Chapter 13

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Dan's P.O.V.

The past few weeks have been stressful to say the least. Lexi's been really drained and really pale. And i'm pretty sure she dropped a few pounds. Better yet Phil and I weren't the only ones noticing. She did a livestream cuz she wasn't sure what video to record for the week. All the comments were about her looking skeletal and pale. Some were about me and Phil or video requests but a lot of her subscribers were just as worried as us. I actually got a premium message on my life show asking if she was ok.
"She says she's fine. But she's gone from waking up at 11:30 ish and sleeping at 3 AM to waking up at like 1:00 and sleeping at like 10:00 PM So make of that what you will." Was my response. I see her walk out of her bedroom. I follow her.
"Lexi." She doesn't answer. I realize shes biting her lip hard like most girls do when trying not to cry. She sets the kettle down to boil and i grab her shoulder. She turns around and my heart shatters as i get a good look at her. She was crying. I hug her to my chest and she sobs.
"Shh. It's ok-"
"No it's not ok its never gonna be ok i'm so stupid."
"Shh. You're not stupid Lexi. Just tell me whats wrong."
"I am stupid. Im a stupid slut and I fucked up." I lift her and sit her up on the kitchen counter so we're face to face.
"Alexandria listen to me. You're not stupid and you're not a slut. Tell me whats wrong and i can try to help you." I say starting stern but fading to a pleading tone.
"I'm pregnant." She spits out crying harder. I guess it makes sense that a girl of her size wouldn't be able to physically handle a baby growing inside her. Lex barely ate enough to keep herself healthy. A baby on top of that has to cause some major stress on the body.
"Please let us take you to hospital Lex. You've lost so much weight and you've been so drained. And Phil and I aren't the only ones that think so.
"Go to the hospital for what? So they can stick tubes in my arms? So they can pressure me into a decision i might regret and call me insane if i fight them on it?"
"Woah woah. Calm down. If they do decide you need IV fluids of some sorts lets be real. You're dying. If you do decide that you wanna keep your child to avoid one or both of you dying you need to get your health back on track. Yes they might urge you to have an abortion but they won't do or say anything if you keep it." I say trying to calm her down with logic.
"I don't know if i wanna keep it or not i kept hoping i wouldn't have to think about this shit." She says through sobs.
"How long have you known?" I asked surprised.
"Jordan and Victoria texted me that morning i thought i had a hang over. Jordan and i had an unofficial fwb thing before i left and there was a party and we were so drunk we forgot to use a condom."
She says starting to hiccup from sobbing.
"Lexi calm down before you hyperventalate. Are you 100% sure you're pregnant?" I say. She hands me 3 sticks with little pink plus signs on them.
"Hey hey look at me." I say cupping her face. Sad blue eyes that make my heart melt and shatter at the same time meet mine.
"You're gonna be finee. I swear on my life either me or Phil will be with you the whol-" i'm cut off by her lips on mine. It wasn't like the last time. It wasn't a lustful hungry kiss. It was a needy kiss. She was falling apart. I only hope that she'll let Phil and i catch the peices. I kiss back and she doesn't pull away. The kiss intensifies and she wraps her legs around me. I reach over and turn the long forgotten about stove off. I wrap my arms around her waist. Her kisses get hungrier. I decide fuck it. I'll take this as far as she wants to go. I lift her off the counter and cary her to her room.
*smut warning*
I shut the door and push her up against it. She reaches down for a second clicking the lock. I gently nibble her bottom lip and she moans. I slide my tongue in her mouth deepening the kiss. We make out for a while and my jeans start getting tighter as she works her magic. I sit on the edge of her bed and she slowly grinds on me. She tugs at the hem of my shirt. I pull away.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"I need it Dan. I need you." She says thrusting her hips. I pull the shirt off and she starts kissing me again. I tug at her shirt and she pulls back for a second taking it off and letting it hit the floor. Our hands roam eachother's bodies as we make out. She pulls back and starts kissing down my neck. She finds my sweet spot and sucks hard i moan and she quickly undoes my jeans. She starts kissing me again and leans back pulling me on top of her. I hesitate and pull back.
"Lexi. Are you 100% sure?" I ask not wanting to go too far. She reaches down grabbing my errection and slowly jerks it. I moan and take that as a yes. I kiss her neck and quickly find the sweet spot. I suck and she whispers
"Harder." I bite down and she moans. God the things this woman does to me. I bite down harder as i undo her jeans . Shes practically screaming. I fully take off my own jeans and she does the same. I feel her hands sliding down my waist. She hooks her thumb in the band of my underwear and tugs clearly indicating she wanted them gone. She flips us over so she's on top. She trails kisses down my neck and chest occasionally biting and driving me insane. Nothing could've prepared me for what happened next though. She pulled my underwear down with her teeth and put her mouth on me.
"Oh god Lexi." I groan she looks questioningly up at me with my cock still in her mouth.
"If you want to." I say stroking her hair. She sucks swirling her tongue around and bobbing her head. I just wanna be inside her. I run my hand through her hair and she moans. I gently tug.
"Stop." She pulls back i pull her back on the bed and pin her. Her breath hitches. Didn't know she liked being dominated. I kiss her and she reaches down to take her pantees off. I kiss her and grind our hips together. She was dripping wet. She moans. I cup her breasts and squeeze as i thrust into her.
"Fuck Daniel!" She moans. Shes killing me. I move slow at first.
"God Lexi you're so tight." I say and kiss her. I thrust and she moans into my mouth. I think i found her G spot. I thrust again and she digs her nails into my back. I kiss her and keep hitting that spot. After a few minutes I start to wory about how long i'll last but i can tell by the way she meets my thrusts that shes close too. I speed up and she moans at every move.
"I'm so close." She says breathing rapidly.
"Me too." I say before kissing her. I thrust even faster and she loves it. I pull all the way out and quick thrust back in. She cums and i keep thrusting letting her ride out the full extent of her orgasm. I'm about to cum.
"Fuck Lexi." I groan. I pull out and cum on her stomach. I collapse next to her and spoon her.
*smut over*
I notice tears as she starts silently crying again. I kiss her.
"I'm sorry." I say thinking she must've regretted that. I start to get up.
"Its me that should apologize to you." She says through her tears.
"For what that was amazing."
"For being a home wrecker." She says her voice breaking at the end.
"Lexi why would you think you're a home wrecker?" I ask. She was sitting up now and i hold her.
"Cuz you and Phil-"
"Are looking for a girlfriend." I say cutting her off.
"...what?" She says looking up at me confused. I hand her her clothes. I kiss her.
"It's best if we explain together. But i already told him i was taking you to hospital and to meet us there." She goes ridgid.
"Hey. It's all gonna be ok i promise." I say. We both get dressed and we head out.

