Can We Be A Family Again?

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Jensen POV

I told Dani everything as we walked for quite awhile. I didn't want to drift far incase I got a call or something. There was a small courtyard along the side of the Hospital. It was a bit chilly out being late February but nothing we both couldn't handle.

"Yeah, I kinda knew about her and her family. Not good. Except I do think she messages her Dad every now and then. She is definitely a Daddy's girl." We both let out a soft chuckle.

"Wish we talked about her family more but she always changed the subject." We both sighed and then my phone went off.

I pulled it out of my coat and my eyes widend when I read the caller ID. Dani could sense my tension. "Jensen, who is it?"

I pressed answer,"Mrs. (Y/l/n), are you here yet?" My heart sank at what she was telling me. "What? How?" She told me what happend and that they took (Y/n) up to emergency surgery. "Dammit! Okay, I'm coming up now." I slid my phone in my pocket as I began to run towards the hospital entrance. I ran through the doors and pressed the up button in front of the elevators several times.

"Jensen, what's wrong?" Dani was asking me but I kept pressing the up button, not paying any attention to her question. "Jensen-" She grabbed my arm and made me turn towards her. "Jay, what's wrong?"

I let out a worried breath and told Dani what (Y/n)'s mom just told me. An elevator became available and we both leaped onto it.

"Jay, I'm sure (Y/n) is fine. She's a strong girl...." Dani wrapped her arms around me and into a hug.

"I-I know Dani, but we fought last time we spoke. If something were to happen to her-"

"She's gonna be fine, you know that. Now stop working yourself up." Dani let go of me as the doors opened. We rushed towards (Y/n)'s room. I opened the door and noticed a women and a man. My guess was (Y/n)'s mom and brother. They both looked as if they had been crying, but right when I saw him I was so angry.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU'VE HURT HER EVEN MORE!" I yelled at her brother, pointing my finger in his direction. I began to walk towards him and Dani came in front of me before I did anything I was going to regret.

"Woah easy, Jensen, I'm guessing? I didn't mean what I did. I- I have never, ever touched her before and any women for that matter. Please, you gotta believe me man. I'm so sorry." He let out a few sobs and I could see he wasn't lying. He was telling the truth man. "We just got in a huge family argument and I- I just lost control. I feel like shit and I will never forget what I did to (Y/n)."

I let out a few sighs and brushed my hands through my hair. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm not forgiving you for hurting (Y/n). She can decide when she wants to forgive you. But I do want to talk to you two. I want to get to know her family and where she came from. I'm Jensen, Jensen Ackles." I reached out my hands for both of them.

"I'm Karen, (Y/n)'s mom. And this is Matt, her older brother who would never hurt her."

"Well last time you spoke to her it sounded pretty rough. (Y/n) told me everything." I rolled my eyes and sat in a chair next to the door.

"I-I think I'm gonna take off. I see you all need to talk and figure things out. I may stop by later. Jay, just text me." I nodded. "Thanks Dani." She gave me a quick hug before grabbing her things and leaving the room.

Karen, Matt, and I talked about a little of everything. They were very kind actually. They just wanted to forget everything from the past and focus on right now. They all missed (Y/n) and wanted her back. About three hours later, (Y/n) was brought back into the room. She had an oxygen tube under her nose and was very light toned in her skin with a blue and purple bruise on her cheek bone. The doctor said the medications should wear off in a few hours or so.

Your POV

You were waking to faint voices and a beeping noise that was right in you left ear. You let out a small groan as you began to slowly open you eyes. Jensen, Matt, and your Mom were still talking but immediately stopped when they heard you groan.

Your vision was blurry at first but then you felt your right hand be picked up in a soft, calloused hand that you know all too well. Turning your head slowly, Jensen was holding you hand and stroking his thumb over your knuckles.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Jensen asked you and you slightly nodded.

"Yeah. I can hear you babe." You smiled and watched Jensen as a tear fell down his cheek. "Babe, don't cry. I'm alright, I promise." You wiped his tear away and kept you hand around his cheek for a bit. Jensen rested into your hand and closed his eyes.

"I know. But, if anything were to happen to you....I would've never forgiven myself since we ended in a fight. Can we make a promise to never, ever leave each other made at one another?"

You smiled as a tear slipped from your eyes. "Yes babe, we can do that. I love you." Jensen leaned up and kissed you passionately. You were both interrupted by a soft cough. Slowly pulling apart, You both turned to see Matt and your Mom standing there. "Jay, can you go get a doctor and tell them I'm awake and would like a little pain medication?" Jensen turned to you with crazy eyes.

"No, I don't want to leave you. You just woke up baby." He kissed the top of your hand.

"Jensen, please. I'll be fine. Please." He complied. He pushed away from the chair and walked towards the door. Before he left, he turned and mouthed 'I Love You' and you of course said it back.

The door shut and you looked at your brother and mother. Matt had red puffy eyes and was definitely crying. Your mom was the same way and you thought about what happened before and just wanted to push past all of it.

Matt walked forward, "(Y/N), please let me explain-"

You cut him off immediately. "No. No more explaining. No more fighting. I know you would never EVER hit me. I forgive you," You and Matt both had tears streaming down your faces. "I love you guys so much. I am so sorry for being gone for so long. Can we please be a family again?"

Matt didn't even say anything to you. He ran to your side and immediately wrapped his strong arms around you. You gripped onto his shirt as he cooed your cries and rubbed his hand up and down your back. Matt pulled your body off of his and motioned for your Mom to come over to the bed. She was crying as well and Matt wrapped both of you up in his arms.

"We are going to start fresh and forget about the past, alright? For now, we look towards the future and our family. I love you (Y/n) and I never stopped."Matt kissed the top of your head and you squeezed tighter around your bodies.

You were accepted again.

Your family loved you again.

The guilt you had for years was finally gone and a weight lifted from your shoulders.


Less intense this time....

New Update!! Hope you enjoyed it!

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