Skylars Friend

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A/N: Scarlette comes to visit Skylar but turns out to be against them. Kidnapping Oliver, Bree and Skylar until she gets what she wants. Meanwhile Chase and Kaz build android girlfriends until their feelings come out about you. After, Kaz, Chase and yourself have to save them and stop Scarlette.
Word count: 1194.
Warning: none really.

"Boys!" I startled them. I giggled and they looked at me confused. "First, I startled you that's why I'm laughing. Second, Bree's making breakfast, come on!" I told them. "Hold on. Who is she and why is she in our lab?!" I questioned. "Well, Chase made a android to be his girlfriend." Kaz told me. "What? Why?" I questioned confused. "Cos he can't get a real one!" I laughed a bit at Kaz's comment. "But he could. Don't doubt him, Kaz." I said, emphasising the Kaz. Then left upstairs.

Chase's POV:
She laughed at Kaz's comment a little. "But he could. Don't doubt him, Kaz." She told him. Whoa! I could. Shocked me a little. Did she mean her or another? "Someone has a crush, don't they?" Kaz said although it sounded as a question. "Who?" I asked. "You. On Y/N. Durr. Although, she'd pick me." He laughed. I growled and we went upstairs.


Your POV:
Later on, Bree and Skyler went out, god knows where Oliver is and Chase and Kaz were arguing over that android Christine. "Whats with all the shouting?!" I asked them, walking closer. "We changed her programming so she could choose herself, between us, but Kaz got buffalo source in her so she's fried! I gotta fix her now." Chase told me. "Wait! We can get Y/N to choose. I mean she's a real human." Kaz said. What?! No! "Like between you!?" I asked. "Yeah. She's meant to be a girlfriend. You choose for a final decision." Kaz said with a smile. "No thanks. I am not making decision that's meant for a robot." I told them straight. "But you're real, it would mean something." Kaz said, putting an arm around my shoulder and smirking at Chase. "This is not happening!" I shoved his arm off and picked up my phone then went to my room.

Chase's POV:
She went off. "Kaz! What do you think you're doing?!" I slightly yelled. "Using charm, my friend." He smirked. "Well stop!" I told him. "Someone really does have a crush and is getting jealous! Fix Christine." Kaz said and walked off. I took Christine downstairs to the labs and for her fixed.

~ time skip brought to you by Christina ~

I brought Christine back upstairs with right set programming, to see Kaz and Y/N sitting, chatting, giggling while on their phones. "Kaz!" I coughed.

Your POV:
Chase had brought Christine back upstairs. "Kaz!" He coughed. "She's fixed. Christine, choose, me or Kaz?!" He asked her. "Kaz!" She said excitedly and sat next to him. I laughed a bit. "What's funny?" Chase asked me. "Errm, you just had a lot of confidence." I giggled slightly. Kaz laughed as well. "I'll make another one!" Chase stormed of to make another. Me and Kaz laughed and, along with Christine, watched a sports game with some crisps.

Chase came back all of six more times with six more android girls that all choose Kaz. It was funny but a bit sad...For Chase.

"I give up!" He sighed. "Finally! That was painful to watch!" I laughed a bit and sighed, walking to him. I stood beside him with my hand on his shoulder and sighed again looking at Kaz with seven girls ish. "Thats a funny sight!" I laughed at Kaz with all these girls. Chase began to laugh as well when we got a mission alert. We all raced to the location.


"Oh my! Bree? Skyler?" I saw them in a cage. "And Oliver!" He yelled. "Sorry!" I yelled back. Another Skyler came our of no where. Chase and Kaz took to their roles to defeat her. I tried to get them out of the cage. I got them out when Kaz's girlfriends came out and grabbed her, all about to throw her over the volcano. "Stop! Put her down." Skyler said. "Oh it has to be me. Put her down." Kaz said. I laughed. She went to fight back when Bree whipped out a proton ring. Superpowers?! We took her out. "Bree, what was that?" Chase asked. "I sorta have superpowers now, thanks to Skyler saving my life." Bree answered. "Did you know about this?" Chase asked Kaz. "I really want to say yeah to annoy you but I really didn't." Kaz laughed. I laughed at his comment. Chase glared at me for a second then we headed back to the penthouse.


"I can't cope with these anymore!" Kaz said. "Y/N, I really need to to choose so I can get rid." He continued. "I don't have to choose for you to get rid. Chase!" I called out. He came downstairs. "Kaz doesn't want them anymore. Turn em off!" I told him. "I just asked her to choose again. She won't do it!" Kaz told him. "Just leave her Kaz!" Chase demanded. "I want to know why she won't pick!" He whined. "Kaz, I already told you, it's not my decision!" I said loudly then turned to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I took a bite. "Just pick!" Kaz yell whined. "Why do you want me to so bad?" I asked, walking into the living area and standing beside Chase. "Because!" Kaz whined again. "Thats not a reason, Kaz!" I told him loudly. "Its because he likes you, Y/N." I turned to Chase as he said this. "Sorry?" I questioned, I'm shook. "And so do I." He added. I looked to Kaz then back to Chase them Kaz again. I took a step away from them. "Why?" Was all I could manage to get out. "What do you mean why?" Kaz asked me, he looked almost as confused as me. "I don't understand why you would." I confess as I looked down. "I'm nothing special." I whispered, not for them to hear but little did I know that did. "You're very special, Y/N. You're smart, beautiful and creative. Skilled and talented. Just... Perfect!" Chase exclaimed softly while he took my hands. I didn't look up however as I was too scared. "Y/N, I've always liked you since the day I first met you." He continued to confess. This time, I looked up at him. I turned to Kaz with a sad, apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Kaz. I liked Chase since the day I met him too." I confessed looking back to Chase. "But you like chicken wings and sports! He hates them!" Kaz tried. "I know but we can do that as friend, Kaz. I want to if you do?" I looked back to him. "Yeah. I'd like that. Now I'll leave to too it." Kaz left us so I turned back to Chase. "Is it ok if I kiss you?" He asked sweetly but awkwardly. "Of course. Always." I answered as he lent down and connected our lips.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now