Chapter 10

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Dan's P.O.V.

I lay still pinned under Lexi. In normal circumstances I'd be commenting on the intimate position. But i see something that breaks my heart. I sit up. Lex goes catatonic with...fear? Shock? I'm not sure which. Phil looks over and comes to kneel next to me.
"Guys whats...oh my god..." he says.
I gently hold her arm i rub away the little remaining make up. Six faded pink lines. Phil holds her other arm clearly shocked and sad.
"Lexi." I whisper.
"Why?" Phil asks. Lexi starts to cry.
"I'm sorry." She says. I barely recognize the small almost child like voice as hers. I hate seeing her upset. Phil and i hold her and i notice her starting to hyperventilate. I pull back looking her in the eyes as Phil hold her from behind on his lap.
"Lexi. Love. You need to breathe." I say. She calms down a little and pulls her knees up to her chest.
"Lexi. Don't cry." Phil holds her and rock her.
"When did this happen?" I wish she'd just talk to us.

Lexi's P.O.V.

I try to explain myself but what could i say? I felt like a home wrecker had flashback of my ex and it just happened? They'd think i was insane. I gather up all the resolve i can muster. I have to lie and i have to do it well.
"When did this happen?" Dan asks.
"The night i left LA." I say numbly.
"What happened that night?"
"My friend that I had a crush on got pissed cuz i rejected him. It wasn't a complete lie. Jordan and I had drunk fucked a week before i left. The day before i left he said he wanted me to stay and be with him. I kissed him goodbye that night. I loved Jordan possibly more than i care to admit but i quit dating for a reason. I much rather wonder what if than end up heart broken again. I blink as Dan wipes my tears. He takes my arm again. He looks shocked still.
"Guys. I'm fine. You don't have to worry. I was 5 years clean before." I say reassuringly. I hate when people worry about me. He strokes each line with a feather light touch.
"It looks like its about to scab."
"Probably." I say not sure how to respond.
"Don't cover it anymore let it heal." He lets go of my arm. He looks at me. I stare down at the floor. They both put an arm around me. That went better than i expected.

Phil's P.O.V.

Dan and i hold Lexi between us. Its weird how the happiest person with the brightest smile can hide such a dark secret. I can't imagine going 5 years without a problem and slipping up. I wish i knew what she was thinking right now.
"Come on. Lets stop dwelling on sad shit.Lets do a fun live show and entertain some fans." She says getting up.
"If you're sure you're ok." I say watching her shrug on a sweater.
"Guys. LA has a special place in the black hole i call a heart. LA is where I grew the fuck up and figured myself out and came into my own. Leaving it behind after a good friend tried to convince me to stay just...wasn't easy." She says.
"Yeah i can see how that'd be hard. But you seem happy here." I say thinking of the random play wrestling and how she killed it on the ice.
"Thats cuz i have the sweetest gay couple as my room mates." She says ruffling our hair.
"Come on lets get drunk for views." She says slinging her purse over her shoulder. I just wanna hold her and kiss her insecurities away. Goddamnit let me love you Lexi.

*skipping trip to the liquor store"

Dan's P.O.V.

