I'm Here For You, Always and Forever

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3rd Person POV

"I said, (Y/n)'s in the hospital, and she needs us right now." Jared again spoke to Jensen. Jensen snapped from his exhausted phase and sprung into panic. "What happened? I gotta go see her. Jared tell me everything." Jensen jumped to his feet. As Jensen got steady, he was a bit weak in his knees from all of the alcohol he drank. "Woah, easy buddy, you good?" Misha said grabbing Jensen's elbow to give support.

"Y-yeah. Just drank a bit too much. But, please, take me to (Y/n)," Jensen had tears in his eyes again. "I-I know she probably won't want to see me, but I just need to know that she's going to be okay." Jensen said getting his balance all by himself now. "Jay, we will take you to her, because you are in no shape to drive. She wants you man, she's gonna need all of her loved ones helping her through this time. Look, Katharine, Vicki, and Gen are all at the hospital waiting to hear from the doctor and waiting for us. Go, change out of your wet clothing and lets go." "Thank you guys so much." Jensen patted Misha on the back and stowed away to his bedroom, throwing on a pair of jeans and a flannel that (Y/n) had made him keep from the set.

Jensen smiled throwing his jacket on at the thought of (Y/n). He smiled because he loved you. Jensen got out of this room, Jared and Misha stood from the small living space and moved towards the door. The three men were at the hospital in under 10 minutes. Jensen ran ahead of Jared and Misha to get to (Y/n) fast. Jensen got to the elevator and waited for Jared and Misha. Gen had texted Jared and told him to head to floor 4. The three men hopped onto the elevator and rode it to the 4th floor. As the doors opened, they opened straight to the waiting room where Jared, Jensen, and Misha saw Gen and Vicki.

"Honey." Jared said causing Gen's puffy eyes to lift ahead. Gen got out of her chair and walked to her husband, wrapping her arms around him. Misha went to Vicki and cleared her face of her tears and held her tightly. "Jensen." Katharine said behind everyone as she had just walked out of (Y/n)'s room. Jensen turned around and caught Katharine in his arms before they both fell to the floor. "Shh, it's okay Katharine. It's okay. Shh." Jensen rocked Katharine a bit before she regained her composure.

"What happened?" Jensen asked helping Katharine to a seat. Misha took Vicki home to relieve to babysitter. They said they would be back in the am and asked to be kept posted throughout the rest of the night. Gen and Jared told Katharine that they would stay all night as Gen's parents were watching the Kids. "(Y/n) h-had ran to the book store she went to as a kid. "Maggie's nooks and books"," Katharine let out a sad laugh. "Dad and her went there almost everyday it seemed like when she was younger. It's a safe haven for her. The owner and my family are very good friends. Maggie just happened to be at the store tonight. She found (Y/n) in the back, her usual place, crying and freezing cold. They talked for a bit and (Y/n) fell asleep. She called me and told me everything they talked about and that (Y/n) was asleep," Katharine took a deep breath. "When I got to (Y/n), she was in shock. Shaking, breathing rapidly, her pupils were huge and she puked before passing out. I tried to wake her but she didn't budge. We got her to the hospital and the doctors took her back. I just came from her room, she woke up and started screaming and was out of control so they heavily sedated her. She's asleep now and should be for a while." Katharine finished and Gen wrapped her arms around her again.

"Can we go see her?" Jensen asked to Katharine. "Only one at a time. She is in a small recovery room at the moment until they clear out a big room for us all to be in. She's in room 107. I called my mom and brother, they should be here around midnight." Jensen nodded and stood from his seat, kissing Katharine's forehead.

Jensen slowly walked down the hall to (Y/n)'s room. His heart rate was beating fast and knots were forming in his stomach. Reaching the room, the blinds were closed for privacy in the front and Jensen reached out for the door knob. Pushing the door open, Jensen let out a small cry when he saw (Y/n). He hated seeing (Y/n) in hospitals. Jensen closed the door behind him and moved to (Y/n)'s bed.

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