Chapter 11

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Dan's P.O.V.

I'd briefly woken up really early i groan and glance around. Lex had an arm and a leg tightly wrapped around me and Phil had an arm draped over us both. I gently shake him awake.
"Hm?" He groans grogily. So adorable.
"Lets go inside." I whisper. I pick Lexi up bridal style she stirs slightly but rests her head on my shoulder before going still again. My heart flutters a bit. Shes so cute. I cary her in to her room. And tucked her in giving her a quick peck on the lips. I look at her. The messiness of her sex hair, the slight swell of her lips from making out, and the hickey just above her collar bone made me melt. Goddamn it Lexi. Just let me love you. I join Phil and go back to sleep.

Lexi's P.O.V.

I wake up tucked in my bed. bed? Didn't We pass out in the lounge? I think back. I remember livestreaming with the guys
in the lounge, i'd mixed vodka in my water bottle to get me drunk faster. I don't remember too much after that. Everything after kissing Phil is a blur. I figure one of the boys must've noticed how drunk i was and carried me in. I check the time and sit up. Bad idea. My head starts to hurt and i feel slightly dizzy. I put my head between my knees and wait ten seconds. I grab a Tylenol and water. I realize my zipper on my jeans are undone. What the hell? I go to my mirror. My eyes are slightly red and i'm slightly pale. But something else catches my eye. My lips were slightly swollen and more pink than my usualy pale pink color. I see a purplish blue spot. A hickey. No no no no no fucking no. I'm such a goddamn home wrecker. I pull at my hair in frustration. I take a breath. I try to remember what lead to this. Last thing i remember was kissing Phil. I realize that even though i have hickies implying something happened i was completely dressed other than the undone zipper. I sigh. I grab a quick shower and get dressed. I look at my reflection again. No change. I tame my hair and let it fall to one side. It covers the hickey perfectly. I grab my foundation and cover them anyway. Hopefully if i was too drunk to remember they were too.

Phil's P.O.V.

Lexi walks out of her room. Dan and i were in the kitchen deciding what to make for breakfast.
"Morning." She says pouring herself a large cup of coffee.
"Good morning." We chime flipping through our cook book.
"What you guys up to?" She asks pulling some things out the fridge.
"Trying to decide what we want for breakfast." Dan answers. I look up at her. She was slicing something up but i couldn't tell what from this angle.
"What are you making?" I ask. She drips some lemon juice in a bowl and answers.
"My inner Cali girl is showing again. I'm making avocado toast." She says putting a few peices of the cut up fruit in the bowl. She takes a long sip of coffee before smashing and mixing the avocado spread with a fork.
"You weren't even borne in California and you're such a stereo typical Cali girl. Whats next? Over complicated starbucks orders when pumpkin spice lattes aren't in season? A love of quinoa?" Dan jokes. She slowly sips her coffee.
"...noo?" She asks unsurely.
"Oh my god Lexi." He laughs.
"You're too precious." She plates her food and grabs her coffee joining us at the breakfast bar.
"You're mean." Lexi whines jokingly pouting at Dan.
"No cyber bulling me for my Cali girl tendencies."
"Awe I'm not I'm bullying you in person." He jokes hugging her.
"Oh whatever Whiney the Pooh." She says sarcastically.
"I'm articulate, not posh, not a childrens book character. Articulate." He says a sarcastic smile playing at his lips.
"And i'm a picky vegan." She says. We all burst out laughing.
"Just eat a crumpet with some cheese or someghing we can cook lunch later." She says closing the cookbook.
"Good idea. Except the cheese part." I say getting up to make Dan and i food. Its ready in a few minutes and we eat in a comfortable silence. I notice Lexi looking a bit pale but i ignore it.
"Lex?" I ask.
"Hmm?" She answers taking a swig of coffee.
"What do you remember from last night?" Dan asks. She blushes.
"Not a lot honestly." She answers.
"After the kiss its all a drunken blur." She says flipping her hair.
"Oh. Yeah you ended the stream a bit after that." I say dropping the subject.
"Lexi. Why do you look so pale?" Dan asks.
"Not sure. I just figured it was a hang over thing cuz i never had one before." She shrugs.
"You never had a hang over?" I ask surprised.
"Nope." She answers simply.
"That's weird did you throw up or have a headache when you got up this morning?" Dan asks.
"I had a headache but i took something for it. I still feel a bit meh but i don't know." She says. She finishes eating and cleans up before heading to the lounge. Dan and I finish up and join her. Shes scrolling through twitter retweeting and liking some of the screenshots. Someone edited a clip of her chugging water next to her being flirty. The tweet said
-I bet anything that was vodka.
She laughs quoting the tweet.
-You got me 😵😷
"Wait that water was vodka?" Dan asks surprised.
"Atleast half of it yup." She answers.
"No wonder you're slightly hung over. You don't chug vodka Lexi." He says.
"Jokes on you. Me and Jordan did back in Cali all the time." She says.
"You're a crazy girl aren't you?" He asks sarcastically.
"The crazy ones are sometimes the fun ones." She says winking.
"Stop everything." Dan whines.
"Sorry not sorry." She says scrolling some more. She laughs at a tweet with 2 pics attached. One of Dan holding a water bottle to her mouth and the other of her cuddling up to him. The tweet just said #DanTops. He laughs as she shows him.
"I dare you to go like it." She says.
"No i already got kink shamed on twitter by Brendan Urie i don't need Dan Tops making another one of my idols unfollow me." He says.
"Oh shush it'll trigger the Phandom but no one checks liked tweets like that...except that one time but yeah."
"Don't remind me." He groans.
"They're gonna hate me one day i'm liking an out of context Phan proof pic the next i'm kissing a girl for likes and liking a tweet that contradicts a tweet i liked in the past."
"Awe. They know you only mess with them out of love." She says. She sets her phone down. She gets up and comes back with a blanket.
"You're cold?" Dan asks looking at her surprised.
"Yeah. Why?" She asks.
"Its not cold in here." He feels her forehead with the back of his hand.
"What are you doing?" She asks laughing.
"Lexi you're a little warm. You might have a temperature." He says.
"Nah. I'm just tiny." She says brushing it off.
"If you say so." He says. We pull up an anime and i put an arm around her. She was a bit warm and i start to wory a bit. The paleness with a possible temperature isn't a good sign. About 15 minutes in she nods off with her head on my chest.
"I hope shes not sick." Dan says.
"Neither of us were sick and the only time shes been away from us is when she was with Louise." I say.
"I'll text Louise and see if theres anyway she could've gotten sick."
"I don't think shes sick but something definitely seems wrong." I say. Lex starts coughing and wakes up. She grabs a tissue and spits up blood.
"OH MY GOD!" Dan says. She grabs another tissue. She has a nose bleed.
"Lexi you have to go to the clinic."
"Noo!" She protests
"You're bleeding, you're pale, and you're drained enough to fall asleep after coffee. But you don't wanna go to Hospital?" Dan asks looking at her like she was mental.
"I'll be fine." She says wiping away the last of the blood. He looks at me.
"Phil. Should we take her to hospital?" I didn't expect to be put on the spot like this. I look at Lexi. Her pleading blue eyes melt my heart but Dan's demanding "agree with me on this" look makes it hard to answer.
"Lexi. You know you're body better than we do but if anything else happens today that proves you might be ill we're taking you to hospital." I say taking both and neither side at the same time.
"Fine." She says standing.
"Where you going?" I ask.
"Adventuring." She says grabbing her purse and a sweater. She heads out and i look at Dan.
"Wonder what's up with her." I say.
"Who knows." He shrugs.

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