Winter Dance

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A/N: You've known Chase, Bree, Adam and Leo for a short while but never really talked to them. After Adam embarrasses Chase, you stand up for him and ask him to the dance. All sorts goes down.
Word count: 1197.
Warning: none.

I stood beside my locker with my three best friends; Paisley, Eva and Blue. I turn to hear Adam Davenport making a short announcement before pulling Chase's jeans down. My friends giggle along with the rest of the crowd that has gathered whereas, I become rather sad. It's not a lie that I have a huge crush on Chase but I hardly know him. He's in my chemistry, physics and math but we never really talked before. There was one time when I was talking to Bree, that he talked with us but I got flustered and left. I haven't really spoken to any of them since. Anyway, Eva pushed me lightly. "Go stick up for him. Be the real you!" I thought about her comment then put my books down in my locker. I walked over to them and faced Adam. "I know brothers fight but you shouldn't be pulling his pants down in public!" Everyone stopped laughing, I turned to them. "And the rest of you! Stop laughing before I sow your mouths shut so you can't anymore!" I finished evily and everyone ran away. I gave a small evil laugh as I turned back around to see Chase pulling his pants back up and Bree and Adam staring in extreme shock. "Thanks - I mean I didn't know you could do that -" Chase started before I cut him off. "That would be because you don't know as much about me as... Errr... As you do physics." I stumbled as I was about to say 'as I do you' but I covered it. "Ooooo! She got you!" Adam piped in. "Anyway, I actually came to ask you if you errrm you would like to go to the dance with me?" I looked to the floor as I said that. I instantly went back to the shy old Y/N that everybody else knew. "Him?!" Both Bree and Adam yelled at me. "Yes, why not him?" I questioned to them. "Cos he's Chase! The weak little nerd!" Adam pointed to Chase. My confidence had come back again. "Well, Adam, I don't see a problem. So Chase?" I turned back to him. He looked really shocked. "I...errrm...I - yes!" He eventually said. "Meet you here at 7 then?" He asked, nervously. I nodded and smiled then went back to my friends and collected my books.


This is the first time I've worn a dress since I was like five. I don't hate dresses but I find them uncomfortable and unflattering on me. I saw Bree and Adam walk through the doors to the school but no Chase. I stood from the bench and walked over to them. "Hey guys! Is Chase not with you?" I asked. Adam had a smirk on his face and Bree looked extremely nervous and worried. "He's...Errr..." Bree started before Adam cut in. "He's already in the hall!" "WHAT?!" Bree called, oddly like Chase would. "Ok. I'll just go in then..." I trailed off as I walked away from them and into the hall. Adam and Bree followed along with Bree's date. She didn't look like she was enjoying it at all. I looked around for Chase but he wasn't anywhere. Adam went to the DJ and took over, I decided to sit on the table beside him.
A: "Hey, still not found Chase yet?"
Y/N: "No. I'm starting to think he doesn't want to be here with me." I sighed.
A: "Hey now. I'm sure he does."
Y/N: "So where is he then?"
A: "I err I - why don't you come help me pick tunes up here?"
Y/N: "Sure, why not."

I stood beside Adam as we messed with the tracks and playlists. We chatted and got to know each other a little. We laughed a lot. He might not be the brightest star in the sky but he sure is kind, sweet and funny. We had laughs and chats while playing songs for over an hour. I'm pretty sure it's been almost two hours now. Chase still hadn't made an appearance. Bree was dancing rather unhappily with her date in front of the DJ booth. Peri was here as well now. Bree kept looking up at me and Adam with a small look of anger mixed with jealousy, she really must not be having fun. Anyway, as we laughed, I was getting ready to change the playlist. When I looked back up, Chase was in a weird dancing perception with Bree's date. I was kind of mad, he'd been here all along messing about. I said bye to Adam and walked out of the hall to the hallway.

"Y/N! Y/N wait!" Chase called, running behind me. I eventually stopped and turned around. "I'm sorry, I had to-" he began. "Don't apologise. I was kinda sad and mad but I had fun with Adam. He's a good guy. So all in all, you didn't ruin the night completely." I stated this and began to turn around when he grabbed my wrist. "Please let go of me." I asked kindly. "Please, Y/N, I didn't mean to stand you up. I'm glad you had fun but please, can we have a dance?" He had real sorrow in his eyes. "Just one." I told him, taking my arm back. I walked back into the hall as Adam played a slow song. I sarcastically want to thank Adam but I really need to thank him, honestly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my hips. I looked down at our feet making sure not to stand on his. Well, that was my excuse. "Y/N, I really am sorry." Chase said in a whisper to my ear. I looked up at his face. "It's ok." I said back. "But I feel like it isn't. Maybe I can take you on a proper date?" He questioned sincerely. "I mean, sure. When?" He looked taken back by my answer. "Errr... Maybe tomorrow evening, say 6?" He looked a little confused as to why I had agreed. "That sounds great. And if you're wondering why I said yes, it's cos I like you." I confessed. He stared at me for a few seconds then opened his mouth to say something expect nothing came out. He closed his mouth and stared deep into my eyes. "Chase? Are you going to say something?" I asked nervously, still looking into his eyes. "I don't need to." He simply stated. "Wha-" I began before he cut me off by lightly pressing his lips onto mine. My eyes went wide out of shock but soon closed as it lasted a few seconds. When he pulled away I smiled and looked down, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "Don't." He stated softly in a whisper as I rested my head on his shoulder and his head onto mine.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now