Chapter 3

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Phil's P.O.V.

I flutter my eyes open and smile. Lexi was nestled between Dan and I. Dan stirs and he looks over at me.
"What time is it?" He groans. He hates mornings.
"Too early." I answer noticing that its not even 7 AM. We both go back to sleep holding Lex between us.

*magical time skip*

Lexi's P.O.V.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and for a second have an "OH MY GOTH WHERE TF AM I" moment but i quickly realize I just got to London yesterday. I feel lots of body heat and notice a shirtless Dan and an emoji pijama clad Phil on either side of me. I stealthily wiggle out and watch them snuggle up to eachother. I tiptoe out and head to my room i brush my hair and rinse my mouth. I check my phone and realize its 10:30 AM. Thats actually slightly early for my standards. I normally don't wake til 11:45 AM. I decide its agood day for cinnamon toast and I figure the boys would be up by the time it finished. I set the oven to preheat and start some music. I use one earbud so i can hear the oven and listen for the boys and i get to work. Most people make cinnamon toast in a toaster or pan. Those people are dingasses.

*another magic time skip cuz Lila's a shit writer*

Lexi's P.O.V.

I see the timer hit 5 mins on the count down and decide to start the coffee maker. A groggy Phil hugs me from behind.
"Good morning sunshine." I smile up at him.
"What smells amazing?" He asks letting go of me.
"I'm making us all breakfast." I reply.
"What ya making?" Dan asks walking in and ruffling Phil's hair.
"Awweee! And cinnamon toast." I say as the oven beeps. I turn it off and grab mits to take it out. The boys poor coffee sit at the breakfast bar and i serve up the toast. I poor some coffee for myself and join the boys.
"How'd you sleep?" Dan asks. I blush realizing i fell asleep between them.
"Pretty good for my first night here." I reply.
"Thats good. Any plans for today?" Phil asks.
"Explore a little bit. Get to know our area. Maybe run to Tesco for some things. Unpack when i get back and maybe film a vid or do a livestream. How about you guys?" I say.
"Assume the browsing position scroll endlessly for a few hours, maybe film something, reassume browsing position and watch anime til bedtime." Dan says.
"We should film something for the gaming channel ." Phil answers as i giggle at Dan's response to the question.
"Don't bully me for my laziness." Dan whines playfully.
"I'm not." I say apologetically side hugging him before getting up to wash my dishes. I wipe down the counter and head to my bedroom to grab a shower and get ready to head out. In all honesty i rather be here working on vids and hanging with the boys but i need vegan chicken nuggets and what not ugh. Adulting is so hard.

Dan's P.O.V.

As Lex leaves the kitchen i look over at Phil.
"Shes cute, shes got a sense of humor, she watches anime, and shes a damn good cook. Could we have chosen a more perfect girl?" I ask still surprised to wake up to that.
"I know. I just hope she doesn't reject us when we do decide to ask her to be our girlfriend."
"To be fair you've been not so subtly flirting with her and she hasn't flipped out."
"Me? You've been more obvious than i have."
"Oh whatever." I say playfully shoving my boyfriend. We laugh at the fake argument we just had. To be honest we've both been pretty not subtle flirting with Lex but either we're smoother than we give ourselves credit for,(LOL no) or shes just really oblivious. Only time will tell i guess.

*this time skip was brought to you by 2012 the year no one trusts*

Phil's P.O.V.

