Disolving The Team

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A/N: The team ruin a mission by arguing. You try so hard to convince them to get back together after they dissolve the team. It doesn't work but it gives Chase the time to tell you how he feels.
Word count: 663.
Warning: none.

"Guys! Come on!" You yell to the bionic trio. "No, Y/N! It won't work. We screwed up bad this time... and it won't stop." Chase tells you. "He's right, Y/N. Our team is done. We're always arguing." Bree says, she looks sad but knows she's right. "But you guys are what it's about! You save people that the authority's can't. People need you guys. I need you guys." You try as hard as you can to say something that will convince them but nothing seems to work. "We're sorry, Y/N." Bree hugs you and they leave you with Leo in the lab. "They'll come round soon. Don't worry." Leo tries to comfort you before he follows them upstairs.

You sit in Leo's chair and let out a large sigh as Davenport gets the president on a call. You don't think he knows you're there to be honest, he never does. "Sir, they've dissolved the team and won't think again about it." He tells him. You can't quite hear what the president says in return but you hear Mr Davenport walk past to the elevator. "Oh, Y/N. Didn't see you there. Don't suppose you could do me a favour?" He asks nicely. "You never do." You mumbled then continue; "Sure. What do you need?" "Could you fetch the team?" You nod to his question and stand to leave.

"Guys?!" You call out as you walk round the corner to see them all on the couch. "We don't won't you to try and change your mind again!" Chase says harshly. It hurts a bit. It's obvious that you like him but he doesn't notice. When you're alone with him, you're both incredibly nervous around each other. "Actually, Mr Davenport wants you all in the lab, now!" You turn aggressively and march back down to the lab.

Not long after, everyone else joins you and Davenport in the lab and have a video chat meeting with the president.


It's been about an hour and everyone was in the lab except you and Chase. This was one of those awkward, nervous moments. You had put on a film; 'Naomi's and Ely's no kiss list' and were just peacefully watching it. You could feel Chase glance at you every now and again. This time it was a long time. You grabbed the remote to pause the film and turned to him. "What are you looking at?!" You were a little annoyed at him after earlier. "I-errr-I was just-" Chase was still his nervous self and it was adorable as he scratches the back of his neck. "Whatever, Chase." You turned back to the TV and were about to press play when Chase put his hand on yours to stop you. It sent tingles through your body and you didn't want to him to let go. He didn't. You turned back to him and he was staring at you deeply in the eyes. "What?" You asked plainly, trying not to let it show that you were enjoying his touch. "I-I like you, Y/N..." He trailed off, trying to sound sweet. You stared at him in shock. "Y/N?" Chase said. You snapped out of you thoughts for a moment. "Oh, Chase. I like you too." You confessed. He smiled wide and super happily. Which you returned. He started to lean in and you knew he was going to take your first kiss. He connected his lips to yours for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity. It was sweet yet passionate. When it was over, Chase scooted closer to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you continued to watch the film.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now