Space Colony | Jealousy

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A/N: Chase can get to be a very over jealous boyfriend. Does it get worse when you go on a family vacation with the Davenports?
Word count: 571.
Warning: none.

"Davenpotia!" Mr Davenport announced. "This so totally awesome! I've never been to space, never mind another galaxy!" I exclaimed to the family. Chase side hugged me as I got excited. "I'm so happy! I have to go pack!" I yell and run away to my room to gather my stuff.


"Hey, what's that?" Leo asked Mr Davenport while pointing at a large black suit. "It's my emergency suit incase of a problem on travels." He told us. Adam walked over to the suit and grabbed the helmet. "I am zulton, leader of planet darkon!" Adam or zulton announced. "Adam, stop messing around!" Chase told him. "Who is this Adam you speak of? I am zulton." He answered. "Hello, zulton. It's nice to meet you, can I see your planet?" I joked then laughed. Adam laughed with me and Chase growled at Adam.


"How do we get him back?!" Bree asked. "I don't know but you better figure it out! Like now!" I yelled like Chase would. I missed him and didn't want him to die. "It's ok Y/N, we'll get him back soon." Adam put his arm around my shoulder. "Wait! There's someone else on the ship!" Bree exclaimed.

Bree and Adam went to get Chase of an unknown planet. "Don't talk to me!" Chase yelled. "What, why?" Adam asked, confused. "Because I almost died, we almost died! If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one! We may be brothers but I'm not your friend!" Chase continued to yell. I side hugged Chase before he left then gave a saddened look to Adam. "You look like you need a hug." Peri said out of nowhere. Adam lent forward to take one but peri pushed back. "I didn't say you were getting one from me!" Peri exclaimed then left. "Here." I said to Adam and came down to him. I gave him a long hug as if to let him poor out all his feelings right now.


After defeating Krane, again, Chase came over to me. "Y/N, can I ask you, do you like Adam?" He fiddled nervously with his fingers. "Of course I do. He's fun and smart in his own way. And your brother." I told him. He sighed like he was defeated. "Are you ok?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder and trying to look into his eyes but he wouldn't let me. "Maybe you should go talk to Adam!" He yelled and shocked me. "Chase! Are you jealous? I don't like Adam like that, more as a friend or brother." I confessed to him hoping he'd look me in the eyes. "Really?" He asked. "Of course, I only love you, Chase!" I told him as he finally looked into my eyes. "You love me?" He asked. Did I just say that? I thought hesitantly. "Err-I-I-" I stumbled. "I love you too, Y/N!" He said happily as he cupped my cheek and started to lean in. He closed then gap, it was only short as peri yelled over; "Not a time for PDA!" I laughed which coursed Chase to laugh. We had another quick kiss and walked hand in hand to the ship to go home.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now