Chapter 14

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Phil's P.O.V.

I'm slightly confused but i realize what he's talking about. In the commotion of getting Lexi here i hadn't noticed but they both had hickies on them and the "i just made out" swollen lips.
"We're looking for a girlfriend." I start.
"We've been together a while but..." Dan continues explaining.
"Well. We both agree that we miss dating girls. So we decided we needed a 3 way relationship but it was easier said than done." I continue.
"We don't like putting our personal stuff like relationships online.
We knew people would've agreed for publicity or dragged us into unnecessary drama. But when Connor and Tyler told us you were moving to London..." he trails off.
"We reached out after watching some of your videos and..." i continue.
"And...well we're crazy about you."
"We've been crazy about you it's just...we didn't know how to tell you cuz we didn't wanna scare you away." I finish. We both look at Lexi. She had a blank expression.
"Lex. Please say something." Dan pleads. Lex pulls us both by the collar and kisses us.
"I hate you both." She says nuzzling up to me and interlacing her fingers with Dan's.
"Mixed signals...what?" Dan says.
"I picked up on how flirty both of you were and i felt terrible cuz i felt like a home wrecker. But i'm crazy about you both too. How could i say no." She says.
"Lexi you're not a home wrecker. We made most of the moves. I see how you'd could think that though. Sorry." I say. She kisses me.
"Apology accepted." She says. The nurse walks in and Lex squeezes Dan's hand.
"Miss Sivera. You're lucky you got here when you did." She says sternly.
"Yeah yeah. It wasn't my choice. Whats the dealio can i go?" Lex says sassily. Cat fight much?
"You should be staying overnight." She says. Gees who spit in her coffee this morning?
"Not happening." Lex says sassing the angry nurse.
"Young lady. You came in slightly malnourished from a pregnancy. Unless you have at least 2 people willing to sign this paper we have to keep you here."
"Whats the paper for?" I. Ask.
"Basically just saying we're not responsible if anything happens and that you'll bring her back if she gets ill again. That kind of stuff." She says.
"We'll sign." Dan says taking the form and signing it. He passes me the clipboard and i sign as well.
"Just a few more things and you guys can be on your way." The nurse says. Another woman with the doctors uniform walks in.
"Hi Miss Sivera. Would you come with me?"
"Sure but theres tubes keeping me here."
"Carol?" The doctor chimes. The grumpy nurse grunts a reply.
"Remove her IV and bring her to my office." She says before walking away.
"Who was she?" Lexi asks.
"You're pregnant right? She's the gynocologist." Lex stiffens and i play with the ends of her hair. She calms a bit but bites her lip clearly lost in her thoughts. The nurse props Lexi's arm up to remove the tubes. Dan starts kissing her before she could notice. I notice Lex visibly flinch as the nurse not so gently removes the tube and presses hard to stop any bleeding. She puts a bandaid on it.
"Young lady follow me." The grumpy nurse says. Dan lets go of Lex and she gets up.
"I need one of these guys to come with. Preferably both."
"If you insist." She says. We all follow her down a long hall. The doctor from before smiles at us. Dan lifts Lex onto the table. Dan gets on her left and i get on her right side. The doctor tells her to lay down and pull up her shirt. Lex's grip on my hand tightens, Dan notices and strokes her hair in an attempt to calm her down. The doctor puts a weird gel on Lexi's stomach and grabs a weird wand thingy. A screen comes to life and Lexi looks about ready to cry.
"Thats your baby." The doctor says perkily. Tears start to fall from Lexi's eyes.
"Its your choice dear but we do advise that you are very small and may die if you choose to keep it."
"Whats the chance of her surviving birth if she does make it through the pregnancy?" Dan asks trying his hardest to keep a professional tone and not cry. I wipe tears from Lexi's face.
"10%" the doctor says seriously wipingthe the weird gel off. Lex sit up.
"You have a few weeks but the sooner you decide the better we can help you. Why don't you head on home and make a decision?"
"No...i-i know what i wanna
do." Lex says her voice breaking.
"I understand hun. We can do it now or you can schedule an appointment."
"Lets get it over with." She chokes out. She breathes trying to calm down.
"Alright. Take your underwear and jeans off and wrap in this and we can get started in there." The doctor say giving her a paper sheet and pointing to another room connected to this one. Lex pulls her knees up to her chest and puts her head between her knees. Dan rubs her back.
"Wait here. I'll be ok." She says numbly.
"Theres a waiting room right across the hall we'll wait for you there." I say before kissing her. I help her off the table and Dan takes my hand. We walk to the waiting room and he puts his arm around me.


Dan's P.O.V.

Lex walks out of the room and looks up as we walk to her. She looked ...dead inside. I hug her and she weakly hugs back.
"Lets get out of here." She says lifelessly. She sounds so detached. Phil hugs her and picks her up. She rests her head on his shoulderand we walk out. We decide to just grab a taxi. We sit on either side of Lexi in the back. She stares out the window. She looks so detached its kinda scary. Phil looks at me and i can tell he's worried about her too. I take her hand and she doesn't react. Phil cups her face and kisses her. It takes her a second but she kisses back.
"Lex. You did what was the best idea for you." He says.
"I know." She says in that lifeless tone.
"Give her time Phil. She's had a long day." I say putting an arm around her.
"Hun why don't you try to sleep?" I says gently pushing her head to rest on my shoulder.
"Ok." She says. She stares out the window and i play with her hair knowing it calms her down. She starts to relax and nods off. I sigh. Things can only go up from here i guess.

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