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Everything happened so fast.

Mr Anderson asked Chris again and again if what he told was true and each time he spoke, Chris's answers became less hesitant.

The principal called the police and soon, after they interrogated Chris, Kaya and Ms Felps, they took the devil away. Apparently, Chris isn't the first victim to Ms Felps torture. There were two other boys who came out of the dark once the word about what Ms Felps had done, spread around town. There were parents striking in front of the school questioning about their kids' safety. There were councillors present everywhere, interrogating the students and teachers about the atmosphere at school and accepting the false answers they were provided with. There were even a few news reporters taking down notes. There were police cars everywhere and CCTV's were immediately installed.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for all of this?" Chris questioned Kaya, both sitting in Kaya's car staring at the chaos their school has become. Kaya nodded silently, agreeing with Chris while holding his hands.

Chris, though he felt relieved that Ms Felps is now gone, still dreaded coming to school and doesn't want to go home.

"You should've told them about Rick and all the bullying and even about your dad." Kaya said, and Chris could notice the disappointment she felt because he hasn't opened up completely. "They would have surely done something." She said and Chris shook his head.

"If I tell the police, Rick and his friends will kill me. And my father will burn me to death." But Chris secretly hoped that they would leave him alone now since everyone knows that he's been through so much already.

But obviously, Chris can never hope for stuff to happen. They never do. They never happen the way Chris wants and he's used to it.


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