Chapter XVII - The Field

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Marybeth finished the defense shooting after 15 days and it was a co-incidence that it was Saturday giving the two a day of relaxation before they were introduced to another training ground.

On Monday, the training continued... Rem was surprised after he and Marybeth went along with Randolph, Tatiana, and Dreyford to the gym. For him, things were getting more exciting.

Each of them had designated trainers. Rem understood that the weight given to him was lighter compared those given to Randolph and Dreyford.


After the feast, Rem and Marybeth were informed that the level 2 shooting was abolished and they will have to go to the defense shooting. There, they must have to deactivate all the machines.

After Jonathan signaled that the game was on, Rem just walked around and after activating one machine, he didn't hide. But instead, he activated four more. As what the mentor saw, the young guy was trying to challenge himself -- he braved the knives, dodged them and never hit back. After a few minutes of dodging hefty daggers, he immediately deactivated all the machines.

However, Rem was unable to finish the challenge after getting hit five times. But, Jonathan was still impressed as he lasted for a long time despite not spending too much time shielding himself behind the boulders.

"Tomorrow, Burrows I am expecting that you will go further with what you did," Jonathan said. "But still, nice one. You just showed me how persistent you are."

Rem was dismissed.

While resting in the living room after lunch, Rem and Marybeth were informed that it's time for their next training. In the dome, they were asked to go along with Tatiana, Randolph, and Dreyford outside the dome. Again, for him, things were getting exciting.

Just a few meters away from the dome were Vincent and an unknown guy walking towards them. Rem concluded that they will be their teachers for the field training.

"Hello Burrows," said Vincent. After, he nodded to Marybeth.

"I and Addison will be your trainers in this field. Here, we will help you in increasing your running speed," Vincent said. "In short, you will do nothing here, but run and escape some riddles."

"Alright, it's time for our training," said Vincent asking Rem to walk with him.

After they exited the dome, Vincent asked Rem to stay. He agreed. After a few minutes, he heard a motorcycle starting up. When he looked to locate it, it was a motorcycle that carried Marybeth and her trainer and they were revving away. A few seconds after, Vincent arrived riding another one.

As Vincent revved the engine, Rem felt the blood rushing through his veins.

"Faster Mr. Vincent," said Rem.

Rem's wish was granted. He can't help but shout while the air touched the skin of his face. It was actually the first time he rode a fast motorcycle. It was also the first time that he got out of the dome. His eyes were fed by the beautiful sceneries provided by the area.

They traveled for about 30 minutes and ended in a wide field that was made of asphalt with white markings, obviously intended for running. A man with a young chocolate Labrador retriever suddenly appeared from the trailer nearby. Rem got confused, but at the same time wanted to crumple the ears of the cute dog.

"I will be meeting you from the other side, Burrows," said Vincent while pointing his hands to the distance in front of them. "Just run ahead until you reach my point."

"Tobie will be your guide," Vincent said while strapping the end of the leash of the dog around his right wrist. "Good luck buddy, I'll be waiting," he added with a tap on the back of his shoulder.

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