Chapter 6

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Quick Note- Don't stab me for starting with a note just wanted to give a gift to any Dangirls reading.
Enjoy! On to the story!

Lexi's P.O.V.

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I groan and click the lock button rejecting the poor soul that dared to call me this early. I check the time. 11:15 AM. I stretch and check my notifs. I like a few of my @ replies on the creep shot i took of  the guys yesterday. Both of them had retweeted it. Dan hadn't posted the vid yet. The Phandom was nothing but. "OMG I KNEW IT!" Or "2022 bishes its happening!" Or simply "#PhanProof" I smile. I lock my screen and get ready for the day.

Dan's P.O.V.

I wake up to my boyfriend lightly shaking in my arms. I blink sleepily and realize hes laughing at something on twitter.
"Good morning." I say stretching.
"Sorry i woke you but Lexi tweeted this picture with no caption just tags."
"This is Sister Daniel all over again." I say laughing
"Go retweet it. I did and the replies are priceless."
"Are we really intentionally triggering our subscribers right now?." I say pulling it up on my own twitter account.
"It sounds so evil when you say that."
"Wait they don't even know shes our room mate yet do they? The first video we did with her was yesterday." I realize.
"Oh yeah...well she made a video when she left LA but yeah. No wonder they're so confused and freaking out."
"Come on lets get a shower together." I say.
*skipping shower smut cuz I'm mean*
We meet Lex in the kitchen.
"Good morning." She smiles as she stirst a cup of coffee.
"Good morning." Phil ruffles her hair and grabs a cup for himself.
"Nice creepshot from yesterday." I say.
"Yeah i liked some of the funnier freak out tweets."
"Its good to know if we ever did decide to go public with our relationship they'd support us." Phil says. He pecks me on the lips before going to the lounge.
"You two are in a good mood." Lex smiles.
"We were thinking about going ice skating tonight with a few friends. Would you come with us? It'll be a good opportunity to meet everybody and have some fun."
"Hm...maybe. I'm planning on streaming and posting today but if you go a bit later tonight i can join you."
"We should do a livestream together. We just realized none of us 3 have announced you moving in."
"We could do that. Half the comments are gonna be about me cock blocking Phan or something but it'll be fun."
"Oh if only they knew."
"Yeah you guys cant keep your hands off eachother." She teases leaving to join Phil in the lounge. I make myself a cup of tea and join them.
"We're thinking of doing a live show all together." I say looking at Phil.
"Good idea. Whose account though?"
"Lets do it on Lexi's account. She usually does her streams on Fridays anyway."
"I'm gonna go put some final touches on my video and upload it. Once that's been up for about an hour or two i'll call you guys to join me." Lex says before going back to her room.

*time skip brought to you by Sooki the hampster*

Lexi's P.O.V.

I chill for a bit and reply to a few tweets and comments. I check how long the video has been up and set up the stream. I que up a playlist and grab a bottle of water. I tweet the link and start the stream. I shoutout some normal viewers that i see every show and an account called I'llMakeYouHowell asks if i ship Phan.
"No i ship Danteasers. Otp for sure." I says trying not to laugh. The chat is taken over by Phan shippers and i laugh.
"Alright alright. I guess its's time for the surprise." I text Dan and Phil to come join my stream. Dan sits next to me and puts an arm around me.
"Hello internet." He says.
"Its Daniel Howell guys!" I say putting my arm around his waiste side hugging him. Phil sits on the other side of me.
"Hey Lexi's live show friends."
"And Amazing Phil!" I say as I laugh at someone in the chat that said "Shit Dan got pussy finally?"
"No weirdo in the chat."
"What'd i miss?" Dan looks adorably confused.
"Someone asked if we were together a non PG way." I say.
"I love how they call us a gay couple every day and as soon as we're seen with a female they're like OMG KISS! Its quite funny." Phil says.
"I could make that a reward if they get the likes up. But...i don't want the Phan shippers comming for me."
"Guys get her to 234,567 likes and we'll kiss." Dan says sarcastically.
"You can't say that now they're gonna do it and spam us til it happens." I say
"They can only like once cuz you're on youtube so it'll take a while if it happens." Phil says smiling.
"Don't encourage it." A few more people join the stream. I see the typical "i just got here what'd i miss?"
"Nothing you missed absolutely nothing." I say laughing. We spend the next half hour answering randomg questions, comparing british and american accents and just messing around.
"Umm...Lex. They did it." Phil says pointing at the like bar laughing.
"They did what Phil? I have no clue what you're talking about." I say pretending to be oblivious.
"Come on you can't promise them a kiss and then not do it."
"I didn't a certain Daniel Howell did." I laugh.
"Look at the chat give the people what they want." Phil says turning my laptop so Dan and i are alone in the shot.
"Kiss, kiss, Placenta yep Dan's fans are here, kiss, kiss, i ship Phan but kiss if you're both straight." I laugh hard at that last one.
"Technically i'm bi and most of my subs know that so..."
"How the fuck does kissing someone on camera prove our sexuality thats stupid." Dan says reading the chat.
"Hey Dan. Have you ever considered going from danisnotonfire to I'llMakeYouHowell." I ask pointing to the user in the chat.
"No i was never a fuck boy. I was a shy kinda emo sexually ambiguous nerd. Thanks for bringing back those memories."
"Awe i'm sorry." I side hug him.
"I love the person that just typed in all caps JUST KISS ALREADY!" I giggle
"They know i was being sarcastic as usual when i said that." Dan laughs.
"I told you they'd spam us." I say.
"Alright guys stop." Dan says.
"Stop or i'll end this stream." I say hovering the mouse over the thing to end it.
"Lex." Dan say.
"Yea--" i turn to him and get cut off by him cupping my face and kissing me. I'm to shocked to respond for a second but instincts take over as i kiss back and put my hands on his shoulders and pull him closer. I come to my senses and click the thing to end the stream and i pull away.
"That was..." Dan starts.
"Interesting to say the least." I say trying to play it off. Dan was a damn good kisser just like his boyfriend but the fact that i can even think that is AWEFUL!
"Sorry i knew we wouldn't hear the end of it if we didn't give them what they wanted. I still get shit for the Vegas and the India vlog."
"No worries i was just surprised." I say clicking the thing to not save the stream to my channel.
"Guys you're already getting spammed with screenshots." Phil laughs.
"Great. Never gonna live that down." I say.
"Did you guys still want to go out tonight?" I ask.
"Oh yeah. Should probably text some people about that." Dan says unlocking his phone. Great. Semi romantic outing with two guys i'm attracted to and have kissed. This wil be fun.

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