Chase is no longer mission leader

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A/N: Chase gets extremely bored and trys to intervene in the others ideas. He reads your texts, gets involved in Kaz's and Oliver's fantasy football. He almost takes Kaz away from Oliver in a drone race. You're closet to Oliver but have fallen for Chase.
Word count: 849.
Warning: none.

I could sense Chase looking over my shoulder. "Do you not have anything better to do than read my texts?!" I said, harshly while putting my phone down. "Would I be looking if I had something better to do?" Chase questioned, plopping down beside me on the couch. "I'm just bored now I'm not mission leader..." He continued. Skylar came up from mission command with Bree, looking like they were about to go out. "Hey, Y/N. Do you want to come get frozen yogurt with us?" Bree asked nicely. You thought for a moment before Chase cut in. "I do, yeah!" He exclaimed. "I think you need a hobbie. What do you like to do?" Skylar asked. "Tell people what to do?!" Chase said obviously. "Anyway, Y/N?" Bree asked again. "I think I'll pass. See ya later guys!" You tell them as they leave.

"Hey guys!" You said as Kaz and Oliver entered. They were about to play their monthly fantasy football when Chase decide to but in. "I like epic!" He nearly yelled and held up his hand to high-five them. "This is kind of our thing, sorry Chase..." Oliver shyly explained to Chase but he sat in the middle anyway and starting talking about maths and statistics. I got bored and went to my room.


Later that day, I couldn't find anyone so I went to mission command to find Kaz marching into the hyperlift as I got out. Oliver went over to Chase. "Hey. I know you don't like his ideas, so why did you say that?!" He questioned in a mean tone. "I'm gonna take them out before the race!" Chase replied in an obvious tone. I let out a small gasp then my face turned angry as I matched over to them. "Chase! That's horrible! How could you do that to Kaz?! I thought you were a genuine person! Guess I was wrong..." I whisper the last part, hoping he didn't notice but he did. Before he had the chance to say anything, you and Oliver left to upstairs.
"Are you ok?" I asked Oliver as I sat down with him and rubbed his shoulder. "Yeah. It just feels like he's taking Kaz away from me, ya know?" Oliver tells me. I give him a long hug and release. "What's up with you anyway? With what you said to him?" Oliver asked me suddenly. I looked down knowing he knew but it hasn't hit yet. "Ohhhh. You still like him!" Oliver said as he finally realised. "Yeah well..." I tried but got cut off. "No. It's ok. You can't help who you like. I mean, look at me and Skylar!" He said in a really excited tone. Anything to talk about her, haha.


I decided to stay back with Bree and Skylar when the boys went to the park to race their drone. The girls were helping Peri with her type rope walking when I heard Skylar fall in pain. I rushed to sit beside her while Bree went to help Peri back up and across.
The boys came rushing back soon after and Oliver held Skylar. I stood beside Kaz, trying not to look at Chase. I did keep glancing at him and caught him glancing at me a few times.
When Peri was safe, everyone went inside but Chase stopped me before I could follow by grabbing my wrist. "So you know, I felt bad about Kaz so I put all his ideas in the drone." He confessed to me. I just nodded and tried to turn away. "Wait! Y/N, why won't you talk to me now?" He asked. I sighed a bit then opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out so I closed it again. He looked at me intently, direct in the eyes. I didn't know how to say I liked him. It was hard for me, being the first boy I like. I thought I'd try the movie scene. I looked back go his eyes. His hand released my wrist and went to my waist. He knew, didn't he? I quickly placed my hands on either side if his face and kissed him. It was quick but it felt long. He kissed me back so passionately and both his hands were now on my waist. As I finished moving my arms around his neck, we pulled back in sync. "I-I like you..." I confessed looking anywhere but his eyes. He lifted one hand from my hip to my face and cupped my cheek. "I like you too, so much Y/N!" He told me with full heart. This time he lent in and kissed me. This time was longer but just as loving and passionate. I really did like this guy...

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now