Chapter 5

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Author's Note- Holly shit. How this hit 50 reads I'm not sure but thank you guys so much. Sorry! Ok don't throw things at me I'm starting the chapter.

Lexi's P.O.V.

Dan really opened my eyes. I never really gave a fuck about my health. If i'm not dying I'm doing alright was always my mentality. But hes not wrong at all. I'd hate for something to happen and my subscribers think its ok to starve themselves. It won't be easy but i'll get better for them.

Phil's P.O.V.

I notice Dan's fist clenched tight and I take his hand in mine. He relaxes but hes still a bit tense.
"Hey I'm gonna go finish up unpacking. Just knock when dinner gets here." Lex says leaving us in the lounge. I hear her door shut and turn to my boyfriend. I lean in and kiss him. He hesitates but kisses back. I pull away and rest my head on his shoulder.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"A lot of people say they hate their parents and their parents are aweful and blah blah fucking blah but what kinda first class cunt tells their 16 year old daughter that they're gonna be fat and covered in acne? Especially a girl of Lexi's size."
"No i completely agree. Even if Lex wasn't tiny her mom shouldn't be projecting her own insecurities on to her like that."
"Is it terrible that this only makes me want her to be our girlfriend more?"
"I know i just wanna love and protect her." I agree smiling. Dan puts an arm around me.
"Hopefully soon." He says. I love this man so much. Being together like this always feels amazing.

Dan's P.O.V.

Phil cuddles up to me and I smile. I love him so much. He always knows what to say. I could hold him in my arms forever. I hear the sound of pacing comming from the side of the house where Lexi's room is and i'm slightly concerned.
"She's got the same habbit as you." Phil laughs.
"Should we check on her?" I ask.
"Give her a few minutes."
"Hmm...Distract me." I say cupping his face and bringing our lips together.
He kisses back. We start slow and romantic but our lust for eachother takes over and the kisses get hungrier. I lick his bottom lip and he opens his mouth deepening the kiss. Our tongues move in synch and he strattles my lap. My jeans are suddenly a bit too tight. We start grinding on eachother. I hear a knock at the door.
*smut over*
Phil pulls back.
"I almost forgot that we ordered dinner." I say as we get up to answer the door. I knock on Lex's door. "Pizza's here." I say. Phil carries the boxes in and sets them down on the coffee table. I sit with him in the lounge and we start to eat.
"Wheres Lex?" Phil asks looking over to the dirrection of hervroom.
"One of us should go check on her." I say a little worried.
"I'll go." Phil says getting up.

Lexi's P.O.V.

I go in to my room and shut the door. I start pacing as my thoughts consume me. What the hell am I doing? Why am I falling for not just one but two gay guys? I'm such a fucking home wrecker. But then again they're making moves too...i think? I don't know. I'm so confused. Ugh. Why am i even considering feelings right now. We're room mates. Hell we're friends but thats it. Plus even if one or both of them like me by some miracle it'd add unnecessary drama to their adorable relationship and I'd probably find a way to fuck things up just like in every other relationship I had. I feel a warm gentle hand on my shoulder. I look up into mesmerizing blue eyes. My eyes flick down to his gorgeous lips for a fraction of a second. Time stops as i feel his hand cup my face. Our lips connect. Its one of the best kisses i've ever experienced. I instinctively kiss back but guilt hits me like a ton of bricks. I pull away suddenly and blush.
"I'm sorry." We say simultaneously. Again? Damn
"No its not your fault its my fault." How the hell do we keep doing that?
"Ok its neither of our faults. Just...rewind and pretend nothing happened." I say.

Phil's P.O.V.

