Alternate universe

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A/N: You travel with Leo to an alternate universe. Chase is incredibly horrible and Adam is sweet. Will it make you see your boyfriend and Adam differently?

"Leo be carful with that!" You said. "Oh no. This can't be good." Leo said as you before began to get sucked up while screaming for help.


"It didn't take us anywhere?" You asked. "I don't know what happened. But I need the bathroom." Leo said. You followed him to the elevator then upstairs.
Leo smashed a vase in shock at the living room. "Im so sorry mum." Leo apologised. "Don't worry, kiddos. I can afford a thousands of them." Tosha said. "Now you two, no using your bionics at school. I'll see you later sweeties." Tosha kissed us both on the forehead and left. "Wait! Are we siblings?!" You yelled. "How can I be Chase's girlfriend if we're siblings?!" You questioned. "More importantly. We have bionics?!" Leo questioned. He shot a lighting bolt out of his hand and crashed a chandelier. "Leo! Is everything ok?" Big D asked. "Oh Mr Davenport. Thank goodness." You sighed. "We have bionics?!" Leo asked. "Yes. Now go to school and don't tell your mum about this!" Big D said as you both left to school.


"The school is the same." You commented. "Ah, Leo, Y/N. Would you like a cookie?" Peri asked kindly. "What the what?!" You and Leo said at the same time. "School board approved air hug." She said and air hugged. "Here." She said. We took a cookie and she showed us to the cafeteria. "Wow! Those are the lunch ladies?" Leo asked. "Of course you ask that." You mumbled. "Look! There's Adam, Bree and Chase!" You went over to them.

"Hey bestie!" Bree called and hugged you. "Hey babe." Chase said and put his arm around you. "Why you hanging out with this nerd?" Bree asked. "What do you mean? We always hang out together." You asked. "No. Non of us, including you wouldn't be caught dead with him." Chase said. "Excuse me. You don't have to be rude." You told Chase. He looked at you shocked. "What happened to you over night? You used to be just like Brea." Adam commented. "Brea?" You asked. "Your bestie!" 'Brea' yelled. "Oh." You said quietly. "Ill be back." You said and walked with Leo.

"We really are in another universe." You said. "Yeah. I'll try." Leo said. "Guys. Come on, were best friends. We hang out all the time?" Leo tried. "Eh, no! Never!" Brea said. "Come on babe." Chase took your hand and walked away with the rest of them. Leo's bionics went off which caused them go run.


"Y/N! There you are! Did he hurt you?" Adam asked you carefully. "No. Of course not. He wouldn't." You told Adam. "But he's... He's a f-freak." Adam tried not to hurt your feelings. "No he isn't!" You told him. "Ok ok. As long as you're ok?" He asked again. "Yes, I am." You said softer this time. You took this time to talk with Adam. He was actually really sweet and caring. It got you thinking. Why were you with Chase here? And what we're you really like here?


"Leo! We're so glad we found you!" Brea said as her and the boys ran up to us. "We're sorry." Chase said. They hugged him and then Chase moved me towards him, holding my hand tight. "Chase, let go please." You whispered nicely. He was hurting you. "Theres the bionic guy! Get him!" Adam called. "What no!!" You yelled as the guy grabbed Leo. You struggled in Chase's grip. He was a monster here. "Chase! Let go, it hurts!" You yelled. He still wouldn't let go so Adam stepped in. He pulled you away from him as peri created an opening for you Leo.


"The loop took time to reach its full opening." Leo told Big D. "I can tinker that." Big D said. "Well tinker!" Leo yelled as he held the men off as long as possible.


"Oh it's good to be back." You sighed. "Yeah come. Let's make sure we're back." Leo said. You followed him upstairs. "Leo?" You whispered as you stepped out the elevator. He turned around and nodded. You showed the bruise Chase left all around your wrist. "Would Chase do this in this universe?" You asked, scared. "No. Of course not. When we tell them, talk to him." Leo told you, reassured you.


"We did!" Leo protested. You had taken Chase to the side.
"Chase, in this universe we were together but you being the mean jock...You...Errm..." You couldn't get the words to come out. "What? Did the other me do something?" He asked. You lifted your sleeve to show him your wrist. "Oh my god. Y/N, I wouldn't do that, ever!" He told you calmly as he hugged you. "Trust me. I really love you too much to hurt you. I want to stop people from hurting you." He said looking into your eyes. "I love you too." You confessed. You hadn't said the L word before. He kissed you sweetly with all the love in the world.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now