Ex-Mission Leader

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A/N: Chase gets very frustrated when he misses a mission and Skylar takes over as mission leader. He takes it out on you, even though you both like each other. He comes to find you after a mission and everything sorted out.
Word count: 636.
Warning: none.

"Well, how you do without me?" Chase questioned you all as you arrived. He sounded like he was expecting it to go bad. "Pretty well actually." Kaz commented which caused a laugh from you, you knowing exactly what Chase's reaction will be. "Hey! No one died?" Chase became serious again. "No." You simply stated as Kaz stepped back in; "One guy twisted his ankel but he walked it off." "Yep. I'm fine know." Oliver cherped as you laughed along with Bree and Skylar.
"I can not believe the mission went fine! You guys need me to take control!" Chase yelled. You looked at him as though you were expecting this reaction yet you were still shocked.

Being Chase's best friend on the team as you two had the most in common, you knew all his antics. And he knew yours. But what neither of you didn't knew was that the other cared for you as deeply as you did them. That's right, you two are in love with each other and you don't know.

Bree and Skylar rolled their eyes and left to changed while leaving you on a room full of boys. Not that you minded as you spent most of your time with them rather than the girls. "Chase, just calm down. Skyler knew what to do. She was a great mission leader." You tried your hardest to comfort him but you thought it was him missing a mission that bothered him. It was actually him not being mission leader that was. "Shut up, Y/N!" He yelled. "I don't need your pathetic pity comfort! You've all replaced me! You replaced me, Y/N! I'm needed on this team! Leave me alone, Y/N!" He continued to yell until he was done as he stood there, storm across his features. You stood there, staring in sadness. He just broke your heart into pieces. How could he think you'd ever replace him? You wouldn't, ever. As you noticed a tear fall down from your eye, slowly as it touched your cheek and fell from your face, you ran to your room.


"Great mission guys!" Chase cheered as you entered the apartment. While everyone else sounded annoyed at Chase, you just became sad once again and left onto the balcony to get air. Chase followed you out. A hand placed on your shoulder; "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He began. You turned and met his eyes as he started. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, I shouldn't have called you pathetic and said you were trying to replace me. I'm so sorry. Y/N, I just didn't know how to take it when I thought I'd lost you but I hadn't lost you and I was stupid. Please, just say you'll take me back?" he finished with his question. You stared at him for a moment, confused as to what he meant by 'take him back'. "I mean- I errr..." Even he couldn't explain himself. You took matters into your own hands and kissed him. Only a peck on the lips but enough to tell him you liked him, a lot. "Y/N, I-" He started. "Chase, I like you, a lot." You confessed, your hands still on his shoulders. "Y/N, I love you!" He followed with his confession then lent down to close the gap, filling you with immense passion and love.
You pulled apart, slightly panting. "I love you too!" You said which followed with cheers from the rest of the gang. "Finally!" Bree exclaimed.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now