who did?" I ask. She rubs her temples and grabs my hand standing up.
"Walk with me." She says. We leave the shop and walk between buildings avoiding people. She stops and leans against a wall. She tells me the story of what happened. I study her face trying to read her emotions. Her face is blank.
"Lexi." I say.
"Yeah?" I hug her. She stiffens for a sec but hugs back
"Lexi. I'll make you a deal. Dan and Phil don't have to know. have to go to at least one appointment with a therapist. Its good that you can self manage but you have to at least try getting professional help. It might help you deal with all of this." Lex goes ridgid at my words.
"Whats wrong?" I ask putting an arm around her.
"I...don't do psychology help." She says in an odd tone.
"Why not?"
"When the thing happened with my college room mate made a similar deal with me. I got put on medication. But the medicine only made it worse. I never went back." She says.
"Lexi...thats not something you can just ignore."
"Been ignoring it for 4 to 5 years." She says dismissively.
"Please? Just one appointment. I'll stay with you the whole time if you want. And we never have to speak of any of this again." She chews her lips turning it over in her head.
"Fine." She says simply.
"Good." I hug her.

*time skip*

Louise's P.O.V.

We walk out and Lexi breathes a sigh of relief.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"Last time i got "professional help" i got diagnosed as bipolar."
"Lexi." I whine.
"That was a key peice of information why didn't you mention that?"
"Don't ask, don't tell." She shrugs.
"Alright. You held up your end of the deal i guess. But if something like this happens again i'm telling the guys that little detail."
"Yeah yeah. Lets go do girly shit." She says brushing it off.

*back at Dan & Phil's place*

Lexi's P.O.V.

Louise and I ate a quick lunch after walking into the hair salon. They get so flustered at bright unnatural hair colors its hillarious. We laughed about it and decided to part ways for the day. I might've been dreading that this morning but i feel like shes that girl i can go to for anything. Not quite besties yet but damn close. I unlock the door and step inside. The door barely shuts behind me when strong arms pick me up in a tight embrase.
"Oh my god where were you? Why no note? Why didn't you pick up your phone?"
"Dan... can't...breath." I gasp     He put me down but it doesn't last long.
"Oh my god you're back we were worried sick." Phil says picking me up in a hug just like Dan had.
"Guys i'm not use to this altitude i'm short." I gasp. He sets me down.
"Louise wanted to hang out." I say simply walking to my bedroom to set my purse down. I start to pull my sweater off. Shit. Iquickly hang it up and B line for the bathroom. I hastily dab foundation on both arms and lightly brush it over with powder. I walk out to the lounge.
"Its saturday guys." I say excitedly.
"Yeah what of it?" Dan asks.
"Lets do something crazy, something fun, something crazy fun!"  I say putting an arm around both of them.
"Like what?"
"I do random drunk live shows sometimes. We should go get alcohol and do one tonight on my Twitch channel that i rarely use."
"Maybe. Better than drinking out in public with other humans." Dan says.
"Dan's done a drunk show accidentally before but i never have." Phil says.
"Normally i pregame with light stuff so I'm buzzed and when they tip certain amounts i take a shot of straight Patron." I say.
"That makes sense i guess. Keeps you at a certain pace so you don't get to messed up too quickly." Phil says.
"Its even better with other people cuz then you take turns. My stream is age gated by the way so we'll have mostly 18+ and a few liars cuz we all said we were 18 when we weren't at some point."
"I'm not surprised you're age gated, you ended your video saying  to smash the like button cuz sixx rhymes with sex." Dan says.
"Well yeah who doesnt love sex?"
"...true." They both agree. Dan gives me a look.
"What?" I ask. Dan leans over i lean back as he slowly pins me to the sofa.
"Nothing Cali girl." He says hovering over me. My breath hitches as i realize how close we are.
"Dan-" i whisper. Our eyes lock and...he starts tickling me righ below the ribcage.
"Daniel you asshole." I shriek laughing.
"Paybacks a bitch." He laughs. I feel Phil grab my leg and drag me closer to him.  I catch my breath.
"Thank you- ahh not again!" I say as Phil tickles me. I flip us over and pin his wrist behind his head. He looks at me. Oh my goth hes enjoying this in the wrong way. I lean down and kiss his forehead before i roll off him. I lay on my stomach and catch my breath and Dan lays on me. We start play wrestling laughing the whole time. Finally Dan pins me holding my wrists above my head. Phil counts the second. I lean up and gently bite Dan's neck. He moans and his hold on me breaks. I flip us over and pin him. Dan's eyes widen and he goes still. I initially think my shirt had to have slid down but i follow his gaze. Shit. No no no no no no i think as he looks at my arms. The makeup had rubbed off.

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