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A/N: Chase tells Sebastian everything about Krane and gives him a new ability. Along side Lexi and tank, Sebastian starts a rebellion. Sebastian shoots at Chase and you become worried as your crush takes over.
Word count: 728.
Warning: None.

"Hey guys! What's going on-?" You cut yourself short when you walk into the main room to find a stance of three on three. "Ha, now it's four on three!" Adam smirks. "Adam, Y/N can't use her bionics right now, remember?" Chase tells Adam. He sighs in remembrance. "They're starting a rebellion, students against us." Bree informed you. "So, Y/N, are you on our side?" Sebastian asks you. You look between the two sets of three to try and determine what coursed this. "Chase told Sebastian about Krane." Adam piped up. "What?!" You yelled at him the way he usually yells. "You knew? That puts you on their side!" Sebastian tells everyone. You just nod because it's not like you can fight right now with your bionics glitching. You step aside as Bree takes on Lexi, Adam takes on Tank and Chase takes on Sebastian. As you watch Chase and Sebastian use their light weapons on each other, you try to take out yours. It doesn't work but you keep trying. Chase notices you trying and gets taken out by a shot from Sebastian. "Chase!" You gasp and run to his side. You help him up and he makes you stay aside while he continues to fight Sebastian.
Not long later, Leo drops in (literally). You go to attack Lexi but she knocked you down. "Y/N! I told you to stay aside!" Chase yelled at you. Your face saddened and he noticed. He came to your side. "I'm sorry but you're gonna get hurt if you attack without bionics." He tells you softly while helping you up. "Sorry." You say quietly. Chase and Bree then taken out Lexi while Adam and Leo take out Tank. Sebastian rises from the floor, you all run to hide behind a piller. "How can he use all his bionics at once?" Bree questioned the group. "He can't. His chip will fry." Chase answers. "So we just gotta get him to use them for long enough and he'll short circuit?" You say although it comes out as a question. "Yes. Come on." Chase instructs and you all doudge blasts from Sebastian.
He eventually frys his chip and stops working. Chase's pushed him down. "Wait! Mr Davenport!" Bree calls. Everyone runs to the monitor but nothing can be seen. You all let out a sad sigh when Mr Davenport and peri cone around the corner. They tell you how they survived.


"Y/N?" Chase walks over to you. "Do you think you can get your bionics out yet?" He questions. "I-I don't know." It's apparent that your crush is taking over now.
C: "Try?"
Y/N: "Ok."
You try to lift a heavy object but you can't get it all the way up then you try opening your light weapon. First time, no look. Second time, I did it. "Yay!" You get over excited. "Try shooting?" Chase calmly asked. You shot at the wall and got perfectly where you aimed. "Yes!" You called as you jumped on Chase and hugged him tightly. Again, your crush was taking over. He hugged back nevertheless. "Aww, are you two love birds finally together?!" Bree excitedly questioned as she walked past. You let go of Chase and put your light weapon away then put your hands in your pockets and looked down. "That is something I wanted to talk about..." Chase trailed off. You looked up at him, not directly in the eye as you motioned him to continue. "I-errr-I like you, Y/N and I-" he stumbled but you managed to hear what he was saying. "I like you too, Chase." You confessed to him. He stared deep into your eyes and you stared back. He slowly lent closer to your lips but stopped an inch away. "Is it ok if-?" He began before you cut him off. "Yes." You said in a whisper. He continued to close the gap and kissed you softly at first. It got more passionate but then he pulled away. "Ive waited a long while for that." You confessed once again to your new boyfriend.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now