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At school, Chris once again became the topic of discussion.

Wherever he went, people would stare at him and start whispering, making Chris uncomfortable. All the teachers, who previously didn't know that a guy named Chris existed, came to him and assured him that he was a very strong boy. And throughout all this, Chris had to have a tight grip on Kaya who could lash out any moment.

"They don't even deserve to utter your name." Kaya glared at the students in the cafeteria and Chris chuckled.

"You sound very dramatic." He said and Kaya directed her glare at him before picking at her food.

Suddenly, shadows hovered over Chris and he immediately knew who it was. He turned around in his chair, which was in one of the corners of the cafeteria, and faced Rick, Isaac, Owen and Jude. He gulped in fear and backed away with his chair already knowing what's about to come.

"I haven't come to trouble you." Rick said in the hard and rude tone he always uses but surprised Chris with his words. "Just wanted you to know that I heard about what happened to your father. And I'm not going to apologize but I'll just forget you ever existed." He said in a stern, strained voice and left in a jiffy.

What was that?, Chris thought. Does that mean he's not going to bother me anymore?

"Why are you with this loser Kaya?" Kaya looked at Isaac with raised eyebrows and answered without hesitation

"Because I want to be Isaac. And he's better a guy then you can ever be. Any problem with that?" Isaac just frowned, glared at Chris and walked away with the rest of his crew on tow. Kaya muttered some curses under her breath and narrowed her eyes at Isaac's retreating form.

"How do you actually know them?" Chris asked Kaya curiously and she shrugged.

"Isaac was the first one to talk to me in this school, and then things got awkward when he dumped Ronnie and started hitting on me." Chris nodded and both ate their lunch in silence until a teacher came to Chris and Kaya's table and asked him to go to the principal's office. Kaya offered to go with him and picked up her bag before following Chris.

Ms Emerald was having a heated discussion with Mr Anderson and Chris immediately knew what was happening. As he entered, both of them looked at him and Chris sat on the chair next to Ms Emerald as Kaya remained standing, listening to what was happening.

All they spoke about was why Chris remained silent at school when there was so much going on at home and why he didn't complain about the bullying at school.

And Chris didn't have a valid answer to any of their questions. At home, he remained quiet because he was threatened. At school, he was scared and didn't have anyone who could suggest him what to do.

So he was silent.

And no one knew that silence could speak a thousand words.

And if no one understood Chris's silence, how would they understand his words?

He was all silent and alone. Until Kaya came.


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