First meeting (Crush, Chop, Burn)

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Requested by: @raven12queen3
A/N: Y/N is Leo's adopted sister. When Tosha marries Mr Davenport, they all move in together. Leo and Y/N find out the bionic trio live in a basement just like she did...
Chase develops a crush and is always awkward around Y/N until he gets the courage to ask her out.
Word count: 843.
Warning: none.

Leo and Y/N follow their mom, Tosha, to the front door of the biggest house they've ever seen. Once Tosha knocks, Leo instantly becomes over excited. Y/N rolls her eyes at him. She, on the other hand, couldn't care less. Both her parents abandoned her because of her abilities but she's glad to have Tosha.

The door swung open and Tosha was instantly pulled into a huge hug. "And you must be Leo! And Y/N!" The rather short man exclaimed towards yourself and Leo. He shook Leo's hand excitedly and went to hug you however, you pulled back and stuck out your hand. He shock your hand giving a sigh then lead everyone into the house. "So your guys rooms are the first two on the left. They're the same size so don't get fighting!" Mr Davenport pointed his finger at you both and you dragged your bags, along with Leo, upstairs to unpack.


"Let's investigate the house! I bet we can find something new!" Leo jumped up. Being two years older than him, you didn't get as easily excited as him. "I mean, sure." You shrugged and followed him around the house.

After a short time, Leo found a door bell and pressed it, opening up a lift. Both yous curiosity got the better of you and you stepped inside, pressing the the only unmarked button, you and Leo landed in some sort of lab. You both stepped out and instantly hid behind some yellow containers after seeing three teenagers. The short one is cute. You thought while listening to what they were saying. "No. You can't do that, Chase!" The tall guy whined. You remaind as quite as you could but Leo on the other hand was not. He knocked over the yellow barrells in front of you and the three teenagers turned to see you hiding there. Leo ran as fast as he could to the lift and rapidly pressed the button to take him up. You shrugged with a side smile looking at the three then ran into the lift just before it shut.

When you got to the top, the three were already stood there along with Tosha and Mr Davenport. "Explain!" Tosha demanded to me Davenport. While Mr Davenport explained how Adam, Bree and Chase are bionic and they sleep in capsules in the basement, just like you did, Chase kept glancing at you, as did you.
After a few more minutes, Mr Davenport and Tosha talked in the kitchen so that left you kids to get to know each other.
"S-so, I-I'm Ch-Chase..." He stuttered as he spoke to you. "I'm Y-Y/N." You stuttered back at his cuteness.


A few day later, you and Chase were hanging out in the living room watching Y/F/M. Chase has been a stuttering, awkward mess these past days but only with you. He's always interested in getting to know you, everything about you. You are always the centre topic when he's around but you dont like being the centre of attention so you always changed the subject, except this time.
"So, was your room as dark as it is now?" He asked, you both turning your attention to each other. "Err...I-It was..." You didn't know how to answer this question. "Is there something your not telling me, Y/N?" Chase asked, pausing the movie. You jumped a bit. "No!" You answered way to quick and he knew something was there. "What is it?" Chase asked in a soft tone. "I...Errr...I..." Just say it! You thought. "I'm a superhero! There I did it!" You blurted and as soon as you did, you covered your mouth.
Chase looked confused then excited. "One question; how is the human body able to do that?" He asked. You shrugged, not actually knowing yourself. He hugged you like he finally knew everything about you which resulted in something.


"Hey, can we talk?" Chase leaned against your bedroom door frame as you shot a blast out of your hand to a target, your training. "You startled me! What's up?" You turned around to look at him and waved him in. "Wou-would you may-maybe like to errrm go on a-a date with me?" He questioned, rubbing the back of his neck, not meeting your eyes. You were shook. He is cute, he made you laugh and you always felt butterflies in your stomach when he walked into a room you were in to. "Yes. I would love to." You answered. He smiled and hugged you tight as you smiled back. This was the best day of your life.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now