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Lexi's P.O.V.

The Phandom started accepting me as Dan and Phil's room mate and i couldn't be happier. We still kept our relationship a secret but it was still heart warming to see them take cute screenshots of me with the boys. It's been 6 months. We still film in separate rooms where we keep our clothes but the boys always wanted me with them so i just slept with them. I'm so happy and the boys definitely seem to be as well. I'm gonna miss them like crazy when they do the up comming TATINOF part 2.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Whoo! This book is done but don't worry my lovely reader's. I will write a sequel. I had to finish this because theres a hurricane comming and i was running out of ideas to lengthen the story. I may revise at some point but probably not. Look out for the sequel and read my Danfic. The Danfic is my focus now that this is done but the sequel will come once i have a few Danfic chapters written and i have some solid ideas to start the sequel.

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