Chapter XXII - The Beach

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More eager to become a great Arkiman, Rem focused himself in the forest and used to ask Ms. Jack to help him look for specific plants and animals. Two years passed, his knowledge in the forest was unquestionable to a point of a single look for a certain plant or animal, he will have ideas what they are and what they can do. He can confirm if his ideas were correct by closely checking them.

However, Rem's knowledge had no match to Marybeth's. She had bloomed like a forest geek who can easily identify the name of a plant or animal, their function, the things they can do, if they are poisonous or not, without getting confused. She can also easily mix plant extracts to produce a specific formula for whatever purpose she wanted. She even invented a formula that can suppress the body preventing it from losing too many vital nutrients that can help someone go through the day even with small amount of food. She called it the Vitaglup.


One training day, all their training outside the dome shortened giving Rem the idea that he and Marybeth will move on to the beach and he was excited about it.

Adding to his excitement was the two-man plane. Right after the engine started, blood rushed to his body. After the plane peaked, Rem shouted. The pilot added more adventures by doing some exhibitions.

Because Rem was too excited, he never knew that the plane was about to land. He never had an idea to how long and far they traveled. What he knew was that he was brought to a cliff. There, Vincent was waiting for him.

"Burrows, please wear this," said Vincent who threw a pair of ear piece to Rem. "You'll need that later."

Rem wore it and sat on the rocks near him. After a few minutes, Vincent called him.

"Burrows, can you please pick those goggles and wear them," said Vincent pointing at the end of the cliff.

Rem walked to the end of the cliff, picked the pair of goggles and wore them. He turned around to check Vincent. He was shocked... a huge exercise ball was coming his way. He wasn't able to dodge and moments later he was falling to from the cliff and into the open water.

Rem had no options after he plunged. He tried to lift his head above the water but he was being dragged below. He doesn't know how to swim. Later, he panicked and swallowed water. He thought the Arkiman was trying to kill him.

"Burrows relax," said a man and based on the voice it was Vincent. He was talking to him via the earpiece. "Calm down... We won't let you drown."

Rem stopped panicking and stayed calmly in the water.

"Now, let your buoyancy push you up," Vincent noted. "Do a squat position and let your legs and hands do the flipping."

Rem followed the instruction. He was able to keep himself afloat. However, after a few minutes, he was going down again.

"Rem, relaxed and do what I said to you," said Vincent. "You are lighter than the water. You will always float."

Rem tried to keep his composure. However, he already drew his strength. He was weak enough to continue. Then, again, he was already panicking.

"Damn it," said Vincent and buttons were heard being pushed.

Rem then felt something that popped on his shoulder. After a few seconds, he knew he's being lifted. A balloon suddenly appeared from his suit and it was keeping him up. It also gave him some minutes to take a rest.

After a few minutes, the balloons went off.

"Burrows, do some squat," said Vincent. "Push yourself using your legs and hands to help you push so you will stay up... And, like what I always say, it's mind over matter."

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