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Chris told Kaya everything. He told her every single thing he went through.

Everything is now finally off his chest. He feels like he just started breathing fresh air all of a sudden. But why is the fresh air suffocating him? Why does he still feel very heavy at heart?

As he sat there, on the rock near the house Kaya took him to when they first met, he could only see his life change once the words were out.

He still doesn't know why he told her. He doesn't know why he trusted her. It was so random yet life changing.

As usual, that day, Kaya came to the bookstore with some takeout for her and Chris. Chris was having a pretty rough day since his father bought home a lady the previous night. Not any lady, but his haunting art teacher. He hid in his room the whole time, praying for Ms Felps to leave. But she just barged into his room and questioned him on why her favourite student has not come to school. Chris ran away from what he should be able to call home and slept in the park that night and came straight to work from there. And he couldn't hold it all in anymore.

He had to let it out or it felt like he was drowning in fire.

As Kaya listened to his story, he felt something he's never before. Safe. Relieved. It felt like he was sharing his burden now and he doesn't have to carry it all by himself.

As she listened, tears streamed down both their faces and they held each other.

"It's all going to be okay Chris. I'll make sure you're okay."

And right then, when Kaya soothingly muttered those words into Chris's ears, holding him with as much force he's using to hug her, Chris knew it was right to tell her. That he can trust her.

He knew, that for once, he's done something for himself.

Something good for him.

He felt relief.

But relief is not an emotion meant for Chris. It's always been short-lived where Chris is involved.


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