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A/N: Tasha and Naomi come to visit you guys in centium city. Your boyfriend, Chase, tries to make an anti-aging device but it back fires on Naomi and you all have to sort it before Tosha comes back.
Word count: 499.
Warning: swearing.

"Oliver, come on, she's just a baby." Pleaded Skylar to Oliver. He doesn't like babies. "She's so cute!" I exclaimed as I moved towards Naomi and her mom. "Would one of you mind babysitting for a few hours? I don't get a moment to myself." Tasha asked. "You don't want me looking after you kid. I can't even look after myself." Kaz commented then left with Oliver and Chase. "I wish I could but Chase wants my help so, I'll see you later." I told them then left to the lab.

After ten minutes with the boys, the hyperlift opened. "How did she get down here?" Chase asked. Crawled I thought. "I dunno but she's doing a great job at dusting the floors, look at her go." Kaz laughed. "Well pick her up." Said Chase. "Why can't you do it?" Asked kaz. Are they really fighting over who picks her up. "Ok. It can't be that hard. Maybe... Or maybe..." Chase tried different positions to pick her up but he couldn't. "Guys, it's not that hard. Look." I walked over to Naomi and picked her up. "See." I stated. "You're just good with babies." Marked Chase. I gave him a glare then set Naomi back down. The next thing I knew, kaz knocked chase into his equipment and Naomi was holding the anti-aging device. "Well get it off her!" I yelled. Before anyone could, she shot up into a sixteen year old. "Oh god, what do we do?" I asked as chase became shocked and side hugged me.


"The thing is, I turned my back for one second-and I had to be a picture, she looked to cute." Exclaimed Bree as she tried to stall as chase had fixed everything once again. "Why look at a picture when you can look at the real thing?" Questioned chase. He looked so adorable with Naomi. "There's my baby." Said Tasha as she took her baby back and went upstairs with the group. I was surely about to follow but Chase stopped me. "Thank you for helping me." He said. "sure, it's what I'm here for." I am the extra scientist here. "But you supported me as well so thank you. And have I ever said I love you?" He questioned himself out loud. "Shit! I said that aloud. Y/N, I love you." He told me. "I love you too, chase. Always have." I confessed and before I knew it, I was swept up in his arms and we had a long, passionate kiss. It was perfect.

A/N: Thank you guys so much for 1K reads. I'm glad you guys love these imagines.
Also, sorry for the short chapter, I'm on holiday. x

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now