Chapter 4

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TRIGGER WARNING- Sorry i hate these too but I love you guys and I'm not sure how many of you are religious or sensative to certain things so just know that the scary games to be mentioned are real and do mention various ways of dying so be ware. Also since i did put this story on mature rating eating disorder type stuff will come up. Any chapter that mentions that stuff will have a warning like this though so enjoy this long fluffy chapter.

Lexi's P.O.V.

I'm surprised for a second when Phil put me on his and Dan's lap but I'm not gonna question it. I pull up a tab on my phone and google how to play concentrate. I can't wait to scare the shit out of them with that aweful chant. It's supposed to be a game that tells you how you're gonna die but I'm highly skeptical of bullshit like that. Its only a scary game cus of the chant and the jump scare.
"I know which one I wanna play but it's a surprise." I say taking screen shots of the dirrections to play.
"Ominous." Dan replies scrolling and screenshotting something.
"We should play Bloody Mary for the gaming channel cuz that's the least scary and easiest to bant with.." Phil says.
"True. Good thinking Phil." Dan says.
"Are we actually using a power outage for 4 videos right now?" I laugh locking my screen and leaning back and resting my head on Dan's shoulder.
"Isn't that how all content is borne though? Thats how the over dramatic storytime YouTuber meme came to be." Dan says somewhat sarcastically.
"Milking real life for views is what being a YouTuber is all about." I say.
"Every stressful situation is just quality content waiting to be posted." Dan says.
"Like your I Nearly Blinded Myself video?" I ask
"Thats definitely not the only video like that on my channel but yeah. Or Amazing Phil's Why I Can't Go Back to the Gym."  Dan says laughing.
"Hey quit cyber bullying me for my social awkwardness." Phil whines playfully.
"Awe. I'm not I'm bullying you in person." Dan laughs then pecking his boyfriend on the cheek.
"Stahp being so cute together da feelz are real." I whine half seriously half joking.
"We're not though." They say simultaneously.
"Ah now I see what you mean thats kinda creepy." I say.
"Phil have you chosen a creepy game for your channel? Lex has one picked. We said we could do scary Mary for the gaming channel. I feel like Cat Scratch would be fun purely for the screenshots and memes it'll give our subscribers."
"I actually wanna do the 7 second challenge. It's not creepy but it'd be exponentially harder with only a flash light." Phil answers.
"The screen shots from Cat Scratch will be fucking priceless. And yeah the seven second challenge would be difficult in the dark. But wont that drain our phone batteries?" I ask.
"We could just write a few down on strips of paper or something and if you nail it you keep it to keep track of your points or if you fail it we toss it in the bin." Phil answers.
"Good idea. What should we film first?" I ask.
"Lets film Bloody Mary first cuz that seems like it'll be the easiest and quickest." Dan says.
"True. Then we could do Cat Scratch cuz thats only slightly more complicated but still pretty simple." I say.
"Lets film the 7 second challenge last cuz that ones more moving around and stuff." Phil says.
"Alright so Scary Mary, Cat Scratch, my surprise that's gonna scare the shit out of you two, and 7 second challenge?" I ask.
"Sounds right. Lets get filming." Dan says.
"I feel like thats the first and last time you'll ever say that." I giggle.
"Hey no cyber bullying me for not posting."
"Its not cyber bullying if its in person." I mock.
"...Phil Lexi's being mean to me." He whines leaning on Phil's shoulder.
"Yeah...but shes not wrong.."
"But I'm your boyfriend."
"Boyfriends can be wrong."
"I'll remember that Philip Michael Lester." Dan says. Did he just? Ok. He totally just grabbed Phil's ass.
"We are not filming that type of video Daniel." I say getting up to get my camera and a spare battery in case.
"Not yet." He winks.
"" Phil says.
"You hesitated like you had to think about it." I tease.
"Maybe I did." Phil says ominously.
"Dan and Phil are horny. Noted." I deadpan.
"Stop everything." Dan laughs grabbing his camera.
"I can hold the camera for you two unless you want me in it." I say.
"Thats up to you if you wanna be in it or not." Dan says.

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