Underwater Island

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A/N: First person POV as you.
You're best friends with Chase but he has loads of feelings for you and you start to think you may have a crush on him too.
Word count: 996.
Warning: None.

I am one of two girls sat around a crescent shaped table facing Chase. I know I've been training longer than the other students but I'm still only on the green level. I guess it's harder for me because I have to train with Chase, Bree and Adam, therefore I have three times the homework to do. Chase may be my best friend but he's acting like a dictator right now and he only gives us one night to complete homework, this is just the first day.
"Hey! Nobody touches my blocks!" Chase tells at Sebastian after he jumbled his blocks. I know where this is going. I sighed and mentally face palmed myself as Sebastian stepped forward. "Oh, I guess I slipped just like this." And he once again repeated his actions. "Oh that's it! You just got detention mister!" Chase yelled once again. Wow Chase, that taught him a lesson even though he doesn't know what detention is! I sighed once again and decided I didn't want any part of this.

I walked into the training area to find Bree. She was teaching her girls round house kicks. I saw Adam talking to a short blonde boy who obviously had super strength given he just lifted 100lbs. "Hey!" Bree gave a small wave as she walked up to me. "Want to train with the girls and I?" She questioned. I went to say sure when Chase came in. "Y/N! You can NOT walk out of class like that!" He yelled down my ear. "You don't have to yell down my ear! And there was no class, just you yelling at Sebastian for nothing. So I came here to do actual work." I told him, placing my hands on my hips. Bree had the same action behind me. "That's not fair! He was messing with my blocks!" He yelled again. Ugh. "Chase, you do not get to yell at me!" I screamed in his face. "Now, leave so I can train with Bree." I said that part nicely. He sighed as I turned around and walked over to Bree's girls. I could still hear Bree talking to Chase with my bionic senses. "Don't yell at my best friend. It's not her fault you can't control your boy control emotions." With that she turned around and came over to us. I saw he sighed again. He went over to Adam but I couldn't hear and decided I'd just concentrate on training.


Not to long later, the whole island shook. We're gonna die! I thought to myself. Wait, I can breathe under water. Haha. Anyway, it shook again and Bree called for Mr Davenport. "If we don't stop it, we're all going under!" She called. "What happened?!" Chase loudly questioned. "Leo punched a wall and must have damaged the frame work now water is coming in." Mr Davenport replied. "What?! Why would you do that?!" Bree yelled. "Well I didn't know this would happen!" Leo defender himself. I sighed again. I've lived with these guys for six months and this never stops. "Stop!! He made a mistake, we all do! Now stop yelling so we can help him fix it!" Spin called across to everyone. "Me and my group have molecular kinesis, we can use that to pull up the island on to its post." Sebastian gave a great idea which I was in for. "So does mine!" Chase yelled at him. Not this again. "We don't have time for your petty argument! Go!" I yelled. I never yelled in front of the bionic trio before. Chase stared at me in shock then ran with his and Sebastian's group to the training room.

At first they kept tipping us around. "Guys! Combine forces! Come on!" I yelled once more. I joined in this time and they all gathered around to pull the island up in unison. "Guys, you did it. Well done!" Mr Davenport told us all. We all cheered and relaxed for the rest of the day.


"So now I'll go make you guys a snack. Seriously, soon I'll be driving to soccer games." Bree said walking off. "Well done! You finally stopped the petty argument that could've killed us all!" I sarcasticly clapped and laughed. They both sighed at me and have me an apologetic look. I rolled my eyes at them. "She's cute. Bree I mean." Sebastian started, I laughed. "That's my sister!" Chase rebelled. "I know. Can you put in a good word?" Sebastian questioned. Chase rolled his eyes and I laughed at them. They could be best friends. I thought.

With that Sebastian left and Chase came over to me. "What can I do you for, Mr McPetty?" I sarcasticly questioned. "Hey! And I saw all of you today with all that yelling. You stood up." He told me. I think I blushed a little, he was getting close. "Well, you were annoying me and I was sick of it." I rolled my eyes as he took another step forward. "Well, I'm glad to have you in my life. You keep me on the right path and thats why-" he cut himself short. I was about to question when he lent a tiny bit down and crashed his lips onto mine. It was only a second when he pulled away. I think I
I have a crush on him. "I'm sorry-" he started. "No. It's ok." I told him, looking into his eyes. This time I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He placed his hands on my hips and kissed back. It was slow but passionate. "I've been waiting so long to do that." He stated, pressing our foreheads together and smiling. I smiled back and we smiled into the next kiss.

[DISCONTINUED] Chase Davenport imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now