Mr Davenport's Chief Scientist

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A/N: Chase gets jealous over Mr Davenport's chief scientist. You have to try and calm him down by assistanting him and keeping him company.
Word count: 997.
Warning: None.

"Everyone! We have a guest." Mr Davenport called to the group. "Is it a group of FBI agents come to take us away?!" Adam excitedly guessed. "Our secrets been out for a year, why would they come now?" Chase questioned Adam with a confused look and hand gesture. "I've done some stuff..." He trailed off. Everyone looked upon him as if to say really.

The hydroloop opened to reveal a tall scruny guy. Mr Davenport rushed over to him. "This is my chief scientist!" He placed his hand in front of the guy. "And employee of the mouth! Car space and all. Although, I don't use it but my mum does when she picks me up." He announced, sounding over excited. "This is your chief scientist?" Bree questioned, shocked. "Yep. He's the smartest man I've ever worked with!" Mr Davenport concluded. "Eh hum?!" Chase coughed. Boy, is it obvious he wants his daily attention. "Oh you're right. I'm the smartest man I've ever worked with!" Wow Mr Davenport, big ego much.

I went with Mr Davenport, Chase and science chief (that's what I like to call him) to the mentors room. "That's where it'll go." He told his employee. "Mr Davenport! I was working on this!" Chase exclaimed while science chief did a air guitar. "I know. That's why you can be on the project." Chief came over after finishing. "Yes!" Chase exclaimed. "As his assistant." Mr Davenport finished. "What?!" Chase questioned angrily. "This is going to be totally legit!" Chief exclaimed, over the top. Chase sighed. "Oh come on Chase. How can you dislike a guy you says legit?!" I questioned to my boyfriend who didn't look impressed. He gave me a sightly evil glare. "Yes! You're both in the air band!" He exclaimed, over the top once more. I was up for it, Chase wasn't. He stormed out.


"So these are all my formulas. They are all perfect!" Chiefy explained to me as Chase walked over to Leo. "See, I actually understand these and they do look pretty perfect." I told him, my hand on my hip with a smile. "Ya know, if I were silver surfer and you were iron man, we'd be alloys." He joked with me. I laughed, actually getting a joke, a science joke.

-Chase's perspective-

"Look at him, working his way in through Y/N. That joke may have been good but I can do better!" I said to no one in particular. "Chase, you know yous two are 17. He's eleven years older. Plus, she only likes you, no one else." Leo pointed out. I knew he was right but I couldn't stop this jealousy raising.

-your perspective-

Chase came over to us. "Hey! Ready to help with the launch and put this stupid argument aside?" I questioned him and he glared at chiefy and chiefy just smirked at him. "I'll do a scan." "No need. Everything is perfect." Chiefy pointed to himself then the elevator. Chase rolled his eyes and went back to Leo. Chiefy gave one more joke then I went over to Chase and Leo. Chase didn't know I was stood behind him.
L: "We have to tell-"
C: "No. If we let it happen, Mr Davenport will see how he screws up."
L: "And then he'll put you back as head of the project. Great plan. Shady but great."
Y/N: "Also wrong."

Chase span around to look me dead in the eyes. He tried to avoid the contract after that. "Wrong. Think about what you're doing Chase, think about what's right." I told him then sighed. I walked back over to chiefy as I saw Chase hand Leo the test dummy. "I will be taking the ride myself!" Mr Davenport announced. Chase, now would be a good time to tell him. Chase runs over and tells chiefy everything. He then tried to stop Mr Davenport but it's too late. "Chase!" I yell. "Wheres your emergency stop button?!" Chase was next to yell. "Why would I make a 'I'm gonna fail' button?" "Cos you just failed!!" Chase yelled, obviously getting angry; "I have an-" "No." Chiefy simply said. "I didn't even say anything!" Chase exclaimed. "You don't have to. I know it's wrong." Chiefy didnt even look at him. "He's the smartest guy in the world, how can he be wrong?" I questioned chiefy making him stare at me. "Right, let's calm down, Chase. We need to calm down so we can think of a plan." I said softly. I gave Chase a hug to help him clam down. "Ok. This is no time for PDA." Chiefy acquired. I let go of Chase and he came up with a plan. "I hate to say it but Chase is right." Me and Chase both sighed. They used a formula to allow the elevator to come down. "Guys! Stop celebrating. It's coming down 10x fast!" I called. They instantly blamed each other.


Leo ended up stopping the elevator at the cost of his leg. "He was too cheap to let them operate." Leo explained. "No. I decided to do it myself so now Leo has a bionic leg too." Mr Davenport fully explained.

After we discussed Leo's leg, me and Chase chatted with Bree then Bree left. Chase hugged me tightly. "What was that for?" I asked. "Can't I hug my girlfriend?" He answered with his own question. "Yes but I know there's more. Spill!" I demanded. "I guess I got a little jealous today. Seeing you laughing with him made me want to make you laugh more and be closer to you." He confessed. "Aww, Chase. You do make make laugh and I don't mind being closer to you..." He smiled as I said this then we both lent in at the time and kissed softly.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now