Chapter XLIV - The Game (Preparation)

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Right after going down the stage, Vincent led the group outside the party area. The limousine was already waiting for them outside. He walked fast as if he's in a hurry. Rem and Marybeth just followed him.

In the condominium unit, the two were surprised seeing Anya. She greeted them with hugs and kisses as if she didn't see them for a long time.

"You guys know Anya, right?" Vincent asked.

Rem smiled and nodded. Marybeth gave thumbs up.

"Anya, as what we talked a few days ago, is the latest Arkiman winner of the 'The Bloody Train' and no one can give you great tips in surviving but her," said Vincent.

Dricks and Jimmy arrived a few minutes after. They explained that the pizza and lasagna they ordered will be delivered shortly. Vincent and Anya started to talk and this time, it's more of an informal setting where all of them were seated.

"In my year, I and Carlos didn't start together and based on the past games, none did. The first person to find his buddy will definitely have the higher chances of winning. So, I would recommend to the two of you to look for each other first. As much as possible, stay out of other wildcats' ways.

"If you had no choice, but to fight, that will be the only time that you fight and use your energy. The Arkimans are very good in surviving alone in the forest. So, our plan is to first survive alone to reunite. Then, victory is ours."

"How long did you find Carlos?" Rem asked.

"He actually found me after 72 hours," said Anya. "I was walking when I fell for one his traps. Then, we're together."

"In that 72 hours, how did you survive?" Rem again asked.

"Well, I stayed alerted, ate, remained hidden and slept, vacated the shelter without leaving any tracks, and remained hidden. I repeated it for three days."

"You didn't find any enemies along the way?" Marybeth asked.

"I found two. But, I backed off. I wanted to conserve my energy."

"How about at night?" asked Rem. "It's cold. How did you find warmth?"

"First thing, find a not-so-obvious hiding place that has an opening opposite of the wind. The wind will be you worst enemy during the night; it can give you colds and having a simple cold in such competition is like cutting your own finger.

"During my first night, I covered myself with dried leaves and on the second, I found a small opening on a cliff, which was a vertical hole that was enough for me squeeze in. Then, the next day I found Carlos."

"The nights after finding your buddy will be much easier. You can take turns sleeping and guarding the area. Me and Carlos, most of the times, slept sitting, thinking we should be in a position where we can easily fight or escape."

The tip sharing by Anya and Vincent lasted for at least two hours with Rem and Marybeth listening carefully. When nothing more to share, the two fighters were advised to sleep well so they can have more energy tomorrow.


"Mr. Burrows, it's 8:00 a.m., the time came, you should be preparing now," said Carklein.

Rem obliged and immediately went to the bathroom. After taking a bath, he checked his closet and saw an all-black rash guard pants and shirt, black sports shoes and a belt bag full of daggers. He wore them and immediately went outside. There, Vincent, Anya, and the escorts were waiting. He just walked towards them with his poker face.

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