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You heard voices in the distance but didn't want to open your eyes right away. Last night was a bit fuzzy but you knew that you were going to definitely be hungover.

"The Auditions!" You sprang forward, eyes widened as you were not in your apartment or any place that you had ever been in before.

"Hey (y/n) easy- take these." Jensen was talking with Jared and Misha before coming to the bed side. Not caring what he gave you, you placed them in your mouth and grabbed the water he was holding.

"T-thank you. Very much for helping me. But I-I got to get going. I have an audition this morning that I can't miss." Jensen got off the side of the bed and you pushed the covers back to reveal yourself in only a t-shirt covering your Bra and Undies as the hem lay on your mid thigh. "Okay, either I went to the bar dressed like this, or one of you changed me-" My eyes widened as I brought my legs around the bed and stood up.

"Don't be mad. But I changed you fast- You vomited it the car and got a lot over you. I just put you in one of my shirts. Your clothes are done now in the laundry if you would like them?" You nodded and Jensen motioned to Jared to go get them.

Jared handed you the small pile and you slowly walked into the bathroom. Turning the lights on,  you splashed water in your face before changing out of Jensen's shirt and back into your party clothes. Opening the door up, they were all staring directly at you which caused you to blush a bit.

"Well, um. Thanks? I feel awful for you having to take care of me like that-" Jensen shook his head.

"Please, it was my pleasure. You are very beautiful. I put my number in your phone, along with Jared's and Misha's. If you need anything, don't hesitate. Please-" Jensen placed his hand on your lower back as he followed you to the door.

"Thank you all again." You smiled at each of them, staring at Jensen just a bit long than the others.

"See you later." Misha winked before you left. Shutting the apartment door, you cocked you head in confusion but wasn't going to let it get to you. You had less than an hour to get changed and to your audition.

Getting a Cab, it took you to your house where Dani was probably worried sick about you. Digging for your keys, you unlocked the front door and saw Dani in he kitchen and she ran towards you.

"(Y/n)! I was worried sick!" She wrapped her arms around you and you graciously accepted the hug.

"Sorry! The guys from last night, Jensen, Jared, and Misha took me to Jensen's apartment and he let me crash for the night." You smiled piling into the house and plopping on the couch.

"Jensen, he's pretty cute, ain't he?" She laughed sitting next to you.

"Yeah. He's so genuine and- wait. I know what you are doing..." You shot off the couch and began to head upstairs.

"(Y/n) I'm only trying to help. It's been over three years. You need someone. You two couldn't keep your eyes off each other last night-" She muttered following me up the stairs.

"Yes I know. Trust me. But I may never even see him again. So just give it up and let's get ready for our auditions." You smiled as she wrapped her arms around you again and you both squeezed tightly.

You both ran upstairs to get ready for your auditions. You changing into something professional yet a little hit of sexiness. The director would like the character to be portrayed as sassy and just like this "Dean" character. We are supposed to fall for each other, so I hope if I get this role who ever plays "Dean" is really attractive.

Pulling up on your right black leather pants, you wore a tight v-neck t-shirt with your leather jacket over top. You slipped on your heels and was ready to go.

Making our ways downstairs, Dani grabbed the keys to the car and your both took off to the studio.

"You ready?" Dani asked you as they sat in the drivers seat paying attention to the road.

"Yeah, I'm excited to actually have an audition in a few years! How about you?" You smiled as you turned your body to face your friend.

"I'm excited as well. Even though I'm not trying out for a big part. Just a small one-" Shrugging with a smile your friend stated back to you.

"Hey, it's still a part!" You cheered as you finally pulled into the studio lot.

"Here we are!"

"Let's go get em'!" You motioned getting out of the car and making your way to the office plaza. Making your way towards the front door, you gently pushed it open and noticed the line of young women standing altogether. Gulping down the nervous in your throat, you glanced back at Dani who placed her hand on your shoulder to guide you to the front desk.

"Hi I'm (y/n) (y/l/n) and this is Daniella LaRose. We are here to audition for the roles of 'Dean's Baby' and a 'Crossroads Demon'."

"Hello! And Welcome! I'll take your papers and you two can have a seat or stand until your name is called. Good luck!" The women kept a smile on her face as you both turned away and found two chair in the back of the room.

Time dragged on, but you expected nothing less from and audition. You and Dani kept sliding down and sliding down seats to get closer and closer towards the door.

You were beginning to get nervous as time was drawing on longer than you expected. Your hands were clammy and your knee wouldn't stop shaking.

"Hey, easy (y/n/n). Stop working yourself up."

"I can't help it. These girls around here and the ones that keep coming out of the room are much more beautiful than me and look so much before for the part. I've been out of the loop of acting for so long they aren't going to want me-" You sank you head into your hands before slowing dragging them through your hair.

"(Y/n), I couldn't think of a badder bitch to play this role. So what you've been out for a while. You have had amazing parts on some pretty famous shows. The directors will notice that. You will get the part I know you will!" Dani wrapped her arms around you and held you tightly.

"Where would I be without you Dani?" You laughed, pulling away so you were face to face.

"In a ditch somewhere-" You both had a brief pause and then laughed your ass off.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Miss (y/l/n), it's your turn now to head back-" The nice desk lady called out to you. You got off the chair and followed the signs that were telling you where to go. Finally reaching the door, you took in a deep breath and pushed it open.

Definitely not expecting to see those faces in here.......

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