Dan and I finish recording for the gaming channel when Lex gets home. I hear her setting bags down in the kitchen and i decide to see if she wants help putting things away.
"Want some help?" I ask watching her gracefully open and closing cupboards and drawers as she quickly packs things away.
"I got it but thanks anyway." Her shy smile is the cutest thing.
"How'd you enjoy adventuring in London?"
"It was rainy an there were people so it Better than LA though. The traffic and public transport in LA are gross and take forever. Least here in London you can actually survive without a car."
"Did i hear someone hating humanity?" Dan asks walking in and filling the kettle.
"Me. I'm mildly alergic to human interaction." Lex says finishing up putting things away.
"Same." Dan says jokingly. I smile and go to the lounge. Dan and Lex aren't far behind and i sit in the middle and put an arm around both of them. Lex leans on me and Dan rests his head on my chest. I notice the rain get a bit heavier outside. Lex looks over to the window terror briefly flashing in her eyes as lightening flashes followed by a loud clap of thunder.
"Are you alright?" I ask her concerned.   She mumbles something quickly as if to avoid answering the question.
"What was that?" Dan asks. She mumbles quickly again and blushes.
"Speak up woman." I say jokingly.
"I'm scared of thunder." She blurts out hiding her face with her long hair.
"Is it cuz of anxiety?" Dan asks. We know a few people that hate storms because the constant jump scares aren't the best for an anxious person.
"No. Its...its stupid don't worry about me." She says getting up.
"Hold on." Dan gently puts a hand on her wrist and she looks at him.
"If you have a reason its not stupid." I say as she sits back down looking over at us.
"You know how there's that saying that if you think of something crazy its probably happened at least once somewhere in the world?" She asks.
"Yeahh...where's this going?" I ask my interest peaked.
"You wanna know why I'm scared of thunder right? Anyway. I read a very long very over dramatic fanfic when i was like 13 and the main female character in the story was abused by her father during thunderstorms so no one could hear her scream." I brush a tear from her face as her voice cracks on the last part.
"Oh my god that's aweful!." I say hugging her.
"Thats not stupid at all. Hell i kinda hate thunder now knowing that. I can't imagine thinking of that every thunderstorm through your teen years and somehow not being scared of thunder." Dan says.
"Thanks for understanding guys." Lex says leaning on me and ruffling Dan's hair playfully. He gently lowers her hand and interlaces their fingers. I smile but pretend not to notice. A few minutes later Dan looks surprised.
"I totally forgot i put the kettle on." He says getting up.
"Either of you want tea?"
"Sure." Lex and i say at the same time.
"2 sugars right?" He asks looking at Lex.
"Mmhm and a little cream."
"Got it."
"Thanks Dan." Simultaneously again.
"Stop doing that its creepy."
"No." We say at the same time laughing.
"First thunder being more sinister than i ever imagined and now possessed flat mates. What is my life!" Dan calls back in response.
"We're just messing with you." Ok that was creepy how that one wasnt planned. Dan walks back in.
"Here. Just dont sip simultaneously or the next cup will be holly water." Dan says passing us tea cups and sitting down. We all laugh at that one. The lights suddenly cut out.
"Yay power outage." Lex says sarcastically.
"Yay WiFi going out and horrible phone signal and no power to charge anything." Dan says in the same sarcastic tone.
"I'm gonna go light some candles so we have some light." I say setting my cup on the coffee table and heading to the drawer to grab candles and matches.

Dan's. P.O.V.

Phil gets up to get some candles lit leaving me and Lex alone together in the lounge. A particularly loud clap of thunder makes her jump. I put an arm around her waist and pull her close to me. She finishes her tea and sets the cup on the coffee table next to mine. She curls up to me and i rub her shoulders to try and help her calm down. Phil comes back and sets a candle on the coffee table. He sits next to her but then lifts her to sit on our laps while he has an arm around me.
"So what should we do while the powers out?" He asks.
"Why not look up a scary game with the little signal and phone battery we do have and then film it for our channels?" Lex suggests. Picking up her phone from the coffee table.
"Thats actually a really good idea." I say pulling up my own google tab.
"Good thinking Lexi." Phil says pulling up a tab.

Ooh cliff hanger. Sorry but i gotta keep readers somehow and i actually have to google some games they can play in the next chapter soo...i'm totally prepared and not a total shit writer   Feel free to comment suggestions. Side note by the way. The thing above about why Lexi is scared of thunder is my reason i hate thunderstorms. Fanfics will ruin your life...except this one i promise.

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