Lex makes a twitter video announcing that we'd be drunk streaming on her twitch. We put the bottles in the freezer to chill. She grabs the six pack of Smirnoff green apple coolers. She hands one to me and Phil.
"Don't make me drink alone." She whines jokingly.
"Alright." I say taking a sip. We sit down in the lounge and reply to some tweets. We all get through our first bottle. Lex grabs a second one and starts setting up the stream. Phil and i start our second bottles too. Lex get up to grab the Patron and shot glasses. She gets back and starts the stream.
"Hey peoples of the internet." She says. The chat scrolls.
-you 3 are goalz
-i want your hair
- you don't look drunk
"We're not. Not yet anyway. We're all on our second wine cooler. But if you guys wanna get us fucked up we're doing a shot for every $10 we get in tips." She says.
-give us drunk Dan again.
Lexi laughs.
"Tip $10 Dan can take the first shot if thats what you guys want." She says finishing her wine cooler. A $10 tip come through with a message.
-$10 Get him drunk Lexi give the people what they want.
Lexi poors me a shot.
"Lets see if he can take it straight like me of if he needs a chaser." She says.
"Was that a challenge."
"No. Just saying some of us can swallow easier than others." She laughs. I down the shot and bite my lip.
"Ooh...don't worry after a few you stop tasting it." She says.
-$20 Lexi and Phil's turn.
"Amazing Phil."
"Yes?" He laughs.
"The people have spoken. Do you need a chaser or you gonna take it straight?" She says pouring a shot for them both.
"I'm gonna go get something to chase it with. Brb." He says.
"I'll wait a sec for him to come back." She says reading the chat.
-take more shots.
"Tip if you want us to take more shots." She says.
-collab again
"We will at some point we're room mates."
-Is Phan real?
"As real as Nicki Minaj's ass and Mariah Carey's face. You decide." She says. I laugh and take over reading the chat.
"What the fuck?" I ask looking at Lex.
"Sometimes on streams i chug a bottle of watter as fast as possible and they time me and take awkward screenshots when i cough or gag." She says. Phil finally walks back in and she passes him the shot. She tips her head back and takes the shot. Phil does the same.
"I'll do a chug challenge after a few shots." She says. We waffle a bit reading outbthe chat and taking shots as the tips come in. After about 4 shots Lex gets another request to do the chug challenge.
"Get ready guys. It's time for the chug challenge!" She says grabbing a water bottle.
"I'll give you a sec to get ready to take awkward screen shots." She says reading the chat.
-Don't cheat.
"Its not cheating! Alright. You guys want Dan to hold the bottle?" She asks.
"What?" I ask.
" They say i cheat if i don't chug it all in one shot it's stupid." She says.
"No you can't call it the chug challenge and not chug the whole thing." I say.
"Yeah but they get pissed if i come up for air." She says.
"Suffer for views! No it's probably cuz they want the awkward screenshots." I laugh.
"They want you to be in charge of this." She says passing me the water bottle.
"Alright." I say taking it from her and unscrewing the cap.
-Yas! Make her take it all Dan.
"That was a euphemism." She laughs.
"Ok ready? 3-2-1 chug!" I hold the bottle to her mouth and she chugs i see the chat spam 🍆 and 😂. Lex puts her hand on mine and tilts the bottle. I read the chat. Its a mix of
- 🍆😂
-the fastest shes done is 20 secx.
I lover the now empty bottle. .
"There. I hope that made all your guy's dirty minded dreams come true. What was my time?"
-17 secs
"Yay i beat my record." She says.
"The whole time they were just spamming the dildo and the laughing emoji."
"I know thats why they ask for that." She laughs.
-How much do i have to tip to see you kiss Phil? You kissed Dan on your last stream for likes.
"Why don't we let Amazing Phil decide." She says looking at him.
"Well we're taking turns doing shots for $10. Why not kiss for $15?" He suggests.
"No cuz then all we'll be doing is kissing. The kiss price has to be high. If i'm gonna have the Phan shippers after me i'm gonna get paid for it."
"The Phandom is lovely leave them alone." He says.
"The skin fic." She says.
"Thats only one example."
"Hat fic, placenta fic, backpack fic."
"Ok ok i get the point but most of them aren't that crazy."
"Sometimes the crazy ones are the fun ones." I joke.
"Kinky. Anyway. If you guys really want me to kiss either of them on camera its......$60 cuz i know none of you would pay that much for that when you could get us drunk for $10." She says. We waffle more and get more tips to drink. I notice we've had over 6 shots.
"Lex how are you not slurring yet? You're so tiny."
"Practice and i started drinking with family at 14." She says. We tell stories of things we've done drunk and waffle a bit more a few more tips come through. I can tell Lex is tipsy cuz she gets really flirty.
-Another shot sexy Lexi.
"Woah woah. You gotta give me da tip if you want me to swallow bby." Yup. Shes definitely not sober. A $60 tip comes through.
-$60 Kiss Amazing Phil since both your usernames sound like stripper names.
They both blush and i laugh.
"They're not wrong." I say.
"Fuck! I really didn't think anyone would do it." She says.
"Alright. Lets do it." Phil says. I turn the computer to just focus on them. Phil cups her face and leans in. She wraps her arms around him and they kiss.
"Awe." I say. The woman and the man i love kissing is a heart warming sight. Lex pulls away and turns the computer back the way it was.
-Livestream the threesome for $1,000.
"Why would i drunk fuck these nerds?" Lex asks playfully shoving us.
-I ship it.
"Ship what? Phan? We already established that Phan is as real as Nicki Minaj's ass and Mariah Carey's face." She says
-Are you guys polly?
"No polly can be fun and adorable but it can cause hella drama and heartache." Uh oh...
-i ship a 3 way relationship between you guys.
"Guys just cuz people live together don't mean they have to fuck."
"You're just sassing them right now damn Cali girl." I tease.
"They love it don't worry about them." She says putting an arm around me and cuddling up to me. Phil takes over reading the chat.
-how is she not sweating her tits off? Its too hot to wear a hoodie inside.
"Don't tell me how to live my life." She says sarcastically.
-How much for Dan and Phil to kiss?
"" Phil says an i laugh nodding. We read more rediculous comments and take more shots.
"Well. I think that was fun. We've been here over like 2 hours, you have screenshots of me kissing both of them now, you made blow job references. It's been real even if some of you are sick bitches. So i'm gonna end this here. Go follow and sub to these two, i love you, i'm too fucked to remember my outro, goodnight!" She says ending the stream. She lays across my lap.
"Good stream guys." She says.
"I'm still surprised they wanted us to kiss so bad." Phil says.
"Yeah i thought if i set a high price they'd fuck off." She says. Phil lays down next to her and rests his head on her chest.
"Both of you are good kissers." She says. I feel like thats something she wouldn't say sober.
"You're not so bad yourself." I say playing with her hair.
"Stop." She whines playfully.
"Ohh did i find a Sexy Lexi sweet spot?" I tease.
"...maybe." Shu blushes. I keep playing with her long hair. She bites her lip and blushes again. Phil kisses her and pins her.
"What are you-" she starts. He cuts her off by kissing her. I slip out of my position and lay next to them. She flipped them over so she was on top she deepens the kiss and pulls away after a minute or so. She looks at me.
*smut warning*
"Need some help there Danny?" She says noticing the bulge in my crotch. I blush not sure how to respond. She strattles me grinding on me hard. I moan loudly. She leans down kissing me hungrily and grinding as we made out. I feel her balance herself on one arm and reach down with the other. I hear the sexy moans of my boyfriend next to us. I cup her breasts and she moans. I deepen the kiss. I wanted more but i decide to let her make the moves. She thrusts her hips grinding faster driving me crazy. I hear Phil moaning too. I think she was planning on making us cum at the same time I squeeze her tits and moan as i cum. She climbs off me gracefully and straddles my boyfriend. She grinds on him hard and fast. He kisses her neck and she moans thrusting her hips harder and faster. Phil bites down and makes her moan again. He cums and she lays between us. I pin her under me.
"What are we gonna do with you Cali girl?" I ask. I kiss her. I pin her wrist behind her head. She had her fun its our turn. I kiss down her neck and find her sweet spot and suck. She squirms and moans. I reach down and undo her jeans.
"Just say no if you want me to stop." I say rubbing her through her lace pantees. Phil lifts her to half lay on his chest. He plays with her tits as i touch her. I rub faster and she moans. I watch my boyfriend play with her tits. Call me a cuck if you want but its hot. Her moans get short and breathy as she gets close. I start kissing her neck again bite down hard. She cums dripping sex juices on my hand. I lick it off and climb off her. Phil and i hold her between us. I feel my eyelids getting heavy and spoon Lexi. Phil puts an arm around us and we drift off.

Author's note- Yay they had drunk foreplay sex! I don't know where half of this chapter came from honestly. By the way the chug challenge was a real thing. When i was about 12 or 13 i stalked Justin Bieber (yes this before i joined the black parade) there was a vlog thingy where him and his crew would see who could chug a bottle of water the fastest cuz he never liked to drink water. Fun facts about where i got the inspiration. Hope you liked this chapter and hope you're ready for some drama in the next chapter.

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