I feel a bit of rejection pain when Lexi says to pretend that the kiss never happened but i do my best not to show it.
"Well. Pizza's here. Dan knocked a few mins ago but we heard you pacing."
"Bad habbit i guess. Sorry." She blushes.
"Its ok no worries. Thats why i came. We wanted to check if you were ok." She seems to need a sec to consider her answer.
"I'm fine. Just...miss LA or something I guess." I know shes not telling the truth but she doesn't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to.
"Well. We're here if you ever need to talk. Come on lets go eat before the pizza gets cold." I say walking out with her. We sit on opposite sides of Dan and I blush seeing he still had a bit of a...situation from earlier. I Look at Lexi as she blushes with s slight smirk on her face.
"What?" I ask amused.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." She says. The way she said that i knew she saw. I blush and we all have an awkward laugh. Curse the male anatomy for causing this.

Lexi's P.O.V. 

We take seats on opposite sides of Dan and as i lean over to grab a slice of pizza i notice both of them had semi hard ons. I'm so glad i'm a woman. We all laugh at the awkward tention. I knew and they knew that i knew.
"Awkward moments aside we heard you pacing. You alright?" Dan asks.
"Yeah just missing LA i guess." I feel bad lying to them but i can't say. Oh yeah you know just hating myself for being a home wrecker.

Dan's P.O.V.

I know Lex is bullshitting us but i think i've made her talk enough today so i leave it.
"Awe sorry. Hopefully the power comes back soon so you can talk to some LA friends and maybe feel a little less homesick." I say going along with the bullshit excuse.
"Yeah hopefully." We make pointless small talk as we eat and i notice Phil and Lex avoiding eachothers gazes. Wonder what the hell thats all about. We finish up eating and Lex stands volunteering to cary the boxes out. The front door shuts and i look over at Phil.
"What happened between you two?" I ask
"Don't "what?" me. I saw that awkward tension.
"Oh...we um mightvekissedalittlebit."
"We kissed ok! I got her to stop pacing she looked up at me and...we kissed then she pulled away and said we could just pretend it never happened. "
"And what'd you say back?"
"I agreed and left it alone."
"Phil this is perfect!"
"You're joking right?"
"Phil she rejected you but she likes you. I'd bet anything she only rejected you cuz she knows we're together."
"Great. Now i just have to flirt with her a little and see if she likes me too."
"More than you have been."
"Phil i think the fact that you two kissed proves you were flirting way more than i was." I tease.
"Shut up you know thats not true." He blushes and we kiss. Lex walk in and makes a face.
"Get a room you two." She says sarcastically.
"Sorry not sorry." I laugh.
"I'm gonna hit the hay and hope we have electricity in the morning. Goodnight lovebirds." She says
"Goodnight sleep tight don't let a wasp wake you up at 4 AM." I say. She laughs.
"I'll try. Nighty night." She says shutting the door. Phil looks at me.
"She looks at you that way. She so likes you."
"You can say that but we won't know for sure til she says or shows that we cant just assume thats true."
"So what are you gonna do to find out?"
"I don't know hope it happens naturally."
"Dan. By your own logic thats not gonna work. If your right that she rejected me cuz she knows we're together why would she kiss you or say she likes you."
"Good point."
"I have an idea but i dont know if it'll work."
"Whats your idea?"
"Lets get a few friends and go ice skating. Thats romantic but not obvious."
"True...i don't know. I don't know if it'll work but its worth a shot." I say.
"Lets go to bed." Phil kisses me and rests his hand on my crotch.
"I want it now that we wont be interupted." He says lustily.
He kisses me hungrily before i can react. I reach down and rub his crotch. He moans and i slide my tongue in his mouth. Our tongues move in synch. I grind on him hard and he recipricates. I lift him on to me and he wraps his legs tightly around my hips. I cary him to the bedroom.
*smut over/skipped*
I collapse on top of Phil breathing heavy after some amazing passionate sexytime. I get up and grab a pair of underwear and toss him his favorite PJs. I climb back into bed and wrap an arm around my love.
"Goodnight my love." I say both of us still slightly out of breath.
"Goodnight." He rests his head on my chest drifts off.

Yay happy ending to a weird dramatic chapter. Comment and vote if you want more smut. I kept it lite cuz i don't know if you guys like hearing every detail or if you just want it implied for you to imagine. Let me know. Bye for now loveys.

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