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Next morning, as Chris and Kaya emerged through the school doors, most of them went quite or gave Chris sympathetic looks. Chris didn't want any of those. Getting sorry looks from someone you care would mean something, but with these people, Chris felt nothing. He in fact felt empty all over again as he entered school.

Kaya looked at him and gave him a tight lipped smile before leading him to his locker and then heading to hers.

"Hey Kay!" Chris heard a girl greet Kaya from behind him and he turned to face a black haired girl. Ronnie. One of the cheerleaders. The girl looked at Chris and her smile fell, replaced with the same sympathetic look everyone was giving him and he was growing tired of it.

"I'll, um, go to class now." Chris said and Kaya gave him a questioning look before smiling and nodding.

Chris headed off to his first class, which was math. There still was some time left for the first bell to ring so he was the first one in the room. He went to the extreme corner in the last row and settled there before taking out a book and doodling.

In not more than a minute, his book was snatched and he looked up to see Rick, Isaac and Owen towering over him. He gulped, knowing what was about to come but Rick shouted something else.

"You." He growled with such anger, Chris literally jumped out of his seat. "Why do you have to spoil everything for me? I know Ms Felps did nothing to you, you brat. Why did you have to get her to leave?" He sneered. "I loved her you ass." And that was enough for Chris to get sick. What the actual hell?

"And how can someone like Kaya even acquaint themselves with someone useless like you?" Isaac hissed next to Rick. He took a step forward and grasped Chris's burned arm with so much force, he stood up, his face just a few inches from Isaac's and Chris's eyes welled up with tears due to the pain his burn was causing. 

"It's either that she's brainless or she pities you and your sorry life." He said. "She probably just wants to play with you anyway. I'll just ask her to stay away from a low life like you. And you don't deserve her friendship. Just know that." He glared at Chris once more before releasing his grasp on him and walked away just as the teacher entered. Chris limply sat on his seat as the classroom began to flood with students whispering about Ms Felps.

But Chris remained silent.

Don't let them get to you, Kaya said. He tried. Chris tried very hard but failed yet again

For the rest of the day, he just shut off the hurt and pain he was feeling and when it was French, he just greeted Kaya and remained quite. She gave him a smile and raised an eyebrow before sitting next to him but Chris just remained silent.

Why? He thought. Just when everything looked better, why did Rick and dad have to spoil it?


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