Chapter 8

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Dan's P.O.V.

Phil and i change and Lexi's in her room again. I knock on her door.
"I thought you said you were ready?" I tease.
"I am just got bored waiting." She says she opens her door slinging her purse over her shoulder.

*Time skip sponsored by MILK*

Lexi's P.O.V.

Dinner passes quickly with light conversation. I meet Chris PJ and Louise. The first thing Louise said when she saw me for the first time was the comment i get a lot.
"You're so small in person." Yup. Every time.
"I get that a lot. I like you're hair." I say trying to strike up conversation. Soon enough we leave for the ice rink.

*at the ice rink*

Lexi's P.O.V.

I notice the boys trying not to laugh as i get a child size pair of skates.
"Its not my fault most girls are size 6 or up." I whine.
"You're such a smol bean." Phil teases.
"Yeah yeah." I say standing. We hit the ice and the guys hover not sure of my Skating abilities. I notice Dan reach a hand out for me. He shows me the basic moves to skate. I nod and kick off circling arround them. I grab Phil's hand and twirl us in a circle.
"Woah! How did you-" Dan starts.
"I lived in Florida before i moved to Cali. The only summer activity i enjoyed was hitting the ice. I'm a bit rusty but i still kinda got it."
"Kinda? You're amazing." Phil complement me. We decide since the place is mostly empty to play tag. The guys volunteer PJ to be it first. I see Phil about to fall and i skate as fast as i can across the ice and catch him.
"Woah. You alright?" I ask helping him upright. I hold his and and we skate together. I see PJ comming our way and i put my arm around Phil's waist. I skate us full speed across the ice. I swerve around Louise and PJ tags her.
"Damnit Lexi he almost had you!" She calls.
"You got it from here? I ask letting go of Phil.
"Yeah i think shes mostly after you." He laugh.
"Hope not or we'll be here a while." I say. I slow letting her catch up to me before darting across the rink. I circle around Dan and slow down. Louise catches up and tags Dan instead as i slip out of her grasp.
"Ooh! So close!" I call.
"Dan will catch you." PJ calls.
"Maybe." I say ruffling his hair i speed past.
I slow and let Dan catch up. I make a wide loope around him and swerve around Phil Who ends up being it.
I decide to let Phil have this. I loop around the rink again I get close to Dan islow and Phil catches up. I pretend to trip over Dan and both Catch me.
"Oh my god are you ok?" Dan says holding my arm. The soreness from my incident earlier makes me wince in pain. I steady myself and they let go.
"I'm great. Just getting a little cold. Why don't we take a break, get some hot cocoa and rest our legs a bit for round 2?" I say trying not to let it show that i was in pain. I had totally forgotten about what i did earlier.
"Good call." Louise agrees. We all exit the ice and go the concession stand. I pass Dan some cash.
"Here. Order for me i gotta run to the girls room." I say running off. I run my hamds under warm water and wash the makeup off my arms.
I stare at the pink lines disgusted at my handy work. I keep my head down not paying any mind to the woman that enters a stall. I wince as iclean the cuts. I dab it with paper towel to dry off. I quickly reapply liquid bandaid. I blow on it hoping it'd dry quickly. I pull my sweater on when the its not sticky any more.
I see the guys at a bench. I sit between Dan and Phil. Dan hands me a cup.
"Thanks man. Wheres Louise?" I ask realizing the only other female with us was missing.
"She left for the girls room a few minutes after you." Dan says. Phil's arm find its way around my waist and i realize Dan's arm is around my shoulder. I turn and drape my legs across Phil's lap. He scoots closer and i'm halfway on his lap leaning on Dan's shoulder. Phil comes even closer sitting next to his boyfriend with me on their laps. I take a sip of my drink and decide not to question the weird things they do and to just enjoy it. Louise comes back and looks at me in a stern mother way but then realizes the positioning.
"Hey Lex lets have a girl day tomorrow." She says insistant and overly perky.
"I like girls too but nah not looking for a date. Didn't know you swung that way though." I say purposely misinterpeting her words. I knew that she knew. And she knew that i knew that she knew. I give her a pleading look and nuzzle up to Dan. Her gaze softens and i know her lips are sealed at least temporarily.
"No lets go get our nails done and drive some poor hair dresser insane. They never know what to do with colors like ours." She laughs continuing the physical conversation.
"Sure. Can't wait to choose between dark purple and dark blue since they never have black nail polish." I joke. I finish off my hot chocolate and stand up.
"Whose ready for another round of ice tag?" I say smiling evily.
"Technically you're it now cuz u fell and Phil caught you." Chris says.
"Guess you guys better run then." I say we all make a break for the ice. I decide to chase Dan. Hes got long legs and is a decent skater. I do a lap around the rink putting them all ond edge as i get close but swerve at the last second. Dan seems to catch on though and mirrors my moves keeping a safe distance to not bevtagged. Smart boy. I make a B line for Phil. Dan gets confused for a second not sure which way to dodge seeing as his boyfriend was close to the center. I watch his legs to see which way he'll go. I see him go left and i laugh. I knew he'd go with his dominant side. I looop around the center and end up right behind him.
"You're it now." I say tagging him.
"Damn it i was avoiding you so well til you threw me off by going to the middle." He says.
"Dance with me." I whine. I tage his hands and twirl us in graceful circles arount the rink. We're met with a collective "aweee." From the rest of our friends. We spend the next hour just goofing around.
"This has to be the most exercise i've done in the last 10 years my legs are killing me." Dan says.
"I'm pretty sure my tits are gonna freeze off." I say.
"Lets go home we've been here a while anyway." Phil says checking his phone. We all say our goodbyes and grab taxi's. Louise pulls me aside before she leaves.
"Here's my number. We have to talk tomorrow." She says.
"Please don't tell the guys they already know i'm insecure about eating they don't need to know...that." I say.
"We'll meet up tomorrow and you can talk to me. I agree that they don't need to know. Not yet anyway." She says. She gets in a taxi and waves bye to the boys. I'm fucked aren't i?

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