*at hospital*

Lexi's P.O.V.

The anxiety i always get at hospitals takes over. Dan sits me down in the waiting room as he goes to the desk to check me in. Phil walks in and i cling to him like a child clings to their parent.
"It's ok Lexi don't worry." He says holding me. Dan sits next to us and holds my hand.
"Lexi calm down its gonna be ok." I hear a child scream and flinch clinging to Phil tighter.
"Alexandria Sivera!" A nurse calls.
"Right here." Dan says putting an arm around me and following the nurse.
"Honey no need to be so scared i'm just gonna take your vitals and get some information." She says. I nod and sit down. I shake as she puts a cold blood pressure cuff on me. I think to tell her that adult cuffs can never read me cuz i'm so tiny but my anxiety keeps my mouth shut. It doesn't read and she looks puzzled.
"I think your arm is too tiny for that i'll be right back." She says leaving the room.
"Lexi. Its ok." Dan hugs me.
"Breathe. We're right here with you and it's just vitals right now. Nothing to worry about." Dan says holding my hand. The nurse walks back in and i squeeze his hand. He rubs soothing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand and i relax a fraction. She gets my vitals and leads us to the room with all the curtained rooms. Dan explains my symptoms.
"Any idea what may be causing these symptoms?"
" you want me to say it for you?" Dan asks as i feel myself start to hyperventalate thinking about it. I nod and Phil takes my hand trying to calm me down. The last thing i see before i faint is his shocked face.


"Yeah he told her that morning when she had the nose bleed and went out." I hear Dan talking to Phil but i have no energy to drag my eyelids open.
"That might be why he tried to get her to stay there."
"Maybe. I don't know what she plans to do but i don't want her to leave."
"I know me either."
"I'm not going back to LA." I say weakly
"Shes awake." Dan says pulling up the blanket covering me.
"Thank god. I'd miss you if you left us." Phil says hugging me.
"Don't look." Dan says covering my left arm with a his hoodie.
"I know it's an IV i can feel it cuz my veins are so thin. It's probably best that i passed out for that though." I say.
"I hate needles. It took 3 nurses holding me down when i was 6 to get a shot for school."
"Damn. We were worried but now I'm glad you passed out." Dan says. The nurse walks in. I almost turn and see the IV bag and tubes but Phil kisses me before i can turn my head. I feel a tug on my left arm as the bag is switched and reconnected. Phil pulls away.
"Don't look it hurts less if you don't look." Phil says. I feel cold liquid rushing through my arm and bite my lip. Dan rubs my left arm and holds my hand. I look for a distraction.
"What were you talking about before we left Dan?" I ask.
"You said it'd be better if both of you explained." I say. Dan sits at the foot of the hospital bed still holding my hand.
"Phil. It's time." He says. I wonder what this is all